Why has paradise city been taken over by drug barons? the streets are rife with LSD everythings illuminated  the thugs from big surf av been sellin gear on sheppard avenue for sure . Fancy criterion letting 60's hippies take over paradise when theres youngsters burning how 1980's of them  ......... paradise just wasnt interesting enuff so they had to put bright neon signs and congratulatory messages flashin on ur screen talk about burning ur eyes well done criterion well done ,,,,,,,,, BOYCOTT....DO NOT UPDATE.....


zerojay's picture

 I don't get how everyone's complaining about how bright and super colorful it is. The saturation went up a little bit. Just enough to feel fresh and new.

MERCURIG's picture

FRESH  ''giggle ... splutter ... '' NEW '' cakkle ..... guffaw'' it was fine, if they wanted shiny and new they shudda released a new game altogether '' BURNOUT : ur fekin eyes city '' if it aint broke then dont fix it .... nuff sed

Segaswirl's picture

I can't believe people are complaining about graphics in the update for Paradise. It seems every game that comes out now has to look as if you're playing it through a coffee filter or it is deemed "unrealistic" or "stupid". The graphics for Burnout 3 are one of the main reasons why I prefer it to Revenge... I like my games to be bright and colourful, it's how Burnout should be (IMO).

zerojay's picture

 I'm starting to wonder if maybe the people complaining are people who have the saturation on their TVs set up really high to begin with, so the slight color changes look a lot more major. It's the only way I can explain some of the complaints I've heard about it to this point.

Khanon's picture


Did you just join this site to complain incessantly about the same things in as many places as possible? Maybe you should check the adjustments on your monitor/lcd/tv? The colors aren't too bright or gaudy for me... I use a color bar adjustment program to make sure my colors are "true" as possible and haven't had any issues with anything being bright or gaudy... If part of your complaint is about car colors, you can always paint them...I've seen far more gaudy, flashy, and putrid IRL around town here for rice rocket paint jobs... And real world neon signs in a downtown area...? How unrealistic!

The lights look great and look more like a living city when the night cycle hits, too. I had enough of bland and drab from GRID, which seemed to think that bright colors didn't exist at all...

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

kevlar0's picture

Khanon today is the exception to the rule with the new DLC and the party pack just being realeased the is an influx of new users, so apologies if you are getting the wrong impression about the site, we are not usually this negative (lol). there are tonnes of guides on the site and lots of useful info. my reply was in jest to MERCURIG as he seem to be a little bit over excitable to say the least. enjoy your stay here because some people on the site do actually love the game regardless of whatever comes our way,,


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

Khanon's picture

lol I'm thinking I should start my own BLOG here. heh I'm finding the game nothing but extremely enjoyable, personally. (will reserve further remarks for my own blog)

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

MERCURIG's picture

yeah guess my colouring and saturations all out u need to let me know where to get one o these colour bar adjust programmes cos those billboards shud never be bright red and flashing all the time ? again if its not broke dont fix it they slowed cars down and ruined the offline road rage probably making it easier for newbies so all our hard earned licenses are laughed upon

Khanon's picture

Oh, well if you meant that they are red and flashing, yeah, they are... I thought you were alluding to "everything" being overly colorful. They did that with the billboards to make them stand out more. Personally, I'm glad they did, because from images I've seen of the older ones, there's probably a half dozen or so I'd have never found without a guide. I like trying to do things without a guide if at all possible, only resorting to them when there's no choice left.

If you're on a playstation or xbox, I don't thing there's any color bar programs...I'm on a PC, so... But for televisions, when a channel is showing color bars, use that as a guide to adjust your colors. Perhaps you have the brightness too high. If you're using an LCD, check your black level; it may be too low. Check your "entertainment" settings if your model of tv/lcd has one. I noted that our Samsung lcd tv's "games" mode is VERY bright. I turn off entertainment mode altogether, personally. "Movie" setting is usually too washed out and amber hued, like I'm watching a movie from the 20's, "Day" mode is usually just too dim and/or washed out, and "Sports" mode is too...I dunno...not quite right.

All things to look at when trying to see if it's maybe just your settings. If it's a complaint about the change itself and not so much about a hue issue, then I can't say anything more than I already have...I like it how it is now, when I compare it to older screenshots and vids from YouTube... I guess it's really down to personal preference at this point. *shrugs*


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

MERCURIG's picture

nicely said glad u appreciate my opinion and dont mock it thnx does mean alot .. as for my settings .. they may need tweaking slightly but its probably the change itself like u said at the end .. will av to get used to it i suppose