I am not a big fan of Burnout Paradise. After playing the demo and renting the game, I'm just not feeling that same level of excitement. There's no Crash Mode, no Retry option, barely any good songs, DJ Atomica (since when did he work for Crash FM? I remember DJ Stryker mentioning DJ Atomica, but Atomica worked somewhere else) annoys the hell out of me... and on my tv, it can be hard to see far enough to see what's up ahead. It's a Sony television, and Paradise is the only game in which I have that problem I just described. I've been the victim of more than enough crashes because of that. It's not all the time, but it's enough to be annoying.
But I was thinking of giving the game another try. A lot of my friends have it (the online would be pretty fun), learning the best routes to the finish line is nice and adds some nice depth to the game, you can customize cars, and I've even decided to make my own better soundtrack to the game (it features a lot of songs from Takedown and Revenge, plus some additions I added). Plus, I just need a new Burnout to play.
Should I give Paradise another try?
Sat, 11/01/2008 - 22:39
Trying Paradise again
I would say Yes! give it another try. As it is a bit of an older title now you might be able to pick it up quite cheaply.
Paradise is for me, the hardest Burnout game to get into, it is a slow burn.... you really need to know the city before you can have a lot of fun. There isn't any car customization in it tho, just the paint work. And you have to work through the offline game to get any decent cars to take online.
If however you really didn't like it at all when you rented it, and you didn't like anything about the demo, I would say maybe you should give it a miss. It does feel very different from the other Burnout games, and not everybody likes it, so no-one will hold it against you.
Whatever you decide, let us know, and if you want other BurnoutAholics to play with on 360, send a friends request to our communal tag "BurnoutAholics".
Jinno Angelo
Sat, 11/01/2008 - 23:31
Revenge is better...
Revenge is by far the 10x a harder game to master.... the controls are simple enough and figuring out stuff is simple enough, but to really master the game and all the intricate parts of Boost Jumping, Conserving, Proper Drifting.. ect.. and to get it perfectly done, it makes it more challenging than Paradise. Its only the fastest tracks, routes, and traffic patterns that one has to really learn in Paradise..Revenge has got them all....
Personally Revenge is boring now to me. And Paradise is just as boring, maybe more... As Ive stated before, there is no skill in going on top of a garage and jumping out to hit a billboard sign, or finding superjumps.. ect.. Its only to get people who suck at racing or crashing to feel special that they could hit a billboard sign because they cant win in a race or crash event.....
But I guess if thats what makes gamers feel good because they got 100% in a game, so be it.... In reality, although they finished the game 100%, they still suck at Racing and Crashing....
Get Paradise if you want to. It might satisfy your Burnout desires at the moment. For the price now, Im sure you could probably get it cheap. Its really up to you tho because the game just didnt make me want to keep it and really get into it... Maybe it will be different for you...
"Remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always."
"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).
Sun, 11/02/2008 - 14:23
Next gen Burnout
Although the Paradise map is difficult to learn, once you get your head round it and learn some basic routes to get you from A to B, the game becomes much more enjoyable, But don't be under any illusions, you are going to crash and will be a lot of times, these are my crash stats, Number of crashes 22308, this is the main problem people see in the game, but this is due to there being no lobby and constantly driving around.
Nito you cant say revenge is better than Paradise without giving it a true go, and 8 hours of gameplay doesn't really qualify you to give a true opinion on how much skill it takes. These are your online stats. so when you have given it a proper go, your opinions about the game and how much skill it takes will be more valid.
One Incognito stats.
So yes its well worth buying again, but you will have to put some hours in to learn the game and open the cars. but once you have the cars and know the map then the game becomes much more enjoyable. The online side is a real blast when you are in a room with fellow aholics. Its much more than just a racing game, and that is the point you need to get your head round. And with all the DLC that we already have and all the upcoming DLC and bug fixes (dodgy takedowns etc etc etc.), Paradise is going to be the BEST in the series by a country mile.
