User List...Pictures...

I have been going through the user list and most of you people have not even got an identity, so could we have some pictures up please, or at least an avatar, Xan might award extra points. You know you want too. Go on i dare you... and if your really ugly... we'll at least have the oppurtunity to tell you?


ZombieTron's picture

I couldn't agree more, all BurnoutAholics should upload their own photo or Avatar that represents them. They should also fill in the profile so we get an idea of who they are. Whether or not addiction points will be awarded for this tho.. hmm will have to talk to Xan about that, not sure if its possible. It will be much nicer to see members photo's instead of all  those Burnout B's, so get uploading everybody!

BootlegGiant's picture

I tried to get my Avatar as that is what I use on everything, but your site will not allow bitmap so I guess I could get a photo of myself up there maybe at the weekend, if I can be botherd (god I am so tired) I have filled in the little questionair I did that ages ago..



The Drugs dont work!! ----English is my second language, feal free to flame me----

Xandu's picture

There will be no addiction points for filling in all the blanks in your profiles.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

hn6's picture

Hey Bootleg, if you take your bitmap into MS Paint you can 'save as' .jpg -  then it will let you post it on the site.

Xandu's picture

Please note that this will only work on Windows XP or later.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

BootlegGiant's picture

gee thanks hn6 now I get my smiley face, maybe that will keep suffur happy for a bit and buy me some time lol



The Drugs dont work!! ----English is my second language, feal free to flame me----

SUFFUR's picture

 Enough said.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?