Farcry 2

Was thinking of doing this but i'm not prepared and then again I NEVER AM!!  So this could take me all day, i've opened up tihs loads of webpages on my PC because I know it will crash under the huge stress and I can walk away knowing my day is full lol I'm so stupid! 

Soooo  War Torn Africa??  I am no huge gamer, complete too few games, lose interest, wander off and put Revenge in usually but I have this glorified dvd player called a PS3 (a lovely thing really, I want it's babies) but dont get the dancing thing in Playstation home bah humbug lol and I find a cheap copy of Farcry 2 for it (knowing if I had found it that cheap for the 360 I could get passed the 10,000 points things) can't win em all hey ho. 

Friends had said it's a 30 hours or so gameplay game which means 70 hours for me because I take my time when I can and look around and do silly things "normal" people do but then again, what the hell do I know? 

So swimming everywhere instead of using the ancient Jeep that you can repair when it starts to wearily smoke,whinge at you, with an ancient ratchet, a touch of realism.  Walking everywhere, through forests and the leaves you can't brush by so they move, some review said you could, I was dissappointed. 

Okey dokey - let downs before the great things!  The AI is disturbingly stupid and random - what was that game I rented recently.....  Frontlines - fuel of war?  That correct?  The AI on that was impossible!  I'm pointing my weapon and shooting you in the face you decrepid hostile german soldier and you are smiling back at me saying uhuh not yet, you cant shoot me here, the creators of this poxy game won't allow me to die as I should, I made a pact with the devil as did every other soldier you will encounter along the way haha!  Oh is that right?  Then kcuF ffO ya Bastid i'm putting this game in the bin, well not quite, i'll take it back to blockbusters actually.

Game reviewer I am not, just ramble is my forte, maybe this will change today, here, now but I dont think so! 

Where was I lol

Yeah the AI African Soldiers on both sides of the fractions are very silly and random but love for the simple beauty of this game I certainly do have. 

So the story is you are this guy caught in the middle of a huge Civil War between to Fractions, both sides are supplied weapons by "The Jackal" bit like Prescott Bush in WW2? And you have to hunt this man down, I hope you get to kill him, i'm only at 31% completion so maybe I shouldnt be writing about it yet!  You have Malaria so along the way you have to find certain people who can supply you medicine which is a bit of a ball ache but part of the realism, usually you have a mission to find men in shacks in the middle of nowhere to supply passports to, to eventually get these tablets/medicine.  Errands for your health if you like.

Now the visual beauty of this game I find incredible, the game case is absolutely right, the most realistic fire I have seen in any game!!  For example you have molotov cocktails (and grenades so far - maybe more incendiary devices will come along)  and when you toss one in the brush either for fun or near opposing Africaneers...... realistically gobsmackingly awesome looking I think.  Set fire to trees, wooden huts, and the grass burns just as it should, brilliant. 

So, the town of Pala.  Just a tiny encampment if you like in the middle of nowhere but a place to find main story missions from both fractions of the civil war, work yourself up in the rankings if you like, missions get more challenging and deeper as you go along as with most games.  At 31% I think I've just completed something of importance but don't know if thats true yet - i'm not a true gamer as I have said.  It's a fantastic touch to this game entering Pala, African guards at barriers, relaxed sloping on the walls of buildings or watching you warily as you look for work or your medicine with frequent utterances, a friend said to me they all sound like cockneys but he's slightly deranged lol Two parts of Pala are no-go areas if you like manned by opposite tense members of the fractions.  Damn is it Faction or Fraction??  Neither feels right in this context but one of them is goddamn it - I'll stick with Fraction hehe

So Pala is great, kinda cool but the entire thing is so cool looking. 

The world is a huge place - you can traverse the open world in different vehicles or walk run or swim - even FLY! Yet to do this though so cant yet comment.  The main stay vehicle is a run down jeep that you eventually get the ability to fix when you've crashed into too many rocks or been hit by the soldiers vehicles you meet VERY often randomly.  You have a machine gun fixed to the open top roof that you can switch to very quickly when you see a jeep coming at you over the beautiful horizons.  Oh and you will come across idiots in like a Datsun Sunny or something ramming you, angry coz you kicked his chicken (oops thats Fable) and why these pratts think they'll even make a dent in your jeep I do not know. 

There is a nice jeep like a Landrover Discovery that makes you feel like Eddie Izzard, like a proffesional transvestite when driving it but it has no weapon attached, major downfall, comfort over safety, nah(wtf?) And there's a brilliant little dune buggy with a roll cage that's much much much fun to drive!  Think i've come across a bus or big flattop jeep kinda thing too but i'm sure they'll be more to come. 

The only currency in Farcry 2 is diamonds (blood diamonds - great film) and you get paid for your missions in this way - you will find them (221 in total)?  all over the open world hidden in briefcases and that's a bit of a kicker because just like Assasins creed, having to find little things like that is so time consuming that it can make or break a great game for me.  Not that it is difficult to find these because you have a diamond locator that bleeps green when they are close and stays lit green unblinking when you are looking in the correct direction, so no biggie for people with patience. 

