How can u charge someone to play offline at home 10 bucks that crazy. Now they slowed down the bikes and cars this game will never be the same it was so good before all the lame updates. People who like the update must be a noob cuz it was so much better when the game first came out and why can we not race the bikes come on now your ruinin the game so much.


ZombieTron's picture

but I do agree with your point about racing the bikes, I don't know why this was never included???

If you don't like any of the updates, you can still play the original game offline by deleting the additional content and disconnecting from the internet before you play. This might not be an ideal solution, but if you want to play in the original Paradise it can still be done.

The Party Pack is an optional download, so if you don't like how much it costs, you don't have to buy it. I haven't bought it yet myself, but it does look like alot of fun!

Also, I don't think all of the cars have been slowed down, but the stats have been changed to allow faster cars to be added in future DLC. Some of the earlier cars have been slowed down a bit to make the game easier to get into.


Khanon's picture

I'll also agree about not being able to race the bikes... I was hoping to see a modified Marked Man, Road Rage, and Race set of events when I first looked at the Bikes side. Those things not being there is why I've not looked at that side of the UB since that first peek.

The Cars side of things, though, is more than enough fun packed into a single game for me. I understand how fans of the bikes pack might be disappointed, however.

I've personally no use for the party pack for reasons I've stated elsewhere, so it's just so much more fluff in the UB that I didn't need. I suppose I can make up a bunch of EA identities to log in to play against myself... I have a feeling some professionals of a psychiatric nature may want to discuss such things with me if I did that, though.

Overall, however, Burnout Paradise is a blast of heretofore unknown proportions as far as I'm concerned on the platform I use to play games, so I'm going to have to give Criterion a huge thumbs up.


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

Jinno Angelo's picture

I guess people will always have their preferences... No matter how many updates they add into that game.. I dont think it could ever be played in the same level as Revenge... That of course is just my own opinion...




"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. We Are All From The Dust, And To the Dust We Shall Return. Amen!" "Hellsing Ultimate Series I", Alexander Anderson.

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Khanon's picture

You hit the nail squarely on the head, Jinno... (why do they say "squarely on the head" when the head of a nail is round?? even the heads of most hammers are round!)

It really all boils down to personal preference, and I think that's what a lot of people (myself included sometimes) forget. Take World of Warcraft, for instance. Way back when the game was young, I loved it... I was great at it, and things played the way I liked them. It's a completely different animal now and not as fun as it used to be as far as I'm concerned, especially with all the changes. However, they have more subscribers than ever and are still growing over there.

Which way was better? That's a matter of opnion. Most seem to think it's better now. I preferred it as it was. I've caught myself more than once saying "they [blizzard] 'ruined' the game" in so many aspects, and many would agree with me. Many others would disagree.

And there we have it...personal preference.

So it goes for Burnout (Paradise). Some say it's better than ever before, some say it's not. Some say forced tracks instead of open streets was better. Some say it's not.

*shrugs* What ya gonna do...? Cake!

...wait...I prefer Pie!

*facepalm* Here we go again...


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

Jinno Angelo's picture

I dont like Paradise... I would also happily defend Revenge over Paradise.. but I do understand that Paradise needs to be looked at under its own merit..




"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. We Are All From The Dust, And To the Dust We Shall Return. Amen!" "Hellsing Ultimate Series I", Alexander Anderson.

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).