Think You can Beat me?

I'm looking for some people who maybe want to do challenges or a few races. If you think you can stand a chance against me, my gamertag is ToxicIceCream1. Send me a message if you think your up to it!

Oh yeah, I have beaten the game, so if begginers want to race me, i'll use a slower car.


See you around Paradise


Nero Angelo's picture

Damn, I wish I had Paradise ATM!! I would suck at it, but I would race you anyways...



"He's just like Me... A Fool looking for a Worthy Opponent." Jubei Yagyu (Shura No Toki)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

Evasion-Lv6's picture

tonnes of people have the game beaten it's nothing special and for someone challenging people to beat them in a race, i would of thought you'd have done alot of races or have a decnt rank

Nero Angelo's picture

I had Paradise at one point.. played online and offline with it, played ranked races...ect.... didnt get into it at all... traded it.... the game just didnt suit me...... went back to Revenge instead....and been playing Revenge ever since....



"He's just like Me... A Fool looking for a Worthy Opponent." Jubei Yagyu (Shura No Toki)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

gravy666's picture

 ""tonnes of people have the game beaten it's nothing special and for someone challenging people to beat them in a race, i would of thought you'd have done alot of races or have a decnt rank"

I'll be laughing when we beat you.

Sure, I'm up for a race or something, my gamertag is gravy666.  I could always use some experience against real people, as opposed to bots.


Jinno Angelo's picture

Who is that comment aimed at gravy666?



"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. We Are All From The Dust, And To the Dust We Shall Return. Amen!" "Hellsing Ultimate Series I", Alexander Anderson.

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

ZombieTron's picture

We really should delete one of your accounts on here... but then again I like your split personality!

I'm editing this comment cos I can't read obviously, the quote was from Evasions post, so I would assume it is aimed at Evasion.

Please do not try to start any flame wars like yesterdays over at the Xbox forums, I really don't want to start the new year with lots of moderating!

Evasion-Lv6's picture

is gravvy666 icecreaman25 ? was a bit confusing "when we beat you" my comment was aimed at the op

sorry zombietron if this has caused a ruckus it wasn't my intention

Nero Angelo's picture

What flame war at the xbox forums? I didnt start anything... in fact I feel that my reasons are justified, and my responses are appropriate...

And no, I was not aiming any comments at anybody... What exactly did I say that got edited anyways?



"He's just like Me... A Fool looking for a Worthy Opponent." Jubei Yagyu (Shura No Toki)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

Nero Angelo's picture

Ive made my peace with Paradise... I dont think it was any intention of mine to flame anyone.. But for someone to flame me when I didnt say anything about that response... and I said beforehand that "Calm down man, its funny how we all get worked up about the Revenge vs. Paradise".. Dont you think it should have been taken as ok its time to stop this??

People should have known that from the start... Phil of War called me out at one point when Revenge was out when he was bashing Kon Karne.. and I msgd the mods and talked to him too... I think Phil is a good guy tho, its just sometimes we get a little too cocky in those forums (Im one in this area too) ..... Gravy called me out yesterday... Sorry, But I dont think its in me to ever back down.......EVER!

So two things can come out of this, since gravy666 is also a Burnoutaholic comes here and posts here anyways... He's mature enough to figure things out and figure out what he wants to do..

1. We can make peace about this......


2. We can make peace about this......


Im sure hes a great Paradise racer, a good player, and a good guy... I have respect for him, I have respect for a lot of racers who speak their minds out....... No Zombs, this is not a flame war.... call it a truce if you want.. 



"He's just like Me... A Fool looking for a Worthy Opponent." Jubei Yagyu (Shura No Toki)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

PsychedelicBabe's picture

whats this about 2 accounts.....i thought that was a no-no....i also found i quite strange...why would you want two tags on it to respond to yourself so you can respond back???? so thats how your getting the points..... sneaky lmao :)

Nero Angelo's picture

Call it Sneaky if you like..... I prefer to change scenery every now and then.... Im surprised, you havent switched dresses yet....


"He's just like Me... A Fool looking for a Worthy Opponent." Jubei Yagyu (Shura No Toki)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

gravy666's picture

 My comment was aimed at IceCreamMan.  It's intended to be a playful challenge.

ZombieTron's picture

and to clear up other confusions here, I only edited my own comment.

and Nero Angelo is One Incognito and vice versa.

Nero Angelo's picture

One Incognito? No Im not One Incognito..... That guy is Drunk All the Time...

I think its GT, he has tons of tags remember?



"He's just like Me... A Fool looking for a Worthy Opponent." Jubei Yagyu (Shura No Toki)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)