Learning to Drive - Update Pt 4

For those of you who don't know, I am learning to drive, you can read my previous blogs on the subject here:

Learning to Drive

Learning to Drive - Update

The Theory Test

My driving instructor thinks I am getting closer to test, so much so that he is going to arrange for me to do a mock test when I get back from holiday.

I am definitely getting more confidence with driving, I even drove all the way to SUFFUR's on the weekend, which is a good hours drive. I know I do an hour a week in my lesson, but going to SUFFUR's was a complete new route for me, with lots of fast roads and roundabouts, and I almost did the whole drive without incident. It was only parking which was a bit of a problem, I went in a little hot and hit the curb quite hard, causing slight damage to my front tyre... but other then that it was really good, and I'm nearly ready for the test.. so WATCH OUT!!!   


drunknnumpty's picture

by the time your ready for the practical I should be in Canada so I'm safe..

well done Zom on the trip to Suf's he did mention it and was thinking of coming down but you know how it is when your young and in lust..


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...