Predictions for 2009, whatever topic, but forums and site rules apply...

Sorry, have not been right or write since, well coming home, see home is where the heart is and mine wants to be in a warm coutry, 6k miles away, but, anyway, been ill, and tired and demoralised, so thought, lets look forward to seeing this year, and it will save me actually righing, see!, writting any more stuff, until, i find a sofa and coffee table of the right, writeness, not a typo, so prediction or looking forward too's or it's going to happen, so deal with it etc, for this forum topic, and try to think topic and not squirel shyte ok, lol.


1.) Right we see Halo being played on a PS3! This is risky, and it has probably 'appened, lol!

2.) 'Numpty leaves the UK on the 13th of January, for a better understanding of his future, like a wall of snow, lol, dratsab!

That'll do for me, sick you see, so your's turns, suff out... cold!


Nero Angelo's picture

Top 6 in the Finals....

Vapor, Sega, Rofer, Roonige, GT, Waterball



"He's just like Me... A Fool looking for a Worthy Opponent." Jubei Yagyu (Shura No Toki)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

ichienkai's picture

Suf, you like coffee tables? Real coffee looking tables.... wow, been a long time since I coffeed at a real table like that so none of that for 2009 for me, I save it for a real rainy day to be covered more in the future, perhaps even in this certainly hardshipped year we have reached.  I see paper money become toilet paper this year, can't buy love, can't buy me, won't buy you, then I see the strength of nature and all that is natural.  Forgive, just woke from the biggest bender and remember someone making a choice I hypnotised him into making, silly.  Shouldnt do that kinda thing.  On topic, I see everday being a day and thanks to some I'll take each stride with pride, with a smile, and Love will win, not prosper as it should but defeatism is a word I won't entertain, nonsensical is another word I do!

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ZombieTron's picture

or things that I know are going to happen that I am looking forward to...

1) BurnoutAholics HQ is moving to Bergen in Norway! Still not 100% sure of the date yet, but it will definitely be in 2009.

2) All the DLC packs for Paradise will be released! I am looking forward to the Island and seeing how the other changes are going to affect Burnout Paradise.

3) Passing 6666 gamerscore! I am at 6135 or something like that now, so I'm sure I will get to 6666 before the year is out!

4) Seeing Xandu with a beard for the first time, currently at 3 days of growth...

Whatever you are looking forward to in 2009, I hope you have a good one!

SUFFUR's picture

Xandu with a bread, sorry beard, lol, next he will be a father, run Zombie, run, he wants to turn you into a baby machine, lol. Of course other signs are slippers, a pipe (i'll buy him one, lol) and a very old dog that needs short walks, and a leather chair. He will also make the cradle, huen (sp) of wood, from a tree he chopped, down, in the cold winter night, hence the beard to keep warm (and it will suit the gingum (sp) dress), and he will sing the lumber jack song as he chops.

Wow never saw that comming, will we have beard growning comps, for our next meet ups, and drink sherry, nasty stuff, and show off wood cuts, lol.

He needs beardy growth on his Avatar, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

PsychedelicBabe's picture


PsychedelicBabe's picture

im hoping for a new burnout revenge game :( i guess we all live in hope :)

Rofer's picture

will never happeen it is really just too good to ever be true. I have given up hope on burnout forever lifes just not meant to be that awesome. And it's all criterions fault. I bet so many people hate them but probably not as much as me.

Jinno Angelo's picture

Its one small step to world domination!



"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. We Are All From The Dust, And To the Dust We Shall Return. Amen!" "Hellsing Ultimate Series I", Alexander Anderson.

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Nero Angelo's picture

Domination Indeed..



"He's just like Me... A Fool looking for a Worthy Opponent." Jubei Yagyu (Shura No Toki)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

Chu's picture

1) Sanctuary season 2 will be more mind blowing than the first, and Stargate Universe won't toally suck.

2) I'll be able to afford to go to London in November.

3) I might just maybe get a life.

