
Anyone ever get pissed at playing Burnout too much? Cause thats what Im feeling like right now.... Maybe its just the fact that you wanna perfect everything but for some reason, some day, one day, one week you just suck like crazy and crashes are your best friend....

Or maybe cause Ive been called a cheat lately.... Hmmm, How come people who are semi fast say the very fast racers cheat all the time? Yes, I do have a Game Genie and you can get it on By the way the website if only available every 31st of Febraury...

Oh and whats with the White Mountain R, 2nd Glitch found earlier? Is that how French Racers get their 1.42.-- Laps now? Seriously? I got my 1.43.73 by not Glitching... Maybe I should glitch it now to get 1.42.--?

And these new tags? A Moangel74 and a Moangel74x2? Whats up with the 30+ new tags Ive seen lately this week.... Nero Angeslo? Slapper? GateCrasherz? Seriously, I should give a call to Criterion to erase all the leaderboards... cause apparently too many racers like to dick around and mess up lap time leaderboards... or better yet kick all the good racers because you have a 29 rank tag and only race them in your 200-300 rank tag because you dont want to mess it up?? Yeah... Seriously, some kid from Missouri needs to be kicked out... and 90% of all other slow racers in the top 50 ranks UK and US.......

Yeah, Maybe I should lay off Burnout again for the next couple of days. Im maxed out on it and I dont think that I could get any better by forcing myself to do better on it right its time to recup that way when its time to get back, its so much faster and better..... Thank God for Prince of Persia coming out this week..... 


Rofer's picture

I just wanted to play all the burnout that I actually wanted to play, cause whenever i would play it would never feel like enough. But finally after playing it constantly day after day after day, i have reached that point and only will play it seldomly now. After seeing all of the beautiful tracks so many times each of the images have been burnt in my mind forever and seeing the tracks again just burns me out seeing the same images. Naturally i want to move on and see new images HINT HINT NEED A NEW BURNOUT REVENGE so i am doing other things now to keep learning new things and ideas (even though hardly nething compares to burnout. But anyways it is a video game so its just something for you to do after you do real stuff anyways. (or before)

Anyways WTF there is a working glitch on WHite mT R?? That is fuked you don't think thats what i did do you.

Jinno Angelo's picture

Yeah, well maybe its an old one.... I dont know but Waterball showd it earlier and it works really well..... So Im not sure if its a new one but he said "well at least we know how the french racers are getting their 1.42.--, I know you enough to know that you can get 1.42.-- on that track... I know that I can get a very low 1.43.-- there too, but to see that glitch, it now perfectly makes sense to me how some racers who could keep up but yet we can gain on, can get 1.42.-- on that map when it doesnt seem possible for them because we always manage to pass up and catch them.......


"I Have Loved. I Have Suffered. Now, I Hate."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

SUFFUR's picture berate yourself for a poor game or do well someone says something, like your cheating, lol. Which on WMR most people do now, i was so far behind you, i did the first glitch just to try and not time out, it did not help because i kept 'Pringling'.

The game is old, end of, it's has alway been the people you race most often, that you hang with, and it's what is talked about in the room, that is community minded, not the racing, well now it is, but 2 years ago it was all about being the best, consistant racer, but it was fairly relaxed, now it's just pressure to preform, good laps and win at the same time as scoring a great lap, well that was there before, with our group, but i think you get me?

Me, i have good bad days, bad bad days, last night, i had 1 good lap out of a 2 hour or less session, but it was fun, i'm still try to learn to keep my finger off the boost button on any speeed over 215, and see it climb without boost. But no zone to find last night, and in truth, rather it found me than went looking for it.

And it has always been a game, enjoyment was always the first thing, that is important, but after 3 years it will wear thin, especially if, you're a clean perfectionist. And after all that time, just relaxing and having fun with it, is hard to do.

I had some good games yesterday, cheers Zombie and the rest, you know who you is, and sorry for all the timeouts, but was not really getting it, should have kept the 205 going, but even that was driving sideways, way off any normal line i take, and the RR was just floating in the air to much, have i been given a Jansen 88 Special, instead of a RR?

 Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

My return last night was after a long break from the game. Before, when I took a break from Revenge, I would come back to it refreshed and get some great races in. Last night I pretty much tanked on all races! Although I was quite happy to get a 1.11something on one of the longer Motor City's. Shows how long it's been I've forgotten the track names and everything!!

The one thing I did notice after playing MC:LA for the last few days is how FAST Revenge is, admittedly I haven't got the fastest cars on MC:LA yet, so I am hoping it speeds up, I'm still driving the first car I got... long way to go on that game!!

Getting hold of the Revenge Racer last night tho, was like trying to tame a bucking bronco! That car feels fierce when you haven't driven in it for over a month!

And 'nito, I hope you know that any calls from us (and by us I mean Kev) of you being a cheat are completely tongue in cheek. And thanks for switching to the Euro! It helped me to not time out quite so much!!

Jinno Angelo's picture

No it wasnt Kev...... some noob I played last night a couple of hours after you all.....

The whole WMR glitch, I just learned that its new to me.... or maybe its new to everyone... Cause Waterball was checking to see if he was hitting it correctly and several people in the room didnt know about it... I believe its off the first jump/ramp to the left and you have to jump waaaayyyy left off the cliff......

BTW Suf, Im sure we raced on WMF instead of WMR?

And Yes, Im still Burnt out from Burnout.. I just am. I was getting good times last night, i.e. 1.07.71 MCLF,  but Im just pissed my racing was poor and I kept crashing too much last night in a good room.... Its been like that all week tho.... So Im just going to take several days, a week or two off......

About the Euro? That car can actually hold its speed well......Like a Toned down Revenge Racer... The problem I had with it tho was the turning. Seems awkward on turning.... The Car can keep its speed up at 215-225, but it usually holds it at 210-220... So, its not that bad.. Slower on straights tho..... And believe me, I still wanted to time you all out with it.....but its not possible cause you all are good racers who actually know the track and how to turn and maintain speed..... so it was a challenge, A BIG Challenge.....



"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor........ My Bullet Punishes All, Without Distinction!!""

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Rofer's picture

I knew about that glitch right before the first ramp, i talked about it to some other burners and we already went over that even though it puts you ahead that it would still be faster to get speed from the ramp because then you would just go flying past the person who did the glitch. So me and everybody else i raced with thought it was worthless. I guess we were wrong. That is depressing knowing that because i used to think the only glitch was WMF.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

I have to totally agree with you on the leaderboards, and all these new tags i cant keep up with them all. I have to say that i was impressed last night with your racing in that euro i thought you were going to come last for sure on each race, but you proved me wrong, you even won 1 race nice one, have you never thought that that could be your hidden challenge which might give you the adrenalin your so desperately seeking. What am i on about well... you have all your times noted no doubt, well how about you try and do the same lap times or better them in a slower car?.....i know it sounds crazy but i was racing xBelialx the other day and he was pulling some good lap times and after seeing you race last night i reckon you could do it no love to be in the room with you owning some of the faster racers ...... especially the person currently ranked 26..... and suff, kev zombs thanks for the races last night it was cool racing you all. And suff i think if were ever to have a one on one conversation itll either be when kev lags out or were in party chat.....

Rofer's picture

I know it is very fun racing with the different cars, especially if everybody in the room agrees to it. But going for laps almost feels pointless because we all know the revenge racer is superior and cannot be beaten. But I do remember Frozen Vapot getting a 49 with the black elite racer on central long F that was pretty tight. If there was laptime leaderboards for each different car that would be so cool and i would play revenge even more than i do. I prefer the logitech racer most btw.

SUFFUR's picture

I felt i raced parc last night, but is that because i did not play well? Did not finish in a respectable place? Time Out?Or did I have fun hanging with Psyc and her 'forgien' friends, lol. Yes, I seem to understand Chinese better then I understand, Scottish, Scouse, or Mancunian, lol. But learning, lol. It's kind of sad that I don't understand my fellow Brit's, I get the gist, but I do lose the flow of conversations, lol.

