Video Gaming not addictive!! you've been told!!

so as you may be able to tell, I'm very busy at work today.. as part of my research and keeping up with industry trends I took my daily look at and the following article caught my eye..


So its official you cannot be addicted to video games.. damn, there goes my plan of taking time off for rehab.. was thinking maybe two weeks weening myself off.. starting at 24hrs a day and getting it down to a reasonable 5hrs by the end of the two weeks.. achievable.. maybe..


but the good news is that the American Medical Association will continue to look at this for the next 5 years.. so by 2012 you may be able to claim that you are officially addicted to gaming.. whether burnout will still be about then who knows.. I will probably still have my Xbox and 360 so if the servers are still running I'll still be playing..


SUFFUR's picture

I am not addicted anymore, i turned my xbox 360 off, Suffur 4 sale any one interested?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?