Stuntrun x15 (make that x16) multiplier single jump

I made a video for you to see what is possible with a bit of flatspin during a stuntrun.

I don't know of a higher multiplier being achieved so far, but a x16 is possible

The same day I post this, I topped that.

Have a look at this video.


ZombieTron's picture

That's what I call a flat spin!! I still struggle to pull a 360!!! How big was that????

Awesome Vid dude!

Longy AUS's picture

 Yeah, that wasn't that brilliant, it was only a 2186 

The x16 one is a bit more respectable @ 2310 

I was thinking the next level was going to be 2340, so now I don't know how the game works out the flatspin multiplier.

Rofer's picture


ZombieTron's picture

Why don't you write a blog review of MCLA so we know what you are talking about?

Longy AUS's picture

 I can't stand rotating maps, and what is with the "elastic band AI" racing - so lesser racers can catch up to better ones.

I'll probably rent the game to check it out, but nothing about it makes me go and buy it straight away.

In the meantime nothing compares to paradise.

Rofer's picture

i don't exactly have that kind of patience to do that when i could spend my time playing midnight club instead. Honestly just buy the game so you know what i'm talking about and if you don't like it then well your wrong.

edit that first part was a reply to zombie tron

Longy AUS's picture

 Well I hired Midnight Club LA out to check it out. Looks a very involved game.

Won a couple of races before the game froze. Then it kept freezing when I'd be halfway through a race.

Have now sent my console off to get repaired as there is something wrong with it

Anyway as for the game itself, I can't play it, it literally makes me sick. The amount of roll the game has when you turn makes me motion sick, can only play it for 5 minutes at a time.

Looks like I'll have to wait for NFS, as an alternative to my burnout addiction.


SUFFUR's picture

There  are 5 types of view you can chose, not that I have the game in from of me, but standaard is 'cinematic', there is classic, standard and 2 others, as well as in car view.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Longy AUS's picture

I tried all the different views, one was better than the rest.

Probably later in the game with better cars that don't have as much body roll, might not be so bad.