No, I had a good time, the room was good, which is always the best result, no mater how you play, right?

I think I almost won one race, lol!

I would like to thank Psyc and her firends for a lesson in being out of serious race shape for Revenge, but i had a great time, listening to the gossip, styles of racing, but I would rather have 10" of phalus than 20" of snow, it would melt too soon before you got down to the nitty gritty, lol. Did you north'n people, lol, get your snow?

And sorry Kev and Faq'rs, Rainbow is not rocking my world at the mo', missed talking to you guys, maybe should have tried a party, but that did not seem to be working well last night, and NXE was slow, the dash was slow, loading music is slow, when is it going to balance out, and work normally?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Oh and a correction, I was tralking about the other White Mountain track, not the wrong one, which I stated elsewhere, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

PsychedelicBabe's picture

suf i really enjoyed racing you last night too....i did notice that you went very quiet, that was why i kept trying to include you in the conversation, i know more than anyone what its like to feel left out in a room, really i just didnt want you to go, i finally had my time to have an actual conversation with you. And no i didnt wake up to my 20''.... lmao doesnt sound right at all does hey suf maybe ill join you on Rainbow and let you have the chance to kick my and as for you racing parc thats tihsllub and you know it, you won a few and you lost a few. Well im still waiting for the snow i havent seen 1 snowflake, i knew it was all aload of tihs....anyway for the record im silver on my psychedelic tag at the moment and seeing as i had to buy an i-pod and a new mobile phone today i think ill be silver till early next week....:( but i do have a tag that ill be playing on ill be playing as SugarPuff Girl so send me a friends request.....

PsychedelicBabe's picture

If there were different leaderboards for different cars then i think that a h*ll of alot of people would get more interested in the game.....but we know that will never happen.....

Jinno Angelo's picture

I think im just bored with playing the game so much. Yet for some reason I still play it because I know people who play it on a constant daily basis... The fact is, i used to go play Burnout and actually like every single second of it racing... Even if I was in last, there was that challenge to beat the boards or to win the series.... Now its just BLAH!.... UGGHHH.... BLAHH!!! Yeah, its like that everytime I get on, and although people are still cool to talk to, the tracks, the series, the set just dont mean much anymore.... Yeah, its like GASP... UUGGHHHH.... OHHHHH..... BLAHH!!

I dont think Racing in other cars will do it for me. Like Rofer said, whats the point of racing other cars when you cant hold the same speed as the RR? Whats the point of trying to get good laps with them...

I dont know, I still play the game...but its cause people I know play it.... Im not at all too interested in it anymore... I guess that magic that it had is now completely gone, because even going for fast laps isnt as fun anymore... And if Iam getting a good time, something else happens to stop it.. A slow racer in front, handicap, an uncheckable car, a checked car, a bump in the wall, garbage at the road.... Yeah stuff like that happens all the time...

I dont care so much about lap times now... nor winning... The lap time leaderboards are all full with the same tags from one or two racers who like to clog it with their times... because they have 50+ 48hr codes...... It doesnt matter now anyways, as most times there are glenned... Even the slower racers are getting good times from glenning... Oh well... whatever I guess....

Maybe I am a perfectionist at this game and am just being hard at myself... But thats because getting faster is certainly fun... Who knows? One thing for sure, this game isnt as fun for me now as before...... And thats the truth....


"I Have Loved. I Have Suffered. Now, I Hate."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

FrozenVapor's picture

As some of you might have noticed, I haven't been playing any Burnout lately... after not playing a game for a while you start sucking at it and disliking it even more. I'd love to play Burnout 3 but I would have to redo the entire single player campaign to unlock the cars.


But anyway... if any of you guys are down for some races, I'll be back in two weeks to play some Burnout for old times' sake. That is, until things start up again in January...

