Well on Friday my xbox needed to be exchanged as i was having problems with the disc tray, and it was making a horrible grinding noise at the same time. With the new update i couldnt load any of my discs and it drove me to the point of exchange.....anyway it wasnt until i got home and i got excited at the fact that i could play Revenge at last....then i realized that i had left one of the copies of Revenge in the console......so i called GAME and i explained what i had done...she told me that she would look and see if it was there.....well as the weekend passed with work and tihs i completely forgot to re call the shop so i was kind of red faced when i went in there this morning....i had the 'i am guilty' look written all over my face...and i hadnt done anything except not call this girl back....so the guy who seen to me was brilliant, for a monday morning he was the best assisant ive ever had the honour of, he looked everywhere for my disc and he just couldnt find it. So after 20 mins or so he appeared again and told me that he couldnt find my disc so he would give me a new copy....well i was smirking pleasantly now as the disc i had originally lost was totally used and abused....so you can imagine my awe when he came back and told me that they didnt have a copy.....in fact i was gutted......so he told me to wait for 1 minute as he might have 1 somewhere but he didnt all he had to offer me was a new copy of PARADISE.....WTF i was sooooooo mad at this as i thought he was taking the ssip out of me at first....then as he could obviously see by my face that i just wasnt impressed he tried the 'im going to sell you this game' so i smirked and i thought come on then 'sell me it'.....well after 20 mins of listening to this guy drone on about how Paradise was this and Paradise was that.....i had to rudely interrupt him, i think he was quite pleased really because he must have been boring himself....lol so in the end i asked him if i could have another game to the same value and he said 'no' so here i am stuck with a game that im never going to play.....i cant even exchange it as you only get like £10 for it......so what am i to do?.......tbh im not thinking of playing it, but i am intrigued, maybe i should give it a go, just for boredoms sake......who knows maybe i will one day......maybe i wont.....maybe ill jus let my daughter play it.............i never thought id hear the day when id exchange a copy of REVENGE for PARADISE.....
Tue, 11/25/2008 - 00:26
come play
i promise it won't be to boring or unexciting. you never know you may have fun.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
Tue, 11/25/2008 - 00:30
we could try the bikes
i keep pressing bloody enter.
cmon young lady give it a go,..,.,.,.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
Tue, 11/25/2008 - 03:37
She is
A true burner that knows that nothing especially paradise could ever compare to something as divine as Burnout Revenge. And yeah she already knows it will be boring and unexciting because she probably takes my and many other burners word for it.
Meanwhile, i'm jammin it on Dominator. Hey psycadelic babe have you tried Dominator?? it really is a real burnout game for reals!! It isn't very good graphics but the gameplay makes up for it i promise. It is worth buying a ps2 for but i am just borrowing mine.
Tue, 11/25/2008 - 09:41
yeah ive been reading about Dominator and yes im trying to get a ps2 for as cheap as possible.....and as for Paradise sorry kev but i cant do it.....the thought of it knocks me ill......i watched paul for like 15 mins last night and i was sooooooo bored oh and them bikes are tihs....yes alex your game is poo so put that in your pipe and smoke it...
Tue, 11/25/2008 - 10:13
Cheap PS2s
One of the big supermarkets here in Norway sold PS2s for less than £1 last week
They only had a limited number ( I think it was 400) so I was not one of the few lucky to get one.
-- The Creator --
-- The Creator --
Tue, 11/25/2008 - 17:58
you really know how to wind me up you kcoc.
Rofer, do you post shit like that just to wind me up? cause you really are getting on my tits, big time. you are a little boy who hasn't got a ginkcuf clue about anything, in future keep your comments about my post to your gnikcuf self you daehkcid.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
Tue, 11/25/2008 - 19:08
Well i don't post it deliberately to wind you up, but the stuff you says winds me up, because i think your wrong and there is nothing that could change that. I just love burnout, i love truth, and i love life. I hate when people try to say things that shatter my dreams like "OMG paradise is a good burnout game" Burnout is my dream, and when people say these things it is just so depressing it makes me feel like society is getting dumber instead of having savage dreams like me.
Tue, 11/25/2008 - 20:07
Rofer, as i'm sure you are aware, a lot of paradise fans and Burnoutaholics only started with the Burnout series in Paradise, havnt followed Burnout games from day one, havnt evolved with them like yourself, grown to love them..... but they can grow to love Paradise cant they? Let it be! And society IS getting dumber - let's not be a part of that. Kev we have to find you another way to swear man coz that was a gnikcuf lot of swearing lol
--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--
--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--
Tue, 11/25/2008 - 20:56
What in the name of holy Jesus are you going on about?