Many hardcore Revengers whom I play with on revenge haven't given it the time it deserves, Which is a real shame because i know once they learnt the game they would enjoy it a whole lot more.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
Sun, 11/02/2008 - 15:56
GO FOR IT.......
wow nito your stats on Parash*te are really impressive lol....i dread to think what mine are lol i dont even know where to find them ....... me personally i think im one of the people kev is referring to i havent give Parash*te a fair trial and i never will as im a stubborn htcib and i refuse to even let myself hear guns n roses EVER AGAIN....but to be fair i dont think we have a right to sit here constantly and gals a game of that weve never really played....i wish i did enjoy the game as i know loads of people who play it but i cant?......i did try seriously i did but i just couldnt do it. i am a revengeaholic and ineed adrenalin and Parash*te just wasnt that for me.....but hey if you want to give it another shot GO FOR IT what have you got to lose?............
Sun, 11/02/2008 - 16:19
Here you go sweet cheeks
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
Jinno Angelo
Mon, 11/03/2008 - 13:06
HAHA... Stats....
Where are my offline stats? It looks like your only trying to show how my lesser times... Where is my offline stats through which I played more time on?
As for your statement about people and stats... Thats like the worst response ever.. That really like saying in terms of this: that people cant tell how good or bad something is because theyre stupid enough not to realize it...... It only takes one experience to completely form an opinion about what you like and dislike......Maybe people see that theyre not qualified because those people realize its not the game for them and others cant accept that.. Thats how people see it.....
"Remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always."
"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).
Mon, 11/03/2008 - 17:57
Who wrote that retort?
This is the reason i didn't put your offline stats up, because they are all coming up as 0
Your statement about only taking one experience to completely form a valid opinion on something is a load of hogwash, I'm guessing you are only quite young compared to me or have no sense of adventure and are unwilling to try something for a second or third time if one doesn't like it the first time, i guess that is where we differ, but hey different strokes for different folks, the world would a dull place if everybody agreed about everything all the Time. And i never reffered to you as being stupid, quite the opposite actually, i see you as bright and intelligent young man who is maybe a bit afraid of change, but that isn't a bad thing. If you don't like the game, you don't like the game, simple. But i still stand by my original opinion that if you ain't played the game you ain't got a valid opinion. but hey wtf do I know?.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
Mon, 11/03/2008 - 18:50
kev your funny lol
SWEET CHEEKS ........ LOLOLOLOL...............
Jinno Angelo
Mon, 11/03/2008 - 21:14
Its interesting to note that those stats are completely wrong, because the fact is Kev.. I have more than 50-60 hours of gameplay on Paradise offline... The fact that it says that I have 0 owned cars is completely wrong too..... Because as far as I know, Ive had 70+ of them owned.... But if you really want I will look into my memory, see if I havent deleted it yet. Maybe rent Paradise and take a picture of my hours for you and true statistics for you....
Why is it hogwash? Try this... Put your hand on top of a burning candle... Guess what? That one experience is enough to tell you that thing will hurt because it isnt a pleasurable experience... Unless you have a thing for burning yourself which would make you mentally unstable.... The same can be said about a lot of things, If you dont like Burnout Paradise from the start, whats the point of you trying to get it again and force yourself to like it?
As for being adventurous and doing something a second or third try? He could try and be adventurous... Personally, it would be just a waste of money to get it because if he isnt sure why not just rent it.... But I guess adventures are expensive nowadays...
Do you think that age really has something to do with this tho? What I experience from playing Paradise is the same experience you have playing Paradise. Same tracks, same routes, same cars, same stop lights to stop in.... Just two different points of view thats all... I totally respect you as a person and someone older than me but please dont make me say I respect my elders to you because thats making you look too old.... and your not that old Kev.... you make its sound like you've past the 70 yr timeline...
Change is interesting when you say that people who dont like it are afraid of it.. Your referring to the Burnout series rather than change in itself because people who you say are afraid are actually out doing new things everyday.. If I was afraid of change and I wasnt adventurous, then, I wouldnt have been into 5 countries, 20+ typhoons, 20+ floods, 2 earthquakes, a gov revolution, war, a volcano eruption, and all the other disasters in my 26 years of life...
However, Im sticking with my opinion that Paradise is the worst Burnout... ever.. and to set it straight... FOR ME.... The changes that they made really made Paradise into just another generic MC series type of game... I just cant see how people are so entertained by finding billboards and doing superjumps over and over and over and over and over again.... How is that change a positive step in the right direction when youve taken out the competition, close combat racing, a good takedown system, and replaced it with garages to jump from?
"Remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always."
"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).
