The Name!

             Ok every one in the burnout Communety has been a great help with this project. On last thing i wanted to know is What kind of a name would you guys give this movie??! Write something down and post it something that sounds like burnout. only reason im asking is because i dont wan to call the movie just "Burnout". The name i would like to use is "Contemporary Voilence" what do you guys think?


oO EezO Oo's picture

i dunno why, or maybe some variation of that or maybe it can be the name of a band - omg need sleeps

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


Gooner Rhyle's picture

I'm sure Hollywood would eat up something 'Taken Down 2 Da Streeeetz'. but me...I'd go for something along the lines of 'Tuned: High Impact Road Rage'.

I know it's weak but it's the only name I could come up with that doesn't sound like a porno.

Xedec's picture

haha i like that tuned one thats good! I really like it come to think of it haha great stuff!


(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

SUFFUR's picture

I can't give it a title, so where is that message again? About your Burnout Story?


'Wheels on the Bus, go round and.... ho tihs...biths ofth sme hathve come off sme...' as the road sweaper picks up my teeth, and brushes away the blood.

Road Sweaper.


Skid Marks in the Sun.

(Sound like Rock Bands, lol.)

Hot Wired and Spinning Away.

My Mum, drifts better than you?

Sit and spin, no... the car you idiot?

Do I really have to kiss you now I have taken you down?

Chase Me!

Smash, crash, wallop, what a picture!

(Some of the mottos we have had, would work, even Zombie's one, if it was Valentines day!)

No your other Right or No your other Left.

Stop taking me down.... or I'll Boot ya!

Drift in the pale moonlite!

I could do this all day, no not a title, though it could be for BO3. But once I have read your shooting script Sonic, you can have these for a credit! Give you more till then.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Edit: Drift with one eye open...

Switch Back Mountain, Drift Back Mountain, Gnikcuf White Mountain again, Snail Trails, Follow Through or is it Follow-through, Duck, Goose, whatever, just get frack out the way, I'm flying, here! White Mountain Remorse!

sorry see 2 seconds and I update, I will go to bed now, maybe...

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Xedec's picture

Hey SUFFUR im almost done just editing some parts and placing cameras no the map. ill send it to you tomorrow after noon or tonight when ever i get it finished. it is a good 2 pages long but i still don't have any lines for any one yet im not good at that yet. but you will see what im talking about soon! getting back to work now...


(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

amhickam's picture

  I agree that "TUNED" would be awesome.  I personally am not awesome enough or inventive enough to come up with something.

bubby flay's picture

Burned Out In Paradise