New flatspin record

 Congratulations to vettefan88 for a new flatspin record, a whopping 3138! He even caught it on camera!

The new car dynamics seem to be working well, with alot of people getting 6x barrell rolls as well.


Abernyte's picture

I definately didn't think we'd see 3,000 + until after the island. Just amazing.

SUFFUR's picture

Is that on a pre-update as it's hard to tell by the quality of the video? But cool all the same.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Dodger455's picture

I have tried that flatspin a couple of hundred times off that jump, and only managed 2066, way to go!I can't see anyone busting even 3000.It looks like it's after the update don't you think?He will go crazy trying to equal it.

That record may stand forever.Now I want to try it some more!

Abernyte's picture

As posted  on the Paradise 360 boards, it appears this spin is glitched. Too bad really.

Longy AUS's picture

How long has the rumour been going around that someone did a 3000 flatspin because of a glitch? It must be at least 6 months. We said at the time if it was true we would hear about it. To be honest alot of people would have been trying all different techniques to find a glitch (they do with everything else).

It is a bit of a let down, it's an end of an era. So where will the bar be raised to now?

Remember the car still does the spin that it says it does. Vettefans video is of a car spinning over 3000 degrees.

Lucky we aren't the ones trying to put a leaderboard together


Abernyte's picture

You are absolutely right, there have been rumours for months. Pre Cagney someone mentioned a way to prevent the car from being wrecked when it hit the wall. Frankly I never saw it actually work and so never bothered to "report" it in the flatspin thread at CG beyond a vague reference. Clearly this one works well and works across all three platforms. Several people on PS3 had 3,000 + spins last night and I've gotten a 2,979 on PC. Clearly, the bar has been raised but maybe not the way we would have liked.

Regardless, I give vette credit as after a couple days of tease he told everyone exactly how to do it and the fact of the matter is a bunch of us had fun last night trying it out.

Does put a bit of a damper on ever restarting the leaderboard though as this falls outside the definition we used since it involves going into a menu. Oh well, off to try and get 3,000!

spin_dizzee's picture

 Seems like if spin leaderboards are going to be kept to represent accurately, they'll need to separate them by "natural" spins (no clipping), "clipped" spins (no glitch used), glitch/cheat spins, and finally soon to come- Island spins. Including where the spins occured would also be helpful if looking for accurate record keeping. Just my .02

Abernyte's picture

This is a repost of something I put up on the Paradise360 boards (and in fact an edit of stuff I had from the old CG forums flatspin thread) regarding the types or categories of flatspins:

Standard or Traditional Spins: These are spins that occur without the use of any in-game objects to increase the speed of the spin. Examples would include any spin off a ramp where the ramp is not used to clip the tire(s) to induce spin and any spins off of flat surfaces.

Induced or Accelerated Spins: These are spins that use an in-game object to increase the speed of the spin. Examples would include clipping the wall at the dam, clipping the ramp on N. Rouse, and the pre-Cagney airfield spin which required clipping the ramp.

Augmented or Enhanced Spins: These are spins that use an “out of game” method to accelerate the spin. For this purpose “out of game” refers to going into a menu or otherwise exiting or pausing the game to perform a series of steps or commands. This would include the use of the start menu technique to allow the vehicle to avoid a crash that would otherwise have occurred. Spins of this type may or may not use an in-game object to increase the speed of the spin.

The names for the categories could be whatever you want. but I think this does capture the three types we now have and is consistent with what you said.

The problem with these categories, or whatever other groupings someone might deem appropriate, is how do you prove how or where a spin was achieved? You can certainly make reasonable assumptions but short of videos there isn't any way to prove how. where, or in what vehicle a flatspin was done, only the amount of spin. And, as we've seen from vette's first video showing his 3,000+ spin, even a video can be easily manipulated. The honor method is great provided everyone adheres to it but you know there will always be at least one person who doesn't.

All of this is a long winded way of saying that I agree that separate leaderboards would be great but may prove to be a practical impossibility. For better or worse, we may be stuck with a single board that reflects the use of the glitch.


spin_dizzee's picture

 is what's left-you're right. Even as I posted the thought on keeping separate boards, I was reminded the fact remains that scores can be too easily manipulated now, as you point out about vette's vid (which looks remarkably un-manipulated). Guess we are left to the honor system, as well as spins substantially over 2500 (which people have been trying to break forever w/o success) are strongly suspect to a glitch being used (at least until the Island, as it seems all bets will be off).

By the way, apprectiated your work on the flatspin faq on the old CG boards, shame it all went away.

Longy AUS's picture

 With the editing of vettefans video, the only thing he edited was the process of pausing. So what you see is a normal offline runup then the superjump animation and THE actual 3100 spin that the car did. The spin itself is not edited in any way, as can be seen when you compare his "explanation" video.

Once you've gone over 3000, any 2500 spin you do is a dissapointment. I always got annoyed with 2300 degree spins, yet to the majority of people it is amazing.

Abernyte's picture

I wasn't suggesting that vette manipulated the spin in the vid, merely pointing to the fact that I and others looked at it, said "somethings not right" but couldn't figure out how the vid was done. Point isn't to criticize vette, in fact I have given him credit for letting everyone know how to do the spins, point is to recognize that not eveyone would do what vette did and ackowledge how it was done. Someone could get a 2520, post a vid with simple editing, and claim that they clipped the wall but didn't use the glitch. Given the quality of most BP vids posted to Youtube so long as the edit wasn't a complete butchery most people would be hard pressed to tell.

And I agree with you, hitting a spin using his technique is amazing, and not that easy - I have yet to break 3,000 and I consider myself to be a fair spinner. Surprising how quickly hitting 2,700 becomes irritating not amazing!

I am also very curious as to how this thing actually works. Yes the spin is 3,100 (we actually counted the rotations when he first posted the vid so no doubt about that ) but I think something is accelerating the car. If I do the same run up and clip the wall vs. the "Vette-spin" technique I get significantly better results with the Vette-spin. Granted no two runs are exactly the same but I think even vette noted that this seemed to be the case. Love to know what causes that.

And spin_dizzee thanks for the comment regarding the CG thread. Kind of miss keeping that thing going.