NIGHTMAR3xGTx's picture

Just yesterday I was racing in a full room of good racers... sega,dogg,waterball,silky... and I came in dead last for about 4 sets. So pretty much I was sucking at the game. At least I dont quit out of the races when I'm getting owned badly, like some other racers I know. I dont mind losing, or hearing people tell me I suck at the game, I know I'm better than most of them lol. I got timed out like 3 time, and I was trying in those races too... Nothing I did helped, sometimes your just going to have bad days. But in all honesty I think sega is bad luck every time I race with him I suck at the game.... I need to get rid of this curse... ITS A BAD LUCK CURSE!


Jinno Angelo's picture

GT, Im assumming your talking about me with the quitting.... Last I remember it.. it was the last track; White Mountain Forward; on the set and the last lap; lap 4 on the set, and you guys already finished... Whats there to wait for if you have to go? or if you're having a bad night?


"I Have Loved. I Have Suffered. Now, I Hate."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

NIGHTMAR3xGTx's picture

No i was not talking about you quitting nero... I was talking about dogg, he always quits when he's loosing, or havin a bad race.


Jinno Angelo's picture

Dogg takes his gaming seriously... LOL... On a level that sometimes scares me.. LOL... No not really..

All I can say is this; there was a time when I used to think and play like Dogg. Maybe its because hes still young and I was his age then too.. Those were the days when competition was fierce and it was about owning somebody.. Oh yeah, imagine someone saying I could beat the crap out of you.. Im the best gamer around.. Then next thing you know, they start heading to the arcade that your playing and they think theyre going to beat you so bad cause theyre the best at this arcade... Or system.. Its happened to me on arcade and the system....And next thing they know, the score is 25-2 then 54-5..... Yeah, it feels good when you kick the shit out of someone..To completely destroy their ego so that next time they see you on that machine, theyre scared shitless they cant even move.... Yeah, those were the days, several years ago....Good Times.....Good Times....

I can see why Dogg is the way he is... Its a good thing tho, because it does make him find ways to be creative at a game and be good at it... It makes him try his hardest for the well deserved win or that spot of being on of the best racers around... And thats good... But its also bad, cause hes a perfectionist at heart and taking a loss could get totally take him out of his game, especially since he gets mad easily.... Interestingly enough tho, he'll start to realize it sooner or later that competition is good, but a loss shouldnt let it bother him, it should only make him try to get better... Ive dealt with it.. and so will he.... He's a good kid at heart tho, him and the group that he usuallly hangs around with (Waterball, GT, Dark).... Theyre definitely better to race and talk to with compared to many other racers in Revenge that I have raced in the past and present. I was intimidated at first, like so many other people playing them, but theyre not bad... Just a group of kids wanting to have fun and good races.....



"I Have Loved. I Have Suffered. Now, I Hate."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

NIGHTMAR3xGTx's picture

WEIL3R is one of the best if not the best Burnout racer I know. I remember when I 1st raced with him on B3, he was getting his ass kicked by a racer named firemightdog (at the time he was the best racer in B3). Two weeks later WEIL3R completely killed him when racing. I was somewhat new to B3 and XBL at the time, and it was really cool seeing so many good racers playing online. B3 the good old days But yeah you wont see me or many of the racers I know quit a race because they are losing.


kevlar0's picture

This guy is still on my friends list after five years, and i would rate him in the top ten online Burnout players over the three games that have been online.

I remember this guy telling me 2 or 3 days after the release of Revenge on the old Xbox that his was hitting 220 for the entire lap, and pretty soon after he had sussed the boostjumping out and was hitting phenominal speeds, long before the Ivors and the other players who claimed to have first found the glitch. FireMightyDog is an unsung legend throughout the burnout series in my eyes.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

NIGHTMAR3xGTx's picture

I rememeber when I 1st raced him, I was amazed at how good he was. He's definitely one of the best racers I have raced with.


Jinno Angelo's picture

I remember racing some guy named Takedowns1.... He creamed me on my first week of playing Revenge....

Then there was Dicc Starbuck.... He was just a good guy overall....Taught me some Boost Jumping....

And then there was Osama Bin Laden and he talked trash when he was in front.........He lost.......





"I Have Loved. I Have Suffered. Now, I Hate."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).