You, young man, are a very unaware misled example of what is wrong todays youth, i know i sound like an old fogie but our future is looking very bleak indeed (your generation is going to have run this planet one day and that scares me) when ones dreams are "shattered" just because you don't like a game and some other people do.
Rofer DO NOT comment on anything I write again, your monobrowed comments are not acceptable to me therefore i dont want to hear them, I just wish there was a block feature on here.
and i didn't swear once..
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
Tue, 11/25/2008 - 21:48
Lack of Block Feature
We will force you to listen to everybody's point of view! (as long as it is within the TOU)
I ssip on your flames! And I really like the self enforced sdrawckab swear filter as it means I can still read the site at work!
Please remember this site will be moderated. The Terms of Use apply to the site as do the following Rules that I learnt from my Mum.
"Treat other people as you expect to be treated yourself" and "If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all"
and I'm going to add another one "respect others opinions even tho they may not be the same as yours" I need to work on that one myself!
Got that? Good! OK Group HUG!!

Oh and Psyche, you should try Paradise, you might find something to enjoy about it, especially as it was kind of a freebie!
Wed, 11/26/2008 - 11:49
i cant......
i cant zombs, and i really have tried, it just doesnt appeal to me at all....
Jinno Angelo
Wed, 11/26/2008 - 15:32
Paradise is complete utter trash.... It sucks so much, thats its a desecration of everything that was once holy and revered.... Yeah, its gunk..... Rofer was right, Burnout is such a way of life that Other people who play Paradise are truly just retarted not to notice the stupidity implanted into the game... Why in the Xbox forums, some guy there said, the Burnout series never had a speedo... HAHA! HAHAHA! Yeah stupidity indeed Rofer... HAHAHA!! Paradise is a fxxxng, cxnt azz of a game, a bunch of motherfxxxers who smoke weed all day did it, because theyre a buncha dxcks who wanted to pxss people off.....
Does that wind you up Kev? LOL.....
I hope you know that Im joking when I said that................... or maybe Im not!
"I Have Loved. I Have Suffered. Now, I Hate."
"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).
Gooner Rhyle
Wed, 11/26/2008 - 17:33
Okay 'nito...that's all well
Okay 'nito...that's all well and all...but how do you REALLY feel about Paradise?
Jinno Angelo
Wed, 11/26/2008 - 21:30
I guess its an ok game..... Just ok.... For Me....
But hey, If you like it so much..... Whatever I write there shouldnt bother you at all because its what you think of the game that matters to you, not what I think.....
Obviously tho, I have voiced my opinion before about Paradise and thats just my opinion and how I see Paradise. So there would be no point in me trying to say that I like it and that I think its the best game Ever, but I honestly think its not...its just ok, average, 5/10, 46/100, .53, Rotten Nero Score of 49.5.....and thats why I traded it in.......
But Like I said thats my Opinion, and Im not certainly going to persuade you to buy Revenge or to see Revenge from my perspective, because it has its own problems too like unfair handicap in the back, like the ranking system, like the rubber band effect, but I definitely like Revenge more than Paradise.... and I would rate it as average +++, 8/ 10, 77/100, .85, Rotten Nero Score of 8.2.......and thats why I kept it.....
Me personally, I see racing games as just racing... Hold down boost, acceleration, proper drift here and there, thats about it... Theres not much skill involved in many of them.. Revenge has offered me atleast some small intricacies to keep my attention on it, small things that one could master and get better at i.e. Holding Speed, Boost Jumping, Boost Braking, Drift Jumping, Straight Drifting... Paradise didnt do it for me as there wasnt any thing there at all that could hold my attention to keep my playing it, so I guess you could say that the tracks even tho its different routes are all monotone to me... I think its about the finer points in a game that one should master.. but people will always have different opinion and will play games differently than I do i.e. play for fun, play with friends, who cares about this or that..ect, and theres nothing wrong with that, its just a game....