Mon, 11/03/2008 - 23:36
 I've made up my mind, I am
I've made up my mind, I am going to rent Paradise as soon as I get my 360 back (Red Ring of Death). If I like it enough, then I am getting a new racing game for Christmas.
Tue, 11/04/2008 - 10:25
Stats reset
Im sure the stats were reset with the bogart update so I you have not played the game after that they will probably show up as 0.
-- The Creator --
-- The Creator --
Tue, 11/04/2008 - 10:33
Good Call!
When you do get it back try to play with Kev cos he hosts some fun rooms and will show you what the online experience has to offer
It's not a close battle racing game like the previous games and I do agree with 'nito that Kev some times does sound 70!
The racing side of Paradise never really caught my attention, for me it's all about the online game modes and timed challenges, but having the odd race does mix things up nicely.
It is a good game once you get passed the whole "It's not Burnout!WTF!" tantrums and accept that it is a different game... then if you still don't like the game that it is.. well, then it's not for you.
I'm glad you have decided to give it another try to make up your own mind. I don't know when you tried it before, but if it was before the Cagney update, the online game is a whole lot better now!
Tue, 11/04/2008 - 16:25
Another debate by debators, that need to have all the facts, but
Opinion is all good, lol.
I have played all the games, but I did not like Burnout, the first one, I found it time consuming, as the counters/timers (what were they called again), did not give room for error, so retrys, after retry, I decided it was not fun to play, I never finished it, sorry but it's true, me, not finishing a Burnout game, then again I did not finish the DS version or the PSP versions either, but since those were not part of Criterions finest, why worry? And I don't own a PSP either, just played on friends ones. The DS version was poor in my opinion.
But Burnout was not a tihs game, was it? It spawned the others by sales and users alone, right?
As the games went from one 'version' to another they got 'easier', due to people complaining, or the 'Burnout Team' thinking differently, maybe, no-one knows except Alex and the Team, that 'easier' does not mean they were easy games to play, just if you were having fun you played it, and re-tried till you mastered it, maybe I should go back to Burnout, just to become a 'Burnout Master', the completer of the Criterion versions of the games.
Now I have written about the games, for a while, and so have many others, not opinions, but facts about the games, played all the way through, as well as opinions, what was good, what was missing, and all sorts of other stuff, with pro's and con's.
A game can be tihs, but it has to have so many things wrong with, before a I would give it a tihs rating, there are a few out there that don't have; decent game play, visuals, on-line play, addictivity and lots of other elements, reviews stick to something similar, go see meta-critic for some idea, of how they judge a game, but Paradise is not! It may have etyhs elements, or what the kcuf, this was not in the other games, what gives! I want what I liked from before etc etc, when you get past all that, you just have to look at a game as just a game, whomever made it, and judge it from what you are given, and what you can do with what you are given. I wrote what I thought about Paradise, and even told some people who have even had some hand in making the game, what I thought, you'll find it somewhere in these Burnout orintated pages, go look for it and read it and others too. And if you can't be bothered and this is because, you want it to be spoon feed to you, sorry you aren't going to get it me?
You (general 'you' here) are part of the fast food generation, fair do's, I can understand, and instant internet and give it to me now, my instant fix etc, etc, but that was the point of this 'fast food nation', this was supposed to save you time, to look for an informed opinion, that you have found on your own. You want to know something, you have to look for it, yes it's great to find someone, whom may know it all, and probably willing to chew your ear off with information, and even play the game for you, hey for people I know, I will play Revenge though to give them achievements, and others have done it for me, but thats what friends are for, to give you a hand, when it gets too hard to do it yourself, as long as you have tried, and tried again. I'll always help, and show by example. MR. Tiger, got right back into the single player game of Revenge, after I did some stuff for him, and it was fun to see and play again.
But if you don't play something through you can't say it tihs, you can say, it's not my 'drink' of choice, or I just don't like it. I think people who slate Paradise after 10 months are tihs, lol, no not really but do you get me? Probably not, I read forums, and most of the time I find what people write is etyhs, but that is because, they are misinformed, lacking time spent learning to read other peoples post, or using a search function, then again, the forum needs a good search function in the first place, the Dog House's one was rubbish, it may have improved, but then again I read most of the posts, well did till, it just got so silly and tihs, lol!
