
i recently got halo: combat evolved on pc and i found it incredably disapointing. i found it disapointing because everyone is going on about how amazing the halo games are and they're like the best games ever made but i found it rather dull to be totally honest. the first level was ok i guess but a little repetative. just killing grunts with a pistol and then getting out ur rifle for the elites. after that i got a bit bored and went on multiplayer for a few hours and i found that way more fun because it was far less repetative and i had to stay on my toes (or fingers rather) because if i turned away form the screen for more than a split second i got my head blown off by a sniper. so then when i realised that it was getting a bit late so the online halo community had to go night night, i went back on campaign mode. i cant really remember what the level was about as most of them were verey simallar and i don't bother with cut scenes but i think we weren't on earth so we must have been somewhere else... so we were on this planet and i had to find all these survivors from lil things that crashed. this time it was different to the previous level! it wasn't just grunts and elites, there were also jackals! i distingtly remember shouting to myself "wot the f*ck was that?!??!?!?" when i first killed one. then after a while i started to get really pissed off with them because of those irritating shields. so then after protecting a load of fag humans with brains the size of ur mothers penis, the level came to an end for no reason apart from possibly because it realised i was very tired at this point and my computer wanted me to go to bed. so i wen on it again today and continued campaign mode again after getting owned to much online. this time we had to get to this big motherf*ckerof a ship and rescue some bender who i personally think should be left to die as he is obviously too stupid to avoid being captured by the enemy. so anyways, i magically have a sniper rifle ans i have to shoot a load of grunts that are on pathetic little turrets. then we found the ship and got beamed up after killing some big wankers (i cant b arsed to look in the manual for names now). then we had to wait for ages for some doors to open while hundreds of alien wierdos come in through different doors. eventually we found the guy we were looking for and we all went off the maze like ship.

i truly believe that halo is the most over-rated game around as it is dull and repetative, the graphics aren't as great as everyone says and half life is far better as the plot is better, the enemies are less irritating, the friendlies are clever enough to not run in front of your gun and blame you (however they do sometimes shoot you if your not careful) it isn't repetative at all, it can get quite tense, you never no what could be about to rape you around each corner, the multiplayer for hl2 is amazing as the players enjoy it more and barely ever take it seriously, there is garry's mod for mentalists who like to make funny youtube videos and finally, melons!

g2g now, all this talk of half life is just making me want to go on it more and more!!!

ZombieTron's picture

as a PC game Halo can easily be outshone, but Halo is not a PC game. When it was first released for Xbox it was in a league of its own, and with the addition of online play in the later games it has become the biggest Xbox live title with about a bazillion players, it is also really old now and still looks cool.

Halo is about the story tho, so by skipping the cut scenes you are kinda missing out. Do you skip the cut scenes in Half Life too? you really shouldn't do that, I wouldn't know what to do without the cut scenes in games.

Also.. We had to edit your post slightly as your language was a little too colourful for my swear filter at work. This is a family friendly site, please do not swear!

--- The Original and the Best ---

legoliveson's picture

well no, i dont skip the cutscenes of half life because there arent any to skip in the first place. i think if i did hav a xbox when halo was first released i porbably would have bought it at loved it enough to make babies with it but i only got a ps2 last year so

kevlar0's picture

i thought i could swear... I'm a mere begginer. And i totally agree with everthing you say. Cause i only read the sweary bits..

my dog ate my disc.

gravy666's picture

 You played Halos 2 and 3 before Halo 1, didn't you?