Whoever said that the major selling point of the Burnout Series is about its community .................................................................................... Is so right!! ..................................................................................... Yes, the community in Revenge and Paradise are all "Aholics". Theyre probably the only reason why I still keep playing Revenge because I do know people on both sides whether its Paradise or Revenge from playing them online now and before.... One thing for sure is this, If it wasnt the community, I would have just left and played SC4 to its full potential.. I do that every now and then, but I dont play SC like I did back then when I played it religiously. Its always has been about fighting games for me before I got on Burnout, because the way I see it.... theres so many things to master there.. i.e. a move that can be cancelled, G.I.s, CH combos - cancellable or not, stances that flow to other stances, guaranteed stuns.. its pretty much putting my imagination to work on the small intricacies to see what I can come up with. I'll give you and example: MVC2 Strider, Dr. Doom, Cable... Do you know how cool it is when you have Cable, you hit a enemy, pperform LK, MK, HK (Cancel) --> Hyper Viper Cancel --> Hyper Viper Cancel --> Hyper Viper Cancel? or the setup with Strider LK, MK, (Land) LP, LK, MP, MK, QCF 1+2 (Super), --> Combo in between (Dr. Doom Assist) --> Before super Ends Call Dr. Doom Assist, --> Strider Teleport --> LK, MK, (Land) LP, LK, MP, MK, (Dr. Doom Assist Cancel), QCF 1+2 --> Repeat.. Its like that with every fighting game for me....... The same for Revenge.. Do you know how cool it is as an Example when You go to MCLF and start with 280, maintain that to the R turn (Clean Drift) at 230-235, all the way to the Jump (Drifting, Straight Drifting), Double Drift Jump to 290 on straightway? Its like that, small intricacies..... Like I said, I used to see Racing games as games with no skill involved, because you hold boost and acceleration and thats it ..... and in many ways I still do for 80% of all racing games..... But at least Revenge isnt like that....
Like I said, Revenge atleast has something that I could work with, Paradise didnt.... But that doesnt make Paradise a bad game.... It just makes it a bad game for me.... So, if you like it.. Dont let what I say bother you because its just my opinion. Atleast now, you could see why I dont give Paradise a high mark on what I consider is a good game...
"I Have Loved. I Have Suffered. Now, I Hate."
"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).
Wed, 11/26/2008 - 19:58
Yeah seriously
Burnout is that important. I have a lifestyle where i need to release adrenaline to feel complete. Burnout has helped me out with that for like 5 years. Without burnout, i kinda feel alot more obligated to do dangerouse and/or bad things. I mainly stick to dangerous though. With burnout, it is literally the safest most efficient way to get the complete satisfication of life itself.
Wed, 11/26/2008 - 21:42
my opinion....
I often sit here wondering why do so many people actually like paradise? i know theres plenty of people on here, but other people too, i decided to go and take a peek around and i noticed that the majority of people who worship the game, have never even played Revenge......so im thinking that thats why there are so many people still actually playing it, because they dont even know what Revenge is, ive got a few people to switch from paradise to revenge and they have all said that theyll never play paradise AGAIN. So was this game designed to get a new wave of players? i think it was as they didnt listen to any of the views/comments of the real burnout lovers. I have to say there are only a handful of people who actually like both games, and im not being mean here when i say this but none of the Top Ten Elite Racers of Revenge will ever say 'man i love that game as much as Revenge'.....no my mind is made up and its been made up since i played the demo...and it has no interest to me whatsoever...i can put revenge in and i know like everyone whos online racing and i know theyre cool but on paradise i feel that the community is so much different.....and i say this because if you go over to the forums over the wall you will see that there are numerous threads in the revenge forum regarding how awesome the community is.....and i have to say i didnt find 1 thread like that in the paradise forums....i dont know Alex Ward and tbh i really never do because he is an ssa for what he has done to such a tremendous series, we were all duped that we were going to get this highly anticipated great game, and look what we got ..... i know loads of people that were greatly disappointed, especially after all the put backs on the release as well, its like telling a kid hes going to the zoo on Friday, and you dont go for weeks and weeks when the time comes and you finally go, and all the animals are dead and the zoos gone....off course your going to be dessip off.....well i just hope that he reads these posts and acts on them......and yes alot of us arent happy and i dont think that adding planes, cars, bikes, trains, aliens or dragons will entice people to play such a crap effort of a game.....rant over and i apologise if this offends anyone but if you want to understand where we are all coming from then go and get Revenge play it for a week then play Paradise and then maybe....just maybe youll understand......
Jinno Angelo
Wed, 11/26/2008 - 23:56
Wow Rofer, thats pretty deep.. Burnout = a way of life?.. As much as I play Revenge, I cannot say for the life of me that Burnout is a way of Life.. Recreation, Competition, Fun, Escape, Improvements, Challenges perhaps..... But not a Way Of Life..... I dont think Im engrossed in this game at all. I play it constantly, but I dont worship and play it religiously.. There certainly isnt a Burnout God to worship, because I play the Top 10 in revenge and it isnt because some Burnout God gave them awe inspiring cheats or boost... Its about skill and high level gameplay...
