Right im not sure if everybody is aware of this but theres a guy over on the forums that runs a weekly Forum Floodlight.....his gamertag is Deadly Cyclone and anyway every week he gets nominated 2 special people to take part in this type of Interview....basically he asks people questions that he has pre prepared and they have to answer them...but no im really excited because over the last few months ive been reading everybody elses interviews and i was like no one would ever nominate me.....but now it has finally happened and i couldnt be first i thought i lost all my chances because as you all know i lost my CUL when i got banned...and the terms for the interviews was that the people who were getting interviewed had to have a CUL level of at least 5 so i consider myself to be quite actually intrigued as to the questions that are going to be put to me because in recent interviews theyve been kind of personal so i guess well see....i am hoping that they will be game related questions so then i can share my passion for Revenge and itll give the game a free plug...well anyways if anyone is interested in reading the interview then it will be published ..... by Deadly Cyclone in, My Xbox and the new forums ...... hope you all enjoy what i have to say.....


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....



ZombieTron's picture


I checked out the forum this morning and the format for the interviews is pretty cool. I haven't been on any other forums over at for a while, I tend to only drop into the Burnout ones now and then, but there is a lot of cool community stuff going on over there.

Let us know when your interview is posted.


PsychedelicBabe's picture

 Ive been told that my interview gets published this evening....{THURSDAY} was fun doing it but i wish the questions were a little bit more game orientated.....anyway i made sure that they all knew what my favourite game was...........ill post the link up here when it gets published so you can all have a read.....but hey zombs i have good news for you......ive nominated you for the next interview......if DC actually chooses you you will get the private message of him on make sure you keep checking your inbox.........



....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


PsychedelicBabe's picture

 Well here it is my interview.... .....




....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....

SUFFUR's picture

Was nice to read, about Xbox forum community, alway getting bigger.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?