With these diamonds you can buy weapons from a dodgy geezer in a shack who offers you side missions and you can upgrade all your weapons - capacity, stop potential jamming of guns etc. 

Back to AI of soldiers - so you are coming to a shanty town to murder some murdering bastid and his cohorts, men will be randomly surrounding these places watching for perpetrators of injustice like yourself (hey take a look at yourself here lol)  the funny thing is sometimes they notice you from like a year away and come running and other times you can almost be smelling their breath before they take a pot shot at you.  I like the realism of the weapons here too, they jump around when you fire and dont hide in the brush unless your gonna set it alight, it gets confusing as to where the enemy is shooting at you, really it does.  Stand in the open, be a man/woman and fight for the truth lol

The last down fall is small stations in the map where the main roads split.  They are manned by bad men who want to kill you but if you kill them, run them over (oh you can be ran over too)  shouldnt they be forever dead and not resurrected or re-manned if you like the next time you pass by? Nah - they are still there each time you drive by, fun to run people over, ran over a deer last night, big lump in throat, my bad.

All in all - (I forget quite a lot about the game actually)  I think it's an incredible piece of work, truly I do, for all it's faults.  I like that it will take me 70 hours, I love the incredible scenery, the beauty of the nature in game, mountains, waterfalls, roads and crreks, waterboats and lilleys and the fire, kcuF me the Fire lol

Time to go, maybe I can continue when the game is more completed but for now, a highly recommended game if you have time left over the festive season.  Enjoy - many thanks for sticking with me if ya did :-)




PsychedelicBabe's picture

wha a masterpiece of a blog.....im impressed.....:p i too have this game and im liking it alot :p

ichienkai's picture

Thank you for that, I love to ramble as you know, be it Lies or Truths lmao Yeah LOVE this game - hope you get great enjoyment from it! Oh for the record, it is beyond ME to lie, I see my mothers eyes every single time i'm tempted to stretch the truth, she's the coolest chick on the planet ;-) But remember I have MPD so you have to figure out what the truth really is lol

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

PsychedelicBabe's picture

yeah we as mothers do actually know when our kids are telling lies......its so funny......i caught my five year old coming out the kitchen the other day as i looked in the fridge half of my nice big fat chocolate cake was missing.....i asked her if shed eaten it and she looked at me with chocolate all over her face and said 'no'.....what could i say or do to that.... so yeah we know....its a natural maternal insinct.....

ichienkai's picture

An Instinct you should be proud of, your kids will be bright little honest balls of goodness and lmao at face covered in Chocolate, cool kid. Yeah gotta be said, my mum is the reason I am who I am, faults or no, truly.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

Evasion-Lv6's picture

i can imagine my daughter doing the same thing lol but she just raids the fridge for penguin bars and when we tell her no she just stands there and says pleeeaaase lol

PsychedelicBabe's picture

…………*./ | \ .*
………, • '*♥* ' • ,
……. '*• ♫♫♫•*'
….. ' *, • '♫ ' • ,* '
….' * • ♫*♥*♫• * '
… * , • Merry' • , * '
…* ' •â™«â™«*♥*♫♫ • ' * '
' * ' • Christmas . • ' * ' '
' ' * • ♫♫♫*♥*♫♫♫• * ' '
..………… .♥' AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR......

ichienkai's picture

What a wonderful thing a penguin bar truly is, an innocent child like that sounds so cute when a penguin bar is a much likeable thing to crave, me, I begged to be allowed to stay up to watch Horror films at that age or slightly after that, deranged, gotta like deranged, don't have chocolate in my life as seen too much pocket money drained by it when younger, feeling nauseous back then, chocolated to the brim as now, feel the same from that bender last night, how we laughed and I stumbled many times, literally and figuratively.  I am here trying to put my delicate flower of a brittle mind to one side, focus on something else until I can stand up!

So I did another 20 minutes, told ya, I no gamer, on Farcry 2 on 31% completetion, knew I was at an important stage before I jumped on and quite a great stage that was, forgot some things should have added at the first step and remembered others that should have been there too.  An unforgivable mistake was not to mention the amazingly atmospheric music on this game and the biggest one was not realise that you actually can push the brush or grass to one side as you walk through it.  You can and it sounds spectacular on a surround sound thingy, which I have, it's 10 years old if it was a day and still, a cheap form of earthly pleasure, cost me very little but works sooo well. 

So to describe the Music?  Can't do it really, though big big fan of hearing pleasurable sounds.  It's very African?  Nope not good enough lol Think haunting and ghostly maybe, telling and just and true? Nope I don't understand that so expect others to go eh? What? Fitting is a word that works but you have to be there to hear it, try it and get hold of this game, some suit, like The Darkness fitted me but despised by many, one of the few games I gave my all to. 

