Burnoutaholic Suggestions!

I think Burnoutaholics is a great spot to just post and do some stuff in. Obviously its still a growing website aim strictly at Burnout which is a good thing because the site focuses on a certain topic and not so much the confusion that other sites may bring out due to 10+ racing games being covered. I think this site has the potential to grow, but it may also have the potential to end because its just focusing on one game as well.

So what if they dont create another Burnout? Will this site be done for? Have you all thought about ideas of incorporating other games into this site to bring out more members? Im just wondering if the members who come here have any suggestions that could possibly add more features to the site? Does Xandu even have time to do these? LOL..



PsychedelicBabe's picture

i think that this site should stay burnout orientated......i think bringing another game into it would kill the feel that the site has surrounding it....I love it in here and i know i can relate to every thread/post that gets posted i even feel i can relate to the Paradise threads even though i dont play the game......and besides i dont personally think this site is just about burnout its about our community.......yes OUR COMMUNITY the BURNOUT COMMUNITY..... everyone thats a member in here has the same passion....and thats what has been used to create such a great community......i wouldnt want to be sitting here commenting on burnout when some dude who plays COD4 or something similar comes in not knowing that im talking about burnout and creating an atmosphere.....because that would happen.....me personally i dont think its a good idea.....and who says theres not going to be any more burnout games?......who knows what the future holds......

...The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


Aaboe's picture

well, there's talk about a scheduled Burnout Next aka Burnout 6 coming next year... nothing specific released about it yet, though.


PsychedelicBabe's picture

 i most certainly hope so.......i think ill have to go investigating on that matter later and keep my eyes and ears wide open for the slightest tinge of information............see nito we dont need to branch out.....burnouts here to stay.....


...The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....



Xandu's picture

We certainly have been thinking about expanding the site. But so far no decision has been made. It’s very interesting to hear what our members views are on this.

We are also regularly being approached by large “gaming portals” that wants to “incorporate” us into their community. So far both I and ZombieTron are not very keen on this idea unless it truly improves the site. We don’t really want 1/3 of each page filled with adverts… unless it pays VERY well which in turn would give us the opportunity to run more contests, tournaments and stuff with real prizes!

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

PsychedelicBabe's picture

 i see where your coming from about the adverts.....and as for them paying well enough for us to hold more contests/tournaments etc etc.....i dont get that? why do we need money to hold these tournaments?.....why do we need pizes?......id be quite happy organizing events free and so would alot more of us.....and the prizes what better prize could a burnoutaholic ask for except accreditation on the site.......i think its a bit of a crazy idea myself burnoutaholics is what it is today purely by being what it is and what its about.....its a site for a community of racers who share the passion that only burnout can succumb.....every other game has its own website and they dont let other parties in.....i couldnt imagine the craziness in here......well i vote for the site to remain as perfect as it is....

...The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


ZombieTron's picture


I really want to keep the site Ad Free which also means staying relatively small.

It will always be about Burnout first, although other games may come along which make it to our menu system and front page, this will only happen if the games in question are Burnout successors, and are played by most BurnoutAholics.

I don't think the franchise will stop altogether, even if Criterion Games never make another Burnout, I'm sure EA will find a way to keep it going.

Psyche is right in a way, this site is more about the community that play Burnout then the game itself, I think of it as a social networking site for Burners, and the blogs and comments of today kinda proves that!

If you lot posted some of the stuff you posted here today on the Xbox.com forums, you would have been locked, moderated and possibly banned. But here you only manage to embarass me slightly. (although I will go into moderator mode if I get any PM complaints!!)

I think this site is more open to the Burnout Community then any of the other Burnout sites, as alot of the other forums are quite unwelcoming to new users.

Here as long as you  Burnout, you are pretty much free to say what you like, it's definitely not ALL about Burnout, but Burnout is where it starts.

Xandu's picture

I'm not saying that money would make a difference for tournaments. All we need for that is someone that is willing to give up some of their time to run it.

As for prizes I hope that we will be able to get some more Limited Edtion BurnoutAholics t-shirts made soon. Our last batch of t-shirts were very popular and are spread across the world now...

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

PsychedelicBabe's picture

 i would love to own a burnoutaholics t-shirt especially if it had my gamertag on the back......that would be awesome.......and as for having time on there hands just how much time are we talking here?.....and would the ideal person have to organise events for both games or just 1?......im kind of interested and im not as i dont want to commit to something that could amount to nothing?.....

...The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


kevlar0's picture

5 years i've been after a t-shirt. and will they give me one?? will they bollocks.

If any community should be added here it ought to the rainbow one,  i have always compared rainbow to burnout. For me prolly the best two series to hit our screens on xbox live. The players are pretty cool and the majority are old school gamers, like what we is, lol.