Nito your candle thing, is about mind over matter, if I don't mind, why should it matter if you think I'm mental? I use to hold my hand over candles to prove how strong my mind was, and show off to see if a girl would date me!!!
Though most girls seem to pick a guy who can drink gallons of booze and beat the kcuf out of anything, that looked at him or 'is bird funny, or just because... I do get it though, it's breed into us, the strongest, biggest etc are what women look for to mate with, so they will have strong healthy children, that will survive the riggers of childhood and abuse from a drunken father, now that is not a laughing matter etc. And then hope the father of the children will die in some battle, so she can cuddle up to some 'nice' guy, that will look after her in later years after the children have gone. Anyway I digress...
Paradise is a great game, it's not Revenge! So that is the end of the debate, Xandu said it, it's the next generation of what Criterion wanted to make, like it or hate it, yes the aguments will still appear, as to wether it is a Burnout Game, as is has strayed from the usual formula of racing, raging, crashing, drifting, boosting of old, but that Next-Gen label covers that, so accept it or move on, I decided to play it, yeah I dehctib, but I had some gameplay and hours behind me, and I had some informed opinion. And it is about going through Bill Boards, doing jumps, showtiming etc, etc and people love it, and nothing is going to change that, though if the racing was better, I think the free-burn figures that Criterion have been getting would be different, but I don't see that changing, Paradise is a free-burning game, and should be played as such, maybe a re-name, 'Paradise Free Burn from the Team that bought you the Burnout Games!' LOL!
Midnight Club:LA, is great game so far (not played it much and it's going to be at least two months before I can give a real opinion), and follows along the lines of it previous games, I can't understand why MC:3 Dub was not a back compat game, it was great fun, and as a racing game was way better than Paradise. Paradise is not a racing game, it has it in it, but it was more about 'dicking about' as Alex said, I wish it was, but again said it all before...yes go look for it, if you can be bothered... I like Pure too, ditto!
Oh, back to Experience (sorry Nito, lol), is what you have learned, but you can't gain experience about anything until you try something new, to compare it against and then learn from it, hence experience. You compared Paradise to Revenge, hence you don't like it, same with Rofer (i'm sure i spelt it wrong again dude, sorry), and so did I, after I finished the single player. But then I played it as a no brainer, like an action film, driving about, and doing stuff, just racing about in an open world, and doing stunts and stuff, with the odd billboard, lol. Oh and it's more than that too, before you start, you don't like it fine, lol. I have heard it, and then again you have heard this all from me too, lol.
Now Revenge is not hard, if you just play it, if you take it to the level of using the 'bug' to good use, then yeah it ups the level, but wash, rise and repeat until you get it right, and looking at it that way, Revenge could be boring, but then all games would be, right? Paradise, is very different, from that point of view, as nothing is set, so it can have some skill with reactions to avoid traffic etc, and by not crashing, but then again the events in Paradise are about crashing by getting better at the game. I have driven around in Paradise for 45 minutes and not crashed, and I am proud of that, just like I am proud of the 1000 or so perfect laps I have on Revenge and even more on BO3, oh don't quote me on those, I am going from memory here. None of the Burnout's are hard per say, but to be good you got to put some effort in, and yes there is some natural talent out there, but most of it comes from wash, rise and repeat, or play it for 3 solid years, lol.
So Burnout 2 is the best game, Burnout 3 is the best game, Revenge is the best game, Paradise is the best game, or is Burnout the best because it started it all? I like most driving games and most FPS'ers with lefty control's, there all great games, but some games out there are etyhs. But it's got to have alot wrong with it to be that way, and no game maker wants to make a bad game, right?
And the answer to you gravy666, just play the game, it's a great game, you get the right crowd of people or a good room, you'll have fun, but with Paradise you do need to play the single player as with most of the others, you need to find a car you like, 360 Revenger's got it easy with all those cars unlocked for online, lol.
Oh, and excitement, is not the same as adreniline (sp), but all the Burnout games have some of both in all the games, you just have to find it?
I don't know when it's going to run out? What, you ask? My Patience, I say! LOL!
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Jinno Angelo
Wed, 11/05/2008 - 04:17
In response:
I dont think the argument here was whether Paradise was better or Revenge was better. And I did state it for the record that it was the worst Burnout FOR ME.. It was up to him/her to decide whether they are adventurous enough to get it or not... Because personally I already have stated my thoughts that it would be just a waste of money...
