The Infamous Comeback Method

I was talking to GBR Revenge 360 aka Kenny Meyer and we were discussing how sometimes people leave the game because something else has caught their attention so now they devote a lot of time to it. Take another game for example or another hobby. Obviously people change and they do discover other things that interests them. So, they leave Burnout. But after a couple of weeks they come back and start playing again. Its after this time, that people start noticing whether theyve improved or not.

Me personally, everytime I leave and comback, I seem to notice that my speeds get quicker. Its as if I needed to take a break from the game cause I just got saturated with it that the lines become so routine that you dont really get the chance to discover what your doing right or wrong. Either that or you just needed to let you head and reflexes recover and adjust that when you come back they seem to be twice as good..

Does anyone know what Im talking about?  


SUFFUR's picture

That sense of speed is just an illusion, as you are playing something else that is just is not that fast. Revenge is fast and very good at giving an illusion of speed with motion blur etc, but because the muscle memory has changed due to discontinoued play and playing something else, you sort of have to start again.

You still run familiar routes and jumps, but now you make some simple mistakes which can sometimes be a better route to take, or you are following someone else and they have taken you somewhere else that you have not done well before, but seems to work now or open up an new possibility to go faster.

Also since you still know how to play the game, very similar to 'riding a bike, you don't really forget' you go fast because you are use to it, but sometimes you are chasing someone, that has not stopped playing, and you use tailgateing  boost to over take, and gives you a feeling that are really going for it.

You can be rusty for a couple of races but after that your back in the saddle, and loving it until you realize that it's the same old tracks and an hour or so later, you want to find something else to play, well thats was me anyway.

But it is aways good to go back once in a while.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Jinno Angelo's picture

But that doesnt account for the fact that after I come back everytime I break old lap records... Why just two weeks ago Ive set new lap times in CRLF, MCLF, MCSF, LPR...

So its something else.......


"Take the light, undarken everything around me." "Call the clouds and listen closely I'm lost without you." "Call your name every day when I feel so helpless." "I've fallen down but I'll rise above this, rise above this."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

FrozenVapor's picture

I experience the exact opposite effect. After not playing for a few weeks and coming back (like what happened to me this past month after moving into college), I race like total shit. I can still do the drift jumps, but I miss a lot of jumps, hit a lot of walls, and crash into a lot of traffic. Then I get pissed and stop playing again.


Any chance of another tournament Nito, or is the game too old for that?

Jinno Angelo's picture

Hey Vapor, are you all settled down now so that another tourney could be hosted with You, Dogg, and GT in the rooms? Cause its probably time to get another tourney going again soon... real soon.... this time there will be people playing....


And yes, I will always post results whether you did good or bad.....


I think that for next time, I will not post the Tournament details in the xbox forums. I think I will much rather post it here because it seems that it will be a better spot to get people motivated, plus it will be open to burnoutaholics members... maybe that will be a great idea... a burnoutaholic only revenge tournament...


"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor!..... My Bullet Punishes All, Without Distinction!!"

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

 i understand totally ...... when i had my own xbox i was playing burnout constantly and i felt like i had reached a point where i couldnt get no further no matter how hard i pushed myself ...... i think a break does you the world of good especially if you have switched to another racing game that doesnt boast the qualities that revenge brings you .... i myself lately have been battering Forza2 ive been doing this for umpteen reasons and everyone of them is burnout you all know i race on revenge with my D-Pad and i figured that because i cant progress in revenge any more then im obviously doing something wrong and im quickly learning that my main problem is this D-Pad business so playing Forza2 is infact helping me switch to using the stick....the second aspect is speed i figured to really understand the aspect of speed you need to play a racing game that starts you of in the slowest car and works you up to the fastest car, that helped me learn the aspect of speed and how to handle the speed once i had created it....the next reason makes me realize just how fast and furious revenge can actually be because once you switch from racing of Forza2 in your Enzo Ferrari to racing on revenge in your revenge racer you realise that you are going faster and your taking corners more eratically than usual and your pushing for the biggest boost jump and highest harrier.....and you fall in love with the game again....i suppose its the same with every game you play if you take 2 games of the same genre and you play them both constantly you will see yourself excel in different places.....i understand too where Vapours coming from in a way but i expect it to be different by someone who races to the standard that vapour does because if your one of the best at something then you take time out for a certain length of time then obviously your going to be really rusty and it will infuriate you but before getting too pissed of at yourself for not racing to the standard you normally do persevere with will come back sounds to me like vapours fell out of love with revenge... i guess it is like riding a bike you dont seem to forget..... and this tournament idea do you think just posting it in here will attract enough racers to compete?.....we discussed this in another thread didnt we? up for it though it sounds like a really good idea but what about the great racers that arent burnoutaholics?.....


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


FrozenVapor's picture

I'm down for a tournament, but I'd like to have a few weeks to prepare first. After being away for 2 weeks I can only imagine that I'm going to suck at Revenge... and with less time to play Burnout altogether it might take a while to get back into things.

But I'll be there!

FrozenVapor's picture

Yeah, I'm not sure whether making it BurnoutAholics only would be the best idea. Advertise it on here for sure, make BurnoutAholics the primary way to join and participate in the tourney, but give other fast racers who (for some unknown reason) don't come to this site a chance to join too.



Or who knows, maybe it'll work if you recruit all the fast racers to become BurnoutAholics. :-P

Jinno Angelo's picture

Is to place it on Burnoutaholics but make it avail for everyone...that way the ydont have to be a member but they get a chance to explore this site and decide if they want to join in or not..


"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor!..... My Bullet Punishes All, Without Distinction!!"

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Rofer's picture

I really don't know because i come back to it every day because there is always a point in the day that you feel like burning. So yeah mabey if i stopped for a few days then i might do  bit better. Like nito was saying it is starting to feel really routine because it is the same cars in the same places every time and the same tracks. So yeah i think i might try to go like a week without it se how crazy i get.