burnout paradise

i have a complaint, i hate when complete idoits take me out, and when i look at their stats they are noobs, any advice on how to deal with this. any help is appreciated




Chu's picture

Stop being bad at the game, maybe?


Hmmmm.............. yeah... yeah, I'm going to go with that.

Nero Angelo's picture

Better yet..... Just Ditch Paradise and Buy Revenge; a Real Racing Game...



"He's just like Me... A Fool looking for a Worthy Opponent." Jubei Yagyu (Shura No Toki)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

Chu's picture

Well, Paradise is a driving game, not a racing game, so no, not really better.

NIGHTMAR3xGTx's picture

Just get Burnout Revenge, and I'll make sure you get lessons by the great One Incognito... LMAO


kevlar0's picture

You set of idiots, he comes on here asking for help and all you do is make rude comments and unhelpful suggestions, you boys are a bunch of kcuftards.

The best way to deal the idiots who keep taking down is to host your own room, that way you have the power of the boot at your disposal and you can lock the room to invite or friends only.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

Chu's picture

I responded like an ass hole because he's complaining about people playing the damn game. He didn't really specify if it was a real constant, annoying thing, he's just bitching that he because he sucks it seems to me. Therefore, he shouldn't be playing the game if he's that bad.

SUFFUR's picture

Kev's right, and Chu, you were a newbie once, so stop berating people, thats my job, and original poster, its part of the game, do what Kev said or take them down first so they can come here and bytch about it too, by the way do you have a PS3? Or Xbox 360? And are you under the age of 16? And like cheese? Chocolate? And have action figures? Maybe from SG1, as you could buy them from Chu and if you have a Tourettes problem Kev will help to express yourself.

And welcome to Burnoutaholics! Where everyone will get a takedown on you!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

1nick992's picture

well i usually look for noobs when i am online...

Chu's picture

1) Why are you bitching if that's who you choose to play with?

2) You won't get any better at the game if you continually play with people of a lower skill level.

SUFFUR's picture

...and I blame you, because you ran away and it was up ur ssa at the time, can I have i back, please...

And why do you pick on the afflicted or is it efflicted, is it because you are butter than me! lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

PsychedelicBabe's picture

My foot fell off...

...and I blame you, because you ran away and it was up ur ssa at the time, can I have i back, please...

And why do you pick on the afflicted or is it efflicted, is it because you are butter than me! lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

lmao i love the way you are so etiquite suff.....:p ive used his at todays quote of the day over on xbox.com lol

Lofty_1783's picture

Absoltuely spot on Nick, it's true. I'm sick of idiots who don't want to do online challenges. They either:
join the room and park up
join the room to take everyone down and get in the way
join the room and squeal over their microphones constantly and repitively getting on everyones nerves.

The best idea on PS3 is to sign in and find me. I'm always up for a challenge, race or anything else you could desire.

And CHU I agree with you. How dare someone buy BURNOUT with the intent of doing online challenges?! The point of this game is to go online and be taken down all the time by idiots... The kind of idiots who take down the room controller while they're selecting a challenge on the easy-drive menu. Yes, I'm ripping the p155 out of you, CHU and I'm glad you're on X360 so that I don't have to burn with you.

Chu's picture

I'm ripping on him for being a whinny bitch, not wanting only to take people out and not do challenges.

I'm just gonna go ahead a brag here and say that I'm a freaking bad ass when it comes to doing challenges, and I enjoy excessively taking people out from time to time.

kevlar0's picture

Its ok for me to abuse them, i'm allowed, cause i play online with em. You (lofty) on the other hand are a ps3 nooboid and therefore have no rights whatsoever to take the ssip out of anyone on on xbox (superior online gaming by a mile), so be nice or kcuf off you kintard.(any replies must be sent directly to the site admins), thanks for your time.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

Abernyte's picture

No point in getting into an argument over a video game

Jinno Angelo's picture

Kev = Noob

Hawkeye = Noob

Suffer = Noob

Chu = Noob

Xandu = Noob

Zombie = Noob

GT = Taco Eatin , Curry Makin, Dunkin Donut Workin Crackhead...

     = Crackhead Drives like a Drunk ....

Nero = Noob

Psych = Noob

Everyone who Goes here and XBL Forums = Noob


Quit complaining... Were all a bunch of Noobs anyways....



"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. We Are All From The Dust, And To the Dust We Shall Return. Amen!" "Hellsing Ultimate Series I", Alexander Anderson.

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Xandu's picture

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