In response to your candle experience... regardless of whether it is mind over matter, that is still an experience that is taken in by the individual whether that experience is good or bad.. Most people will agree that Burning yourself will hurt, so the whole mind over matter thing doesnt work for me.. Its quite a shame tho, if that is what people have to do to impress girls.. cause personally I have never met a girl that is impressed by burning yourself or drinking 4 gallons of beer.... Personally thats such a low standard, whatever girl would be impressed would be some redneck from the woods... Personally, its all about financial security nowadays.....
About the mental thing.. Well Suffer who would you rather visit a doctor who is mentally unsound or someone who is mentally accurate and reliable? Dont tell me that you would go to the first one because that would either be stupidity or a joke response. Because if your suggesting that your mental, how are people suppose to get reliable information and facts? Are those things you put out not true at all since mental people could create their own little world away from reality? Are those facts you put them not real? Those are the next questions I would ask if you truly say that your mental.. So, It does matter doesnt it?
You still cannot honestly tell me that because I decided not to play Paradise after 70 hours that I dont have experience in it... What exactly is this experience that you talk about? Billboards, Superjumps, Online Races, Offline Races, Marked Man, Showtime...ect? Yes, I played them all, so what is this "more than that too" that you speak of? Cause personally, I havent found that "enlightening" experience you have found while doing a barrel roll....
And Revenge is still harder to master... Like I said its easy to learn how to boost jump, drift, and boost start... those are the simple things but to get to the finer point of the game... It takes time to master... Its not just a rinse, repeat, ect.. Otherwise if that was the case and it was that easy.. How come people who played this game after 3 years still cant figure out how to be 2 seconds quicker than what they usually run?
I will agree that Revenge is boring... But so is Paradise to begin with.... But like I said that is just my Opinion.. I have gotten past the fact that Paradise isnt Revenge and most of the players who dont like it... Thats why were not playing it...
"Remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always."
"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).
Wed, 11/05/2008 - 08:27
HA HA, Wash, Rise and Repeat new bottle!
It's funny, as I agree with and don't agree you.
As for the flame thing, I was young, and did not burn myself even after 5 minutes, not with flames anyway, and I agree women love money, though they say it's not important when you are in love, but look at human history, which I was quoting, women did prefer the strong male, over the 'geek/weak'. Bill Gates changed all of that, but money guys are the 'soldiers' of our present day, Richard Branson and more as an example. I am not the 'jock type', then again, I'm just me, like, love, whatever, I have met people because of who I am, candle or not!
If you can entertain a girl, your in, make her laugh, cry for a good cause, but get her attention, so you can then have time to get to know her and she know you from that point, and if you have not met that type of girl yet, you don't go out enough, lol.
Rock stars can be the uglyests people around but because they are in a band, they get the girls, true maybe not your type, but sex is the strongest pull for most men. And sex appeal of men for women. And a flame under your hand, looks pretty cool to some people, lol.
Everyone want a nice person to love, but it's great to hang out with the naughty ones too.
Who wants Virgins, when you can have more fun with someone who isn't, lol. I could have done a rude joke here, but wording would have been hard to do, lol. Lower your standards once in a while you'll have more fun, though protect yourself mind, lol. And not all men that drink 4 gallons of beer are Red Necks, just unhappy, lost men, that need to see the error of their ways, through love of a good woman, that would kick his ssa if he raised his hand in anger. I be the devils advocate, lol. I don't drink, but I have been smashed more than enough times. Not Tee-Total, but rather not drink for enjoyment, but maybe add to it.
And where do you meet girls? Online, church, game shops, in the que for a bus, as it seems you don't go out much, and when you you do, nothing crazy must be happening, as you seem to hang with sensible girls, who think a G-string is on a musical intrument, lol. Sorry just having a fun dig, lol.
And I don't like smart dessra doctors, I want to say this is what is wrong, can you fix it? and so far, I am still in pain, still have an allergy to something and still looking to find my own cure. I still respect them, but the ones who also believe in mind over matter, than the ones who hand out pills, need more funding from Pharmasuticals, and say go away.
