Seems somebody likes my stuff........

 OMFG would you ever have thought it somebody actually enjoys reading what ive been doing much so that i have been asked if i would like to participate in writing content pieces for the main XLN site.....i have to say that i am really really excited....ive never really done anything to this extreme....ive done plenty of blogs and tihs but this is different this is going to be on the MAIN PAGE for ALL to see/ getting nervous now because i really dont want to kcuf this up.....tihs im really going to have to stop doing that arent i?........anyway i just felt that i really needed to share this fantastic news with someone and who better to share it with than my friends?....



....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....



kevlar0's picture

You really do write some good stuff psyche (i do read pretty much all of your stuff) and you deserve to be writing articles that reach more people. Good job and keep up the good work   and there are three smilies for you.

my dog ate my disc.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

 thanx kev i really cant tell you how happy im feeling right now i know to alot of people this probably isnt much but for me it feels like im entering a whole new dimension of things....ive learnt so much from my new friends over on XLN and i just wanted that chance.....i usually push for things that i want and i usually end up getting what i want but it gets tiresome.....especially when i dont quite get what i want.....but this is different i didnt go looking for this this fantastic opportunity came to me....which makes me feel even better and more confident about doing it.....and im also glad that you read and enjoy my stuff lets just hope the NATION does.....i mean its ok posting in here and on but to do a MAIN going to give it all i can and try and please the gaming community ........ ooooh i hope there ready for the Psyche ...... im going to be like the Sister Daily Star....lololol..... and you can guarantee ALL MY STORIES will be RED HOT OF THE PRESS.....

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


ZombieTron's picture

Congratulations Psyche!

I Totally agree with Kev! 

XLN is a cool site, I will get it added to our Xbox Community links page today....

You know you will be Front Page News here too, just send us that Revenge Article when it gets done in a PM and I'm sure it will be on the front page for a while.  (as long as it's good.. )

PsychedelicBabe's picture


 Yeah maybe i should re write my article.....the thing is though it wasnt just my article and the one i did originally i maybe ill come up with another idea for my own article and ill PM you with it as soon as ive done it......i havent got nothing to do untill Tuesday now so it makes sense i suppose....and as for being good.....ill leave that up to your fine judgement....


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


SUFFUR's picture

Why yes I am, lol.

Well done lass, it always great for people to do well, any hints you can give me, lol?

Oh and my butcher speak idea is patented, lol, so give me credit if you use it, lol.

And good luck, watch for your dead lines and have fun with whinners, but then they can't be as bad as Revenge players vs Paradsie ones and you deal with them almost every day, lol.

Anyway the F1 is about to start and I asked my Dad to wave, he's near the Pits somewhere, so I can have a laugh!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

PsychedelicBabe's picture

....i have a feeling that ill be using it quite often so yeah ill credit you...........although i am really going to have to refrain from doing it.....doesnt look very professional does it.....and as for the whiners lolol maybe thats why they chose me because they know i can handle them?........

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


Jinno Angelo's picture

I read your Floodlight answers,  that was quite interesting too as you mentioned Revenge like 5 time or 6 times during the course of the interview. LOL. By the way, what it XLN? I honestly dont know what that is.. and you will be a writer for that site? You should do a great job, then if they like it make a contract/ pay with them about you writing articles for the site.


"Take the light, undarken everything around me." "Call the clouds and listen closely I'm lost without you." "Call your name every day when I feel so helpless." "I've fallen down but I'll rise above this, rise above this."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

.....Well XLN is an excellent site it covers absolutely everything that you could think possible about your xbox your games and most of all your community.....some of the features are amazing they have a live portal and they have twitter and omfg i could go on and on and on but i figured for the best way for you see what the fuss is about is to actually go and visit the site HERE for just waiting on StonyArc to finish of my account then its all systems go.....all my hard work will go on the main page for all to see..........oh and as for revenge yeah i make sure that everyone knows my love and passion for the fact i love the game that much i wish that you could have a random CPU that you could race with for them times when no one is online?.....that would be cool....


 ....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....

Gooner Rhyle's picture

...sure you'll do brilliantly.