Mini-spoiler here!  An informant told me last night that I'm such a wanted man for my bad deeds that I'm being hunted down, my friends rallied at one of the first places you will find, Mike's Bar, to be lined up and executed, also people who have helped me are being rounded up at the Church in Pala to be just as bloodily deaded, make a choice here.  Think I made a good one, felt good at the time lol I find Mike's Bar kinda quickly, fight my way inside against Bastids who's frame of gun fire has dramatically increased for some reason, the pain hits me deeper and faster, inside I am breathless but find my friends safe telling me stuff whilst they duck for cover expectantly.  Slithers of wood nailed, cover the windows that are no longer windows, just like the end of Call Of Duty when ya do the Zombie bit at the end. Hell breaks loose and masses of opponents swarm and multiply like a drop of water - War Of The Worlds hahaha The window barriers are shot down and I get hit from every direction, is this supposed to be like this, this the storyline, that I become helpless and so vulnerable?  Yes it actually is, I don't think you are meant to win these people right now, just go with being shot.  And dieing. 

So I died, or kinda died and am spirited away and then all of a sudden I'm falling off the back of this flattop jeep in dusty surroundings, felt like I was in the Gladiator on a rickety chariot with maggots all over me, healing.  Then the wonderful moment occurs.

If ya played The Darkness....  I'm sure it was this game, hard to describe this, just being in a twisty, hazy wilderness with no sense of direction like a dream, a dream that sees that you are blind and cannot see, or this is much easier..... The Good, The Bad Or The Ugly....  Sands blowing across the plains, those balls of brush flying across the landscape, I forget what they are called, yes a good night had by all! 

Nah gotta try something different here.  I make some tea, have a ciggy, be back.

Lol, I ran out of spoons so used a fork, humans are predictably lazy, I split the teabag but that's how tea was back in the day, mmmmm love Tea.

Yes it was basically a huge all encompassing sandstorm, my hands are protecting my eyes as I stumbled across this windy, dusty land looking for some salvation and unfortunately the AI worked too well here, every direction felt like the right direction, blinded and weary as I was.  Like ya couldnt go wrong but amazing it was, so amazing that that is the very reason I am here trying to see my keyboard in a certain kinda blindness too, to share, to be selfish and selfless.   It's all magic.

Then I saw a hut or a shack or one floored building out of the dark lightness and a man there, met you before, can't remember but thanks for helping me dude, talks to me about his predictions and voices are heard and he scarpers but leaves me some water and a shooting utility and more friends arrive and that's where I'm at!  Told ya, was only a calm and confusing 20 minute stage of gameplay but I thought a great and unexpected twist from the banality of finding medicine for my pains, or assassinating cruel folk who have no love in their heart.  You see, I'm writing to force myself to re-emerge into the game because I don't like games anymore. Burnout killed it somewhat for me, suprised to find how addicted I actually am to this lovely, mad, nightmare, but hey, smile and run with it. It's only a game lol I'll be back hopefully, to bore you, me for clarity if nothing else but the blood wil be spilled on the wasteland of Africas beautiful land, whether I spill or mine is spilled, it just feels great but we are all really bad men in the end!



--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

Crikey ichi not only do you write long bloggs but you do the same with the reply's, you ever thought of writing a book! dang dude you even give suffur a run for his money

ichienkai's picture

Thanks for the sentiment Boot but no, I'm no writer, a rambler maybe, say this often. And Suf actually helped me express myself with madness, like a mad crazy fool, all over the place like randomness counts and is valid, see?  No answers, no reason for it, be strange and stand, be counted - love it lol Time for a race, a bad race where Sega kicks my ass again and I smile at my worthylessness, I made a new word! And I'm bleeding stuck on Farcry 2 as well, who knew that was gonna happen eh?  I'll find the answer to why, I have to, it's written in the stars I see less of now. Stupid game lol


--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

Cube's picture

Good article. The opening of the game is a great start, showing you a lot about the country that you're in and that it's a living, breathing place. Unfortunately all of that vanishes when you actually get to play. The shooting is terrible, the story seems very disconnected, the world is completely uninteresting and the driving is one of the biggest chores in a game.  I'd much rather play through Perfect Dark Zero again. At least that was slightly fun.

ichienkai's picture

I get you that this game can become a bit of a chore, I'm exactly @ 50% with it and yeah I will speak a bit more about that when I'm a bit free-er-er yeah why not lol The shooting gets better I thought tho once you upgrade weapons a little anyhow, one Mans Poison and all that jazz.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

kevlar0's picture

Just found this thread, I was 65% through the game and my gamesave froze everytime i tried it, but the fault is on the game not your hard drive.

i ended up flogging my copy cause of this, although i did enjoy the online and the map creator. so watch out if you are near the 60'% mark.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

ichienkai's picture

Anyone know if the PS3 has the same issues, blindingly I chose this console over the 360 for this game? Seems that yeah loads of people have had the same game save problem.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--