And my arguement to you, about R vs P, was they are different games and can't be compared, and 70 hours is not enough time in Paradise, which is the paradyme (sp), a game should be sold to it's gamers in the first 10 minutes or even less, like MC:LA, PURE, COD4 etc, with Paradise, it does take lots of hours to get use to, to know every street, the traffic patterns, the style of play, even with it's flaws due to internet or whatever, it's a game that Criterion made, it's concept simple, just driveing around/dicking about, but seems deeper to those who stuck with it. I see it, Kev see's it and a lot of others, maybe because it is simple? Is that it? to some people, or wow, this is it! I like, it, but love BO2!
I'm not trying to change your mind, and I know you're not an idiot or lacking in skill, but mind over matter is not a comparision to intelligence, like your doc paragraph, mind over matter is a reference to the power of the human mind and that it can achieve anything, your mind is set, that Paradise is etyhs, compared to Revenge, your mind is set so will stop playing it as I see no end result. Though I had similar thoughts too, I persirvered (sp), and found adrenliene and excitment in Paradise, that can compare to R, BO3 and other games, this is where there may have been some mis-understanding.
And I am mental, the reason why some people read my blogs, and play with me online, I'm not an idiot, but I do have views, some even mis-informed views too, but I do bow to someone who gives a better argument, sometimes when they are wrong, I don't have to agree, but I do listen. But I learn from it? I hope?
I have played all the games, for more hours than you, over all, as you are new to the series, not taking away your skill or time spent, hey, before people took Revenge seriously, I had all my the lap times in the top 10 even had some number ones and they lasted for 6 months, but I did that via racing, not going for them on purpose, just playing the game, and I knew about boost jumping, since I did it in Burnout 2.
As gamers we are fickle (a bit strong a word, but I mean, fussy to the point of detriment, chosey, quick to change, just by hearing a better sounding argument), and we play what we like, when we like, with who we like, because we can!
And yes I do think you lack experience, but then so do I, we are students of life, and are hopefully learning till we die, but for Paradise, and Revenge you play with people who are set to play in a certain way, and will stick with that (sorry an open statement there, I don't know your friends list or people you have played with, but some love/like Paradise, me for one, lol), but you see Revenge as a game about fast racing, I see it as Revenge, win the race and kill, sorry takedown, everyone who gets in your way, to do that. But horses for courses, the hosts choice per room/clean racing, holding on the start line etc. The Paradise experience, comes from playing it with people that are happy to play it in the way you want and how it is set up, of course that is restricted if you wanted to use it as a racing game, lol, it can be done, but that is what failed in this game, for me, and is the strongest argument Revengers have against it.
Paradise is a free burn game, hanging out with friends, it is not really supposed to be played for hours on end it's a meeting place, and NXE will hopefully work well with this game? Though Kev and I do have long sessions on it! With Wash, Rinse and Repeat, to get good times or scores.
And Revenge is not hard to Master, I mastered it because of my experience from the previous games, but realised to take it to the level, that Ivor, you and others took it, was taking the fun out of it for me, as it alienated so many other people that just want to play the game for how it was intened to be played, and due to this, I think Alex and the Team changed the formula, it was causing lots of negative atmostphere, and the competativeness caused people to hide behind numerous tags, just to find a way to get to number one.
I would love to be number one in a game, for the Kudos, peer love from my friends and a sense of achievement, but it's a lot of effort to stay there, and I would rather have fun, hence why I'm an Underground Player, others are Pro Players, so it's important to have a ranking score and ranked time etc.
The hardest game to master is: Burnout, then Burnout 3 , then Paradise, Burnout 2 then Revenge, out of the series, imo. Sega, has views that are similar to me about Revenge, it's the dratsab child of the series.
It can be done, as I have done it, but have you raced Revenge without checking a single car, playing it like BO3? I'm sure you have, did you get a better sense of achievement, because you did? Or was it not important? Was it a better race, a better lap time, a better win?
And no this tread was not about what was better, it was about someone, trying Paradise again, and I was saying to get the most of it, the single player game has to be played till you get all the cars, to get the fullest out of it, for the online play, which is a strong part of the game. And you just said don't bother, waste of money, but did you get your moneys worth, try to get your moneys worth, like Lamer Scores, lol!?
