Billion dollar showtime bust

Can anyone tell me why after getting over a billion points in Showtime,(twice!), it won't save it?I have 638,808,150, and twice now the game has not registered my new score.When I check it, it still says 638,808,150!

This happened to me once before on a stunt run, when I finished it, the screen said that I lost this event, and I crushed it.I did it over and had success.

Maybe I'm spending too much time in one area? (I-88) Any Ideas?I won't try this again until I know what I was doing to piss the game off.Too much time invested in 4100 cars, and 112 buses! to be let down.




Dodger455's picture

O.K. , so I lied about not trying showtime again until I figured it out.Well last night I got 902,642,400, but I stopped when I knew I had beaten my other score without going over a billion, also I got off of I-88, and went down to the street to end it.I think if you spend too much time in one place, and not end your showtime where you started it, maybe your score won't be erased.

I am going to try it again tonight.
