Criterion Games have release full details of how Burnout Paradise is changing with the update released on the 6th of February.
You can read all the detail on the Criterion Games website HERE and now you can see more about it on Crash TV episode 21

Here is a rundown of the changes:
- Car Handling and Events - The handling on the early cars like the Hunter Cavalry has been tweaked to make them more accessible to new players. These cars are now slower, harder to crash and less likely to spin out at low speeds. Because of this, the difficulty of all events have also been amended. The speeds of the rival cars and Burning Route times have been changed for the new car speeds.
- Junk Yard - It will be easier to compare cars in the Junk Yard and to pick between Cars, Bikes or the new Car packs.
- Stunt Run Timer - This will now count down more slowly, or countdown more quickly when you get a higher multiplier.
- Road Rage - Once you reach the target number of cars, time is no longer added to the clock.
- Visuals - Billboards, Super Jumps and Smashes will all now be easier to see and the colours of the city will be more vibrant, night time visuals have also been improved.
- Re-Start - As reported earlier, restarts are now in Burnout Paradise, this will make it easier to complete the game.
- Barrel Rolls - If you hit a split ramp after the update you no longer need to correct yourself for landing. 1 x Barrel Rolls will land automatically. If you want to go for multiple barrel rolls you can still do this by steering into the roll.
- In-Game Store - For PS3 & PC, this will make it easy to buy the Premium DLC from within the game.
Fri, 01/23/2009 - 17:28
"pushing your
"pushing your right stick"
Surely they mean left stick?
And the new billboards look awful. Hopefully smashed ones aren't changed.
Fri, 01/23/2009 - 20:31
Crash TV Spills the Beans
On Crash TV episode 21 when they show the Paradise in game store, the second item in the store, between the Legendary Car Pack and the Toy Car Pack is revealed.
Burnout Paradise Time Savers Pack - Pressed for time? Love the cars? Want to have them all now? This one's for you.
On the screen it shows this as costing 0.00 USD, although EA has charged MS points for similar packs in NFS games where you can buy the cars in the game without bothering to unlock them, and later in the podcast when they show the Jansen 88 special it also says 0.00 USD so I don't think the Time Savers Pack will be free.
The other packs also reveal some secrets. The Toys packs states cars and bikes, so more then one toy bike? The Boost Specials pack is 2 vehicles only.
Fri, 01/23/2009 - 20:57
The Roll of Film "Thingie"
I was curious about the fourth "box" (going left to right) on the Burnout store screen shot. The roll of film makes me wonder if this is some sort of screen capture functionality but I've got to be reading way to much into this. Given that it looks like it would take you into a sub category (note the + sign above the box) it's probably a link to pictures or backgrounds for your XBox or PS3
Fri, 01/23/2009 - 20:59
It's the Legendary Car Pack
As they are all based on cars from Film and TV.
Fri, 01/23/2009 - 21:02
Dang it, knew that was being wishful. Unfortunately I can't view the podcast from work.
Tue, 01/27/2009 - 11:50
New Video for the Ultimate Box
Yesterday, Criterion Games posted a trailer video for the Ultimate Box on their web site. HERE
On the bit which shows the online store, it shows a pack with a PCPD symbol, is this the Cops 'n' Robbers pack which we have heard about?
There is also a leak of the Hawker Mech on You Tube apparently.
Can you spot any other teasers??

Thu, 01/29/2009 - 12:06
PCPD Pack dated???
Well, if you look at the New Ultimate Box in High Def, the cop car license plate does clearly show as - 0731 - DPad seem to think that this is a clue to the release date of the PCPD pack as the 31st of July. (we'll call it the PCPD pack until CG tell us otherwise).
You can read their full story HERE.
Thu, 01/29/2009 - 15:27
Tribute to Burnout 2?
Isn't the number on the Citizen was the same as that on the cop car in Burout 2? I can't find any images that show a rear view of the cop car from B2 so I can't confirm.
EDIT: Checked the Burnout wiki and the number is the same on the two cars. Too bad really, would be great to have a release date although July would be a really long time to wait!
Thu, 01/29/2009 - 15:33
I didn't think it was right...
but didn't see the connection to B2 either. Cool!
It's funny to see people read all sorts from the snippets released tho, you never know the pack might coincidentally come out on the 31st of July!!
I wonder when we will get firm dates for the releases? I know the Island has been put back to after the other packs, but that is the only pack I am really looking forward to, I hope we don't have to wait too long!
I'm hoping the PCPD pack will get a formal announcement tomorrow so that we get to know a bit more about it.

Tue, 02/03/2009 - 18:44
*happy face*
I'm excited about not only the new graphics but the event tweaking and some of the cars being easier to handle. I'm trying to get my friends into Burnout Paradise, so easier driving is going to help me a lot. Also, the graphics seem reminiscent of Burnout 3's, which is a good thing. Burnout 3 is my favorite Burnout.
I find it interesting how Criterion showed us the new graphics before they announced it. If anyone remembers some of the pictures from the Party Pack news update, you can tell that Criterion had the better lighting set up for a while now.
Tue, 02/03/2009 - 22:33
Paradise on PC
I bought and downloaded Paradise from the EA store this morning, it has all the improvements mentioned above. It's pretty amazing how the game plays on PC... and there is not much difference between the high settings and low settings so if you have a pretty weak PC you should try putting it through it's paces when the demo comes out, i'm currently playing it on a laptop. (Min Req for the game are: Pentium 4 2.8Ghz or equivalent Processor, 1Gb ram (1.5Gb Vista), 128mb Graphics Card capable of shader model 3).
The improvements are... ok, they don't really change the game all that much IMO... I'm just more impressed with Burnout coming over to the PC as well as it has.
Overall i'd say Paradise is the best console to PC port i've ever played.
GTA4 being the worst.
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 23:03
Dead on target
...with that one, Segaswirl! I've played a lot of ports and they just weren't all that good. I'm enjoying B:PC as if it had been made native to PC. Even my rumble pad works!
No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead
No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead
Sun, 02/08/2009 - 08:21
Well, D-PADÂ doesnt think
Well, D-PAD doesnt think this is the Cops and Robbers pack announced to PS3 and PC users (though I have an Xbox, I asked a friend with a PS3), they think its the introduction of cop cars altogether, they think that the police car with the 731 on it, is when that car will be released, not knowing it was part of the game from the beginning, and there is the PCPD special as well.
But i really doubt the PCPD pack will be that far ahead, since it the Cops and Robbers announcement was part of the Premium Pack announcement. I dunno, but whenever its released, i hope its good :).