Burnout Paradise 1.6... rocks

I've been trying out Burnout Paradise 1.6 this afternoon and I really like it.

My main reason for liking it is that the game is much more colourful now. The colours are much more vibrant and clearer. Personally I did not like the grayish/blue tint that made everything look really dull.

The fog / mist no longer looks like the fog in a pre 2000 PC game. I think the option to turn it off is no longer needed.

Seems like menus made it to Paradise City after all. This is a good thing. It’s not always good to be different just for the sake of being different.

The automatic landing of 1 x barrel rolls are cool for beginners and I think one of the main reasons for CG to do this is to make the party pack more accessible. Now anyone can do a barrel roll. The only skill required is to find a suitable ramp.  As far as I can see the changes to the barrel rolls have not made a big difference if you are doing 2x plus barrel rolls. I have noticed a slight “lag” (in lack of a better term) when going from roll 1x to 2x. This could potentially stop you from nailing that 5x+ barrel roll.

The re-starts are cool but not something I personally wanted. It will definitely make it possible to shave a couple of minutes of the speed runs through the game. It will also make it a lot less frustrating to new customers / players. In the end Criterion actually needs people to buy the game and not having restarts have cost them a lot of sales and made lots of people trade in the game early.


kevlar0's picture

Hi dude, What are the learned mrs Trons views on the fog? for me, Zombs opinion is the real acid test on the fog situation as she was/is? one of its biggest critics "we want a fog switch".

Sounds like you are impressed with the rest of the tweaks Xan, Its bastarding killing me reading all this about the update and not being able to check it out for myself (gnitawt disc drive cheap shoddy m/$ parts). And to add insult to injury i downloaded the P.C demo version only to find out my onboard graphics card is a bag of pig dung and isn't capable..

Anyone for a game of scrabble? http://apps.facebook.com/livescrabble/


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

Xandu's picture

The fog looks much better but I just realized that the fog seems to be "on" pretty much all the time. It does not really seem very realistic that there is fog 3/4 of the time at noon? The probability of having fog should be highest in the morning/evening and almost 0 in the middle of the day.

When we first started playing we had a really cool dark red sky with stars. Good thing there was no fog at that time or else it would have been rubbish.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

ZombieTron's picture

The Fog is still there, but for the most part it seems to be more misty and less pea soupy then before.

Having said that tho, I don't think it is perfect and there is still too much Fog for my liking. It didn't feel like a major problem until we started doing some ranked racing and the Fog caused me to crash on a number of occassions, also the weather is still not the same for everybody and I had quite heavy fog when Xandu had none (you did have none for a while Xandu!).

Overall the visual improvements do seem better then the Bike Pack. I haven't noticed the colour enhancements as much as most, I think maybe SD doesn't show it as much or something? or people are exagerrating the differences.  Night time in the mountains is still dark tho... but the red sky at night was pretty cool.

Can't wait for you to get your Xbox back Kev so we can get your unique perspective on the changes!

MERCURIG's picture

look for starters ill get it out in the open im ps3, and i know most pc and xbox hate us for some reason well i say each to there own, and the colours on this machine are wicked and my tv is set right and full 1080 so this does make the new colours bit to much my earlier blog about red and yellow etc is aiming at the party pack but i suppose its again each to there own so if u dont like it dont get it but i like my trophies so looks like i may have to suffer it at some point anywho back to original topic fog sucks at wrong time of day i agree have not yet seen the red sky ? and this barrel roll thing just sounds wrong and im sorry but i dont think ill ever get used to the flashing neon red burnout signs too much for me im afraid they take my eye off the roads this is the reason ultimo and wonderbra got banned from road side ! just a thought ... other than that happy new burning eveyone cons and pros high and lows thats the way the story goes

Chu's picture

I agree with Zombie on the fog. Seems more just like mist now compared to the old fog. The color saturation was abvious to me the second I pulled out of the junk yard. I suppose this will, in the end, be a welcome change, compared to all of the other lively colored games coming out.

Thankfully, my Togue wasn't changed much other than one Speed was removed. I haven't checked out the bikes yet, but I'm sure though are the same.

I like how the billboards flicker when you've already gone through them. I've gone through all the smashes multiple times, so there aren't many fences left for me to even notice them. I don't find the blue cones for jumps much more brighter, but since they are blue I think they are easier to spot in the distance.