NXE Party and Photo Sharing.

I'm sure most of you are chomping at the bit - or maybe foaming at the mouth - for the upcoming New Xbox Experience. With this contains a host of new features including Netflix Streaming - for the folks in the USA, Avatar Creating and Photo Sharing. One of the cooler features is the Party Mode in which you all stay in the same gaming party from game to game.

Pretty sure we can all agree that Xbox LIVE is the best place to play games, hands-down. A good game of Gears of War 2 becomes an incredible game when you get into a heavy multiplayer match with your friends – or any person you’re matched with – and reduce them into small chunks with your pretty chainsaw. It’s the little things in life that bring such satisfaction.

But some people asked for ways to create parties and keep entire groups of people together online, no matter what they were doing. Well, we’ve listened and we’ve delivered. Once NXE launches on Nov. 19, it will be even easier to connect with your friends and the Xbox LIVE community of 14 million people around the world via Xbox LIVE Party*.

Xbox LIVE Party will let you and up to seven friends jump from experience to experience while staying connected at all times. If you have a weekly Gears match and one friend is always late – no worries. The rest of you can join a Party and either voice chat or play a quick game of Castle Crashers while you wait. Once your no good, lazy a** friend shows up (you know who you are), one person will be able to bring your group into the lobby of Gears with just the click of a button. Really – it’s that easy.

But Xbox LIVE Party goes beyond games. The New Xbox Experience will also bring a photo sharing feature to Xbox LIVE members called Photo Party. With Photo Party, you and up to seven friends can share digital photos from a camera, disc or USB drive while voice chatting in real-time. You can even rate each others’ photos – so you may want to keep that photo of your farmer tan in a Speedo to yourself. With Thanksgiving and the holidays coming up, you may even be able to convince your mom and dad to get an Xbox 360 to enjoy all the great new entertainment available through NXE.

Click the image above to launch the video trailer.



kevlar0's picture

Can you speak to your friends even if the seven of you are all on different games?

I'm looking forward to the new look dashboard, looks kinda funky, not too sure bout the avitars though, Is there one for a scruffy bloke from Burnley?

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

SUFFUR's picture

Should be good for games like Fuel: Frontlines of War, is that the right title? or is it Frontlines: Fuel of War? Which does have so restricting comms.

8 rooms of Revenge with the hosts comunicating with each other, owning all, while talking about cheese! 8 rooms of Rainbow, any game really! Clan matches of four over two rooms etc.

And yes you can make a scruffy Avatar. The only thing I thought was lacking with Avatars, was a Save function, that you could save 5 types of Avatars, for different moods, if you get me?

For you Kev, 1 for before, after and hangover. 1 for the killing machine in a shooter, and a race driver. ;), lol.

But since the NXE has so many other things going for it, we may no worry about that, for the time being, though changing your Avatar only takes 2 minutes, for a quick change, 10 for some real detail.

I wonder if nrop Avatars can be made, like the Wii ones?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

OK, so I got my XBox 360 sent back (a nice shiny replacement actually)   one day after NXE came out so I get the DL and see whats what... hmmmmmmm I don't like it! The Avatars are not as customisable as I would have liked, you can't change the colours of the clothes, there are very limited options of things you can do to your face and body, and their isn't a lot of choice in the clothing department either. I guess they will sell us more accessories? but personally I would like to have to option to keep using my blades!

This whole avatar thing just seems to have slowed everything down!

Maybe when I get a party set up and stuff it will make more sense, but right now it just seems limited and kinda pointless.

I hate change! it takes soo long to get used to!! What does everyone else think about the NXE?

Jinno Angelo's picture

I like it...

Next time, if they add more stuff... I will make an Avatar of a bald-headed boy in some monk outfit with a stick in one hand and a flying lemur on the shoulder...


"I Have Loved. I Have Suffered. Now, I Hate."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

kevlar0's picture

In my humble opinion I think the new NXE is pretty good, it still has all the functionality of the old dashboard but with added zing factor, we had a great evening last night, there were 8 of us in a party, first we all took the ssip out of each others av's (they are all gay and crap except for mine) then we all went on to photo share, where daylight and myself put pics of ourself up for everybody to ridicule, fortunately i have my external drive hooked up to my eggbox so i have 1000's of pics availble (mosty iffy ones) but a lot of me from being a youngster to being the grumpy old rekcuf i am today, and yes i was ridiculed, but it was all in good humour, at least evil omar didn't call me Boris Karloff pmsl, After that we all put r6v2 in and had a team deathmatch or ten, But the interesting thing was that we could still hear everybody even though we were on different teams, and abusing someone you just shot in the back is priceless, needless to say i was shot on a number of occasions and i went platinum, so the person who actually shot me got to hear the barrage of abuse i hurled at them.

All in all its quite a good idea and the party mode is great fun. And psyche you look like you need to eat some pies your avatar is positively anorexic, but you pigtails look the business.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

well i figured that we should really base our avatars on ourselves, unlike the burnoutaholic avatar?..... anyway kev i dont seem to put weight on so yeah i probably do need to eat a few more pies, maybe pauls gains my weight for me ? i dont know i think the only thing i exaggerated was my height.....ive always wanted to be taller than what i am so i took this golden opportunity to do it.....but i guess i do look thin but having an over active thyroid doesnt help, im definately not anorexic i eat for england especially when them munchies attack rofl......i like the avatars i think there cool......

Rofer's picture

The update is pretty sweet i have to say. But like zombietron says the characters are not customizable enough.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

I have noticed that things are incredibly slower too......im beginning to dislike the NXE.......


ZombieTron's picture

Are both very cool features. I have wanted to have a group chat option for ages, so it is really cool to finally have one. Being able to have uninterupted chat with a group throughout changing games or changing levels where voice chat is normally interupted is really cool!

Photo Party is a great little app too! It is nice to be able to share pics while chatting over XBL.

I am getting a bit more used to the NXE interface, but I still think it is messier then the blades, and it does seem to take longer to navigate and I am still not sure where everything is... watching some of the vids online on Xbox.com helped, it would of been good for an introduction video to NXE to have been available over XBL as soon as you get the download, cos I was a bit confused by the whole thing at first (it doesn't take much)!

I'm hoping it will only get better, TBH tho what I have seen of PS3's HOME looks much more of an experience in itself... NXE just seems like Avatars and Premium Themes and a bigger advertising format for stuff I'm not really interested in.  Not that I'm really interested in anything I have seen about PS3's HOME either.  I am growing fond of my little Avatar tho.