So what are you doing right now?

......ok i thought that every time you sign in to Burnoutaholics you could phase yourselves to post in here with what it is your doing right now?.....or anything interesting that you possibly could have done during that day.... the aim of this thread is to get more people have fun and please keep it clean.....

BTT. Ill start:   at the minute i am trying to achieve my level 30 on Forza2 im currently on 29 so hopefully not long now.....




....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....



PsychedelicBabe's picture

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....

lol dont you mean Christina Aguilera......lmao......i actually think im going to change my av everyday....might make it seem more interesting?.....anyway back to topic: im wondering if xandu uses yt type in here?......might give it go...

PsychedelicBabe's picture

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....

[yt]r275aPnt5s8[/yt].....lets just see out of curiosity if this works..... edit: no it doesnt never mind..

SUFFUR's picture

...and still trying to write, I forgot to eat too, and met The real Silver Fox, sorry Daylight2night, but your relative is the lowest metal fox, tin?is it, copper, brass whatever? And makes city surfer  look like an amature,lol. This man is a god compared to him and all men. I will not go into details, but if your a man chasing tail, he has the fox, the hound and his owner, the farmstead and the rest of the world to boot. I am not that way inclined but still bow to a master, that makes the cake, sells it and eats it, and shares it and still takes his fill of another cake baked by everyone else, I bowed to him, and all men are children compared, lol.

So got a takeaway, to sort out the over alcohol, problem, but down to my last $50, well less now because of the takeaway, lol, but as I sit to await my food, met and had a good talk with one of the bar ladies, and may have a movie date too, so it seems to be a good day, and I still got X08, this weekend, and HK next week, on the Visa card, I hope, and find some way to sort out getting some spending money, I have some £ somewhere, but only a little.

Anyway, since I am dessip, and trying to eat a beef wrap, I will stop, but I am happy whatever, my day brings, to wasted to care at the mo, bye. Kev's Mother was a Hamster and his Father is a, skollob, sponge trifle, I could not spell the real words, see really gone 'ere, and at least an hour to try and write this parc, though Mrs. T say he is a unchocholated hobnob, Kev not his Dad, lol, cheese maker with out the cow, oh, that is low, but hey, I bigger than him, he would have to Joe me, jump and bash, lol.

Bye, you people with consoles that aren't using so I have noticed, sdratsab, you have Live and still watch TV, boring!!!!!!

And Zombie, pass that test, please, nerves are ok, but remember, it is a weapon, and use it as such!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

kevlar0's picture

Awww sorry your a tihs driver zombs, next time you will ace it. Suff, one word, EH!?. you really need to drink much more, I'll give you some lessons on how to get very dessip, as i'm a raging alcoholic, bring on the wife beater.. lol

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

ZombieTron's picture

And watching TV instead... Dirty Sexy Money to be precise. And Loving it! We have watched the first 9 episodes in the last week or so, and it is quickly turning into my new favourite show!  Thanks for introducing it to us Suf!!

Kinda angry at myself for F*%&$£# up my driving test!  and a little sad about it too!   Thanks for the words of support tho! and I will (hopefully) ace it next time!

SUFFUR's picture

Had a peroidic raised voice discussion with my father, that was interesting, and got some stuff out that has been locked up for a long, long time, and I hope it make us better family, well father and son, anyway.

And Kev where I was drinking your never going to find anywhere in the UK, maybe in the 'dam, and I know you would have gone home with an ex-man, lol, but you would be forgiven, they do give great BJ's, well so I have been told, lol.

And the fact that I could still see in that state, and spell, is god like on my part, so back to the gentlemans clubs with you Metal Mickey fixer, lol.

Anyway, though I have not given up, me finding any work here, has become nil, oh thank you JP Morgan and the invention of CDS's or credit default swaps, that cause governments to spend your hard working tax's to bail out banks. We have 110% morgages and then credit cards taken against them, so that 'money for nothing' as Dire Strait's would say is now very appt. Saddly it has cost not just me but so many people, that going on the dole, will probably have a waiting list. 

If you have a job, hold on tight people, if you don't, good luck as I am there and not sure for how long, but if BlockBusters still has an opening when I get home, i'm taking it, whatever hours they offer, which sux, though will look for something with more money as well.

Not a great suf at the mo, but at least I am alive, in a warm country and have my Dad's love, can't get better than that for now! Oh and a bit dessip. ;) Will see what a couple of hours sleep can cure.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

see can't even get the title right, but i am now and that was for a job interview? How it went i will see in the morning, if i see it, bye, yes now i have eaten, bu t the most i have consumed in this country with out food and not being 16 i think, sorry bue, skollob, bye, and kev, love you, you hamster fiddler. though i could rabble on i have some dignaty, honour or what ever words that mean i not going to make a fool of my self any more, though is or if there was a crown, i would be prince on this site, eevn with the bad spelling,, parc, i need to read other peoples stuff, so bye, suf

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture  or maybe that site already exists:

if you need help with your persistent rattedness, it is starting to affect the quality of your posts, if you were here we may need to do an intervention, but as you are not, we will just remind you to use spell check!

 Good Luck with the interview!!


SUFFUR's picture

The interview was the drinking if you get me, and how am I supposed to write normally while under the influence, zombie, so even though there was spelling mistakes, what do i care, i'm dessip, see, so you have to take these, what are you doing nows, as ydoolb is ok? Right I have been having a debate with my father that monogamy is not a natural state of the human race, that we as human had xes, as and when with anyone and where ever, in front of whoever, not say it's, right or whatever, but I am an idiot in his eyes for arguing that we weren't, and since i was slightly squiffy, i did not get across great arguements, i did after he went to bed, look it up, and i was sort of right, and now that i bothered, i am still an idiot, but thats life, lol.

