Heros series 2

Behind the crowd on the floor, the gang on stage!


The crowd up top, the gang still to arrive, to the right of the picture out of shot.


Some advertising, after the show, and the cast have escaped, lol, though they probably thought it was not so funny.

Well what can i say, i was close enough to slap the lot of them. Hiro, the space time controling character, has the biggest fan base, i have ever seen, the people, here especially the girls, (an probably some boys) went nuts when this guy arrived, loads with signs saying they wanted to marry the poor fellow. There was a good 30,000 people in this shopping mall, called Vivo City, which is down on the harbour front, yes where more people know Zombies name, lol. The place is opposite Sentosa Island, also known as Black Death Island, in days of the past and a basstillion for the British army, with big guns facing the sea to see off the Japanese, during WWII, but those willy Japs, came from the land side of Singapore, via the cause way, hence they took Singapore, with only same short, heavy fighting. I use to play there when i was a kid, playing water fights, with ballons and pistols. Now its a tourist trap, and you have to pay to see the fort, very sad. The beaches were great, and one female life guard caught my eye. Another cool thing was they had a street luge track up there that you had to ride an open cable car, seat thing to get to its start point. I have never done it before, except on a skate board when i was a kid. But with helmet on and my trusty ruck sag, i gave it ago, and i must say it was awsome. I went down there so fast, hugging corners and over taking kids, kids and parents(they can ride together) and lost ones alike, 'til i was told to stop, at the near end and i did, on a dime. If i had another go i would have broken world records i'm sure. The best fun, since  i played Burnout 3 'Takedown' online, yes it was that cool.

Anyway the 'Hero' stuff, since i got your attention, what a day they arrive an hour late, the crowd are polite but restless. They had some local presenters, hosting on stage, one of them was really hot (i mean sexy), and took some pictures of her a few times. Any way, i have video on my phone and since i'll over 6 foot tall, i got some really good footage, though it is on a moble phone so its not awsome. I got them arriving and leaving, twice for the leaving as crowd control was rubbish. By the time they got 100 yards i had walked 200 around the building to capture them again? I was very close when they left to the point i really could have slapped them all, Hiro and the psyco lass are quite short while mind reader and the junior doc were tall, though greggy(MR) was almost as tall as me. I could not get any autographs as it was just manic with the other fans in the way. And i don't think they got any either, only the lucky ones that go to go on stage, bastards.  When they arrived i was at the side of the stage so i captured them on the camera phone as they got on stage, then, i went round the front, behind a LCD screen, that no-one else could see over, but me, so i took some photos and some more video and moved around to the front as the presentation moved on. Greggy and Hiro, did a awsome rap that went with Heros and Singapore, and Greg said he was going to give Singapore a mention on the next series, which will be quite funny, like i was reading your mind and you are thinking of Singapore lol or something, we'll have to wait and see. Anyway the crowd, seemed to get louder, and they said some nice things about the fans, then an explosion of confetti went off that made a lot of people jump, including pyco girl(splitt personallity girl should be better, but i'll stick with what i started with), then they went off stage, to the side, so i moved clockwise back to my last postion to get some more video and ended up first in line as it were to get some more fooatge, but they only had 8 or so security there and the crowd, crowded in to get another glimse of thier "heros", then it stared into a pushing match, not bad, but bad for Singaporeans(Like people slowly moving away from a bad fart). Though they were school kids, and Hiro was their focus. So i got some more close-up footage, then thought it was bit mad so i pushed my way out of the crowd to walk around to see if i could get some photos of them leaving the building. So i walked around and when i got to the other side the crowd was surging toward me, in front of the TV stars, so i pulled back and put a colum (building support), in front of me  and the crowd and the security came by, and with them the stars, so close in fact that it was probably my best fooatge of harrased stars to boot, psyco girl looked up set and they were all linked arm in arm with the security, with Hiro and doc up front. And from the way the crowd were talking the girl was the focus, some of the school girs were going nuts about her hair, how she looked and most of the security were covering her now, with Greg as back up. I think the girls were touching her hair, and body and i know that would bother me, so she must have being going nuts. Anyway i got footage of them and the crowd, hunting them down as they left, i made my way to the front of the building to see it could see the car pull away to the main road, by the time i got there they must have gone, but with a crowd of 'fans' running down the road trying to catch up, like a comet with it spluttering tail. Dam, i want to be good at something that i get followers, but that was very OTT. In any other country, security would have been a lot better, and less hassel all round. But the show did draw a huge crowd. I have shot of them (the crowd), on balconeys and all round the stage to and from, where they(the TV stars) alighted their first transport there. You know the crowd were that loud, i did not even hear what they were talking about, wiether they talked about up and coming events in the new series, other than a Singapore mention.

Anyway back to Sentosa, at the Cafe del' Mar, thats on the beach, the Sony Style Show was shooting for some more footage for the show in the future, and i saw the main Presenter, who is very pretty, i gave a little wave and moved on, i wanted to get a tan and swim in the sea, but in the flesh she was nice, as was those Hero stars, they did look like their show characters, it was very odd, you would have though a different hair style or somehting?

Anyway i had a beach on an island all to myself and even sent drunk a picture to prove it, poor fellow off to work in the morning and he gets a picture of sun, sand and sea hehe, i'm not nice sometimes,. I also had a chat with a camera man who was shooting HI5 the kids program (on TV here and in the UK, and probably the rest of the world), that were doing a show on the island for a meet and greet for the kiddies on the Island, and managed to get a phone number of someone here who sells professional HD broadcast cameras here, and meeting with him on monday to see what he has to offer. I also met a guy in a bar that my dad and me go to at the end of the day, and he owns a 1/3 share of an 8 billion dollar company, selling Super Conductors, and he knows someone who works at ESPN, and hes trying to set up a meeting for me as well. So its go, go go for me here and i'm on holiday lol.


Anyhew, Sinapore gets the second season of Heros in January and since the UK, BBC 2 have bought the first rights we in the UK must get it way before that, so i'm looking forward to finding out that, no-one did die in the last show, as big brother would have flowen away before the explosion and little bro has just got to find his bits to come back to life, lol. And Synder is in the drains and sewers awainting to kill them all, though he has probably shape changed into big bro, until big bro shows up. If i'm right, you all owe me a drink lol, if i'm not if you can find me i'll buy you one lol.

Anyway wrote alot of rubbish and i can't get the picture and videos done till i get back but i will sort it out when i'm back, sometime next week or so, or so or so lol.


SUFFUR's picture

As some of you know, i have dyslexia, so when i type fast i do make mistakes, i'm sorry if some of the stuff i write does not make sence and i will correct it over time, i have re-read my Heros 2 article and there are some mistakes, but i know Zombie wanted to read it so i'll correct it later. Yes as i write i do correct stuff, but the cyber cafe i am in is just as noisy as the crowd at the Heros gig so i do have some distractions lol. Anyway please forgive mine ways and enjoy the blog from a FAR(east). Till next time Suffur is loging out, i think i too need a ciggy break lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

Xandu and I saw an older version of Hiro Nakamura in a London restaurant in the spring, he must of been travelling back in time for a rest from saving the world! or maybe he just wanted a break from being mobbed!  It really did look like him!

SUFFUR's picture

I would have been standing next to him as i taught him all he knows, you'll see, or it could have been that bloke from the Halifax ads lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

Sweet pics of the Heroes Tour! How cool is that? Look at those crowds! I want the big back drop thingy! I wonder where that is now?