I think that Burnout shouldnt never be included in your "dreams." Unless, your stating about taking over A.W.'s job position or creating another Burnout.. then you can start talking about having Burnout as a dream... Not that there is a problem with having Burnout as a Dream, but it seems like Burnout = Life = Serious Issues = Help??
Anyways, I will agree with Psychedelic Babe about the Revenge community.. Its nice and all, definitely full or interesting people... Angry, Immature, Mature, Kids, Adults, Nice, Fun, Fast, Slow, Drunk, Sane, Insane, Life, Recreation....ect.. Whether or not its the same for Paradise shouldnt be of any consequence in Revenge... Thats because there is another community there and Im sure that people do know each other. Being that we dont play Paradise too much, we wouldnt really know who goes into groups and meets with each other to race frequently on a daily basis... Thats not to say that there is a community that exists there just like Revenge tho and we just dont know about.. Because there might not be...and we dont know about it.....
"I Have Loved. I Have Suffered. Now, I Hate."
"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).
Thu, 11/27/2008 - 00:31
Before burnout i was honestly just bored with life and the same old routine every day but then i just kept going with the flow always keeping an open mind because i did not know what was important to me or what would be important. I would always feel the best when i did some sick shit, and then burnout came out. Then i realized that this is what i was meant to do all my life. Badd ass shit. I want to get into programming too but i cant quite get the same motivation.
And psycadelic babe that was some funny ass shit you wrote about the kid wanting to go to the zoo and all the animals being dead LMAO.
Jinno Angelo
Thu, 11/27/2008 - 02:05
If there is anything that Ive learned about Life, People, and Kids is 2 things:
1. They want to be the best at something...
2. They want to be liked...
Well thats good that you Like and are into Revenge Rofer, No doubt about that.... I guess I have other important things in Life rather than just play Burnout... But I wont let that stop you from doing what you like to do, because obviously your going to like doing something that you are the best in... Just like me enjoying Revenge, same boat as you....Nothing wrong with that.... But I will say that unless you can find something very constructive from Burnout rather than just playing it all day, its not really good to start referring to it as a Life Changing Event....
But then again, thats just my Opinion and obviously I wasnt brought up and wasnt in the same routine you were in before Burnout..
"I Have Loved. I Have Suffered. Now, I Hate."
"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).
Thu, 11/27/2008 - 05:58
I know what your saying, that is why i am into other stuff besides burnout now because at some point or another you realize that it is just a video game. My point is that burnout is just my fantasy it is the most fun thing that you could do in real life or in a video game, mobbing so fast that you expect to die, there is just nothing that can feel quite as savage as that. Speed gives everything a meaning when i do it, when melody is added to it especially. I never thought there was anything that made me feel so happy to be alive. Burnout most importantly tought me me place in life, i am an adrenaline junky that feels like i can do anything. My lifestyle is not to get other people to like me so much, as it is rather to just impress myself. So yeah i might seem like obsessive to you, but i just love to do what makes me happiest ;)
And yeah i don't even feel like playing video games at all anymore unless the burnout 6 will be good. But I have played enough burnout revenge to be satisfied without it, and i really don't see any other point in playing games when i could be doing real sick shit. Burnout has shown me the way to take advantage of life by doing crazy things and i think that it has tought me alot.
I don't even believe in god, all i believe in is myself, and happiness. Also compassion. I would never use my adrenaline powers by harming another person deliberately unless they want to do that to me. I don't trust most people though. They are just full of evil and hate.
Jinno Angelo
Thu, 12/11/2008 - 06:51
Where are those so called hardcore Paradise players before that started trolling and calling Revenge players shit when the game first came out? Like they knew everything about Paradise and that it was the best game ever... Yeah most of them are gone, few have stayed....... but yet many people still come back to play Revenge......
First timers......... Just first timers........I hated it when they didnt even play the previous games yet they knew so much..........As Kracus once stated "Who are these people?"... ROFLMAO!!
"I Have Loved. I Have Suffered. Now, I Hate."
"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).
Thu, 12/11/2008 - 16:05
 "Yeah most of them are
"Yeah most of them are gone, few have stayed....... but yet many people still come back to play Revenge......"
Maybe on this site, yes... but online, there's no way you can possibly say that.
Paradise has also way outsold Revenge (and every other Burnout game), so that might be part of the reason why there are a lot of Paradise players that have never played the previous games.