And don't have a go at me, go pass your test, so you can visit me when i get back, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

Kotaku seems to have hit what I want from an arcade racer, on the head, meaning the game sounds good, until I play it I can't say much, maybe it will be at X08 tommorrow, and I'll have a chance to give a small verdict, but don't like giving a real opinion until I have spent 8 hours in a game to say stuff. But going by other reviews I have read, it seems to have come across well. And I am looking forward to it.

I like the fact the AI are hard to beat and made the map arcady, so you can make a corner with a drift and drive, sort of like Burnout games before Paradise. But I think the Island update will cure some of that?

When I get home I have 4 or 5 games to play, and now looking for places cheap enough to be able to afford them, maybe I should become a paid reviewer, so I get some games sent my way for free, any games companies who want to give me a try, send me a PM, and I'll give you an address to send your games too, for me to test and finish and review! Go on I spell so much better now, as long as I have not been drinking.

Oh for people who want to read short but to the point review, linky:

or just write  Midnightclub:LA reviews  into a search engine to see what others think, I have even left space to cut an paste, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Oh I forgot Xandu, could you find a way to put page numbers at the top of these and maybe future long forum and maybe blog posts, it would easier to navigate, sort of a long wait to get to the end of a long list of comments, even  the last button is cool, but at the top would be a greater, faster way? I thank you for taking it under advisement, lol. Suf.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

I like this thread about what I am doing now.

But, I think you should maybe blog some of this instead Suf?? dunno, maybe not, maybe your fine posting stuff here, but I can see this thread getting silly long quite quickly (for us anyway).

I'm still on the fence about Midnight Club, but Rofer sent an All Friends message telling us to get it, so I will check it out, probably not til after by box is back from M$ now tho.

back on topic, I am being naughty by internetting while at work as I needed to print out my UPS label to send my 360 back so thought I would pop on here quickly too.... shh don't tell anyone, I'm going back to work now!


PsychedelicBabe's picture

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....

omg i love thats where i get alot of my inspiration from for my blogs and articles......and please dont stop posting in my thread.....this has to be the most active thread in the forums at the moment....when we get chance to post in here thanks to talk about wasted......i am intrigued though about a few things youve love to know more about the he-shes in Amsterdam......and also like to know hows come you know so much about there sexual preferences.......i had a friend who picked up one of these 'LadyBoys' it was freakin hilarious especially as we all knew what he/she was? friend wasnt too best pleased though as you can well just catching up ive been so busy over the last few days over on XLN i felt guilty like i had abandoned you all and now i wish i hadnt spent so much time away as ive missed obviously loads of activity in here.....

SUFFUR's picture

And I have had a shower, and been on my feet for 15 hours, and I have played about with the NXE, the new Bond game, Gears of War 2, MC:LA, Red Faction G (too long to spell now), Tomb Raider Under (water for a bit) but the new Tomb Raider advert lass, is very pretty, the right height, and fit, physically, Battle Axe with a chick, Deep Space. Seen Street Fighter IV in action and saw a new friend kick ssa on it, Resident Evil 5 playable, Gears of War Horde mode, which if your a fan, you will have fun trying to complete that mode it's hard, but as they said 5 friends can help out, Saints Row 2 has a good start point, lol, what else, oh, created an Avatar on NXE, which is so worth waiting for (though at first you maybe lost, that so goes away, its great, and yes through what ever comparisons you want it works, and not that i will give details away, (hey I'm still looking for work here), more good stuff, sorry great stuff, on the way, and yes there is a time line, but with all this stuff coming out what do you care, right?

Far Cry 2 played way good, NFS:Undercover, is now better after it was optimised, RA3 for console is great, though PC will look better due to res setting, what else, Monopoly is fun, I'm sure there is more, will be writting it up, but thought I would give you a heads up, quickly before i did a long one, will try to write tonight, but I just did a long one, so may just chill and scribble.

But it was a great day and thank you Microsoft,  and your people (will name them laters if I can remember them all, go most of the important ones down, including the chief, and my hands were not even sweating) and I am glad I made the right choice, not that any of the others are bad, but you guys, try hard to make us happy, and are still apologizing to your fans for, stuff that can just happen, and you do do your best, yes people I am kissing ssa, but I got 4 free games in my goody bag, lol, so what do you expect and they do put on a good show.  

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? And my back hurts and so do my feet, but made some new friends today, not that any of them can give me a job, but they made my 'free' lance day much easier, so happy Suf.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

It's not been long, but being without my Xbox is starting to get to me... I have now packed it up and will ring UPS on Monday to collect it, but another 3/4 weeks without my Xbox will be difficult!!!

YBMASTER's picture

 when my xbox got sent away i  downloaded a load of games for pc sort of satisfies extreme boardem   

PsychedelicBabe's picture

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....

yeah im back and it feels great i dont know what exactly happened but my windows somehow got corrupt and it wouldnt let me i had to re format my laptop well everything seems to be cool for now.........back on topic im about to go and read what ive missed out on.........:p

PsychedelicBabe's picture

doing my usual thing of posting and blogging..........

Jinno Angelo's picture

Reading Reviews of MC:LA.... Reading previews of GOW2 and CC... Commenting on how much Revenge is better than Paradise.....



"Remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

kevlar0's picture

Just been on the doghouse forums over the wall, reading the almightykb's posts, that guy is so far up his own arse its untrue, he really believes he is a legend and the centre of the burnout universe, I was going to comment on his statments but decided not to, my opinions on him = banhammer. lol

I have also been laughing at Nitos stats on paradise. Qualified to give a true impression of the game????? i think not!

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

oh well im just doing my usual thing you know how it is.....just been over the wall forums myself and read that Rofer was quitting revenge wtf is that guy crazy..........