SUFFER likes sailors, a lot.

PS it pool night and i like a drink. an no eggbox/,

ichienkai's picture

Was Extremely Disappointing this Evening - so I warm her up in the hope she'll taste better used and nah she's as bland as a bland thing: is hovercraft Pink Floyd related, as Rick is silent now?! Damn I just ate Sausage Pizza on Instinct alone - that's friggin' Weird man

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

jwillisjr's picture

Thank you for being concerned about this site.

I like this website because it's purpose is a dedicated site to a gaming series and give you news about a few other games as well (so that we we won't be too closed minded and oblivious to other games).

Better marketing strategies may be needed to create maybe more competition and team work among us or whatever, and a bit more.  Contribution on all of our parts will help this site grow, the creators can only do so much. I would like this site to grow tuned into Burnout.  Hopefully if the PC version has a world editor, we can create levels or maps and share them with each other and more.

I'm sure the creators have a better explanation on why and if they want to keep it Burnout oriented for the most part.

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA

kevlar0's picture

Or was it Bulgarian? Monty python anyhoo, its a good skit, watch it if you can.

As my old mum used to say to me "take your fingers outta that electric socket kevlar the meter has nearly run out" (she didn't actually call me kevlar she shortened it to kev when i was a good boy)

On the subject of suggestions, what about getting the forums a bit more busy, there tucked away in the corner, i know the idea is to keep the riff raff out, (making it two clicks away, keeps the idiots away, words from the wise sage STUFFER). hows about having a NEW next to it on the home page whenever some new stuff is posted?, cause i gotta admit i do tend to forget about it sometimes.  Or we could all dance naked round a huge fire sacrificing chickens, goats and virgins in Margate town center.



my dog ate my disc.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

 ive tried to liven the forums up but alas no joy.....it seems no one is onhere long enough to comment in there.... i even tried to start a flame war but that didnt work?..........but i think your idea is kind of cool kev.....i would certainly use the feature....and if it makes more people post in there then im up for it even more...


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


ZombieTron's picture

Our Forums were only introduced due to pressure from our members, the Creator and I  never really wanted this site to be about the forum. There are (almost literally) a million Burnout forum sites, and we always wanted to stand out from the crowd.

You only need to click on the Forum link to see how recent the last post is. Maybe we could think about adding a Recent Forum Posts list under the FAQ's?? hmmm dunno if that's possible, and final approval will need to come from Xandu, we will keep you posted!

oO EezO Oo's picture

Fix it till it is?

I don't know if lots of new features and functions would really be a good thing.  I've watched some of them be implemented at users requests, heard the creators reasonings for why they were reluctant to add the features in the first place, and then they add them in for the users and it winds up taking away from the overall experience on the site. 

Forums were added, but like it was stated before, there are a million Burnout forums on other sites.  I liked coming to BurnoutAholics because the content was more of a blog format, and whatever was put on the site, the author took more time to create something that was worth reading, and had some good thoughts and ideas in it.  Usually people only posted something if it was really worth reading, instead of an extended forum.  I suppose the forums are good for that since there is a place for forum type posts and keep them away from the Blog section, but not many people get over to the forum section.  Usually if someone wants to post something they want everyone to see it, and its more likely to be seen in the blog sections.  Thats not directed at any posts in particular, god knows I love a good forum rant throw down, just my view of how the BurnoutAholics blog format for the most part makes it stand out from other sites.  I'd say make the forums more accessible from the main page or dump em all together.

Another feature that was added was the community user level Addiction Meter.  When it was announced the Creators even mentioned why they didn't originally want it on the site because of the incentive it creates for people to post for the sake of posting, but they did it anyways at the users request.  Which caused a lot more posts and blogs but the quality of posts just went in the toilet.  People were blogging just for the sake of getting their points up, blogging about points etc. (actually, I think I'm guilty of that one tho) 

Regardless, what I'm saying is, alot of thought needs to go into what affect new features are going to have on the site and I think Xandu and Zombie have been spot on with alot of them, even predicting that some were going to have a negative impact but implementing them at our request.  If it aint broke, don't fix it.  I'm sure if they come across something that people would like on the site they wouldn't hesitate for a second to implement it, as long as it works for the site.

I'm glad to hear that they are shying away from being portaled into other websites and sticking a ton of advertisements on here.  I like keeping BurnoutAholics.com a Burners website.  If there is anything we could do to improve the site, there is the little 'DONATE' button on the left hand side of the page.  Have faith in the creators and help them keep this site free of subscriptions and free of advertisements.  

In a nutshell, there might be some things that we want on the site, and I'm sure Xan and Zombs would put em in if they could, but not all add ons are improvements. 

-end rant-   :-)

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!