Criterion has stated that most people have not finished the single player part of the game, and I was saying it has to be done, to enjoy it more, and you have not done that going by your stats, though you say those are not a true representation of your game play, thats cool. Hey I still have 3 Road Rages to do before I finish it, but I found them not important to play, than doing those multiplayer challenges and getting great times on them with my Live Buddies! And road rules, stunt runs etc.
I am not out to change your mind, your mind is set, but other people out there have not tried it, because of negative press, some of it mine, yours, Rofers and many more, and your aguments stem from, it's not Revenge!
I loved Revenge, and as fans of Burnout, should be played, all the games should be played, to completion, to get a full experience that Criterion have created, or to the best you can achieve, then come here, to Burnoutaholics, to gain aid to help finish the games you can't do.
Paradise is the laid back version of the series, BO3 the hard core experience, Revenge, because the 'bug', the most loved for competetive racing, BO2 for the realisation of the Series and what it was all about, and Burnout which birthed it all.
This site is about Burnout and Criterion and their dedication to quality made games, and one of the reasons we are commenting as we do.
And doing 1 barrel roll is not enough, doing 5 is more fun, lol and looking for 8, 9 or 10 is the goal! See Revenge is Lap times, rank, crash scores, and takedown numbers, Paradise adds to that with flat spins, barrels rolls, stunt scores, free burn challenges, and I hope GCC adds to those score worthy comparisons, against your friends and the world leader boards!
I could so have done a Highlander type of comment and dis your comments in order (almost), but your cool dude, but you are a young gamer, this is not to be taken dirogatorily (this is not a word and it's spelt wrong too, lol), but you are a young gamer, I am an old gamer, starting from board games, Pong, Atari, hey I wish I was old enough to say dirt was a great game to play with and move up to the stick, lol, but even with the games I have played, seen played, I still have a narrow view of games. The Tigers have a huge collection of games, and are so dedicated that they have Japanese games, they play, even though they can't read or understand it, get great pleasure from them, and some of them are so dekcuf up, I could just watch in awe and misunderstanding, lol.
My previous comment, was to say, get an informed opinion, read everyones view, but look for reason above, this game is tihs, so far no-one has argued beyond 'it's not Revenge', I think I did in my review, but then again I did not think it was etyhs or tihs. I think the single player part of the game is great, frustrating, different, new experience and fun! It is well made, but far from perfect, none of them are, you will find fault in the all of the games (any game), if you look.
If you hate it, good for you (universal you), this game is 10 months old, and you still hate it, move on and find another game to hate or love, you wasting your time banging that broken drum, lol. Instead talk about what you like and back it up, if you can, beyond this game is awesum, dude, buy it! And the other way round.
I should practice what I preach, but I'm not religious, so why follow me in the first place, and I lack experience to turn water in to wine, but I know that is a bottle in front of me, not a frontal labotamy.
Be well people, and watch the world, as they are watching you, watching them, watching you, maybe I should stop using shampoo!
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Mon, 12/15/2008 - 00:42
I gave it a second try
All of a sudden I love the game. I don't know, it just seems a lot less frustrating and boring now...
I don't think I had the right mindset the first time I played it. I knew about the open world thing, but I never really worried about it until I started making wrong turns during races and such. For some reason, I just wasn't ready to accept the change. That said, now I think that all of the change is good.
Now, the game still isn't perfect- it's still a little hard to see into the distance on a small tv, there's no retry option, really big learning curve, etc- but those seem like small problems considering the rest of the game is just so well done.
I've tried out the bikes and the time of day effects. It's a shame you can't race with the bikes, but they are still fun to ride. I just wish that there would be more traffic on the road when I'm riding a bike...
The time of day effects are really great. It adds some nice twists to the Burnout formula that we all know and love. Driving at night makes me want to be a little more cautious. Driving in the fog makes me focus on the road a lot more. I think that part of why I originally thought that Paradise was a little boring was that it was constantly daytime (remember, the other time I played it, no DLC was out yet). For some reason, I feel that open world games must have night and day effects.
I also know the map a bit better now. I don't need to constantly flip back to the large map to see where I am headed. It's a nice feeling.
So, I am buying Burnout Paradise. Right now, I'm renting it, but I will most likely get it for Christmas. Yeah, I'm a bit old to be getting things "from Santa Claus", but my siblings are still young enough to believe in him, so I just get to play along :P