Toy Collection 1: 480 Points
- Toy Hunter Cavalry: 160 Points
- Toy Hunter Manhattan: 160 Points
- Toy Kreiger WTR: 160 Points
- Toy Jansen P12
Toy Collection 2: 480 Points
- Toy Hunter Takedown 4x4: 160 Points
- Toy Carson GT Concept: 160 Points
- Toy Hunter Citizen: 160 Points
- Toy Carson Inferno Van: 160 Points
Toy Nakamura Firehawk: 240 Points
Boost Specials: 400 Points
- Hawker Mech: 240 Points
- Carson Extreme Hot Rod: 240 Points
Time Saver's Pack: 400 Points
Edit: These were purchasable this morning. I got the Legendary Pack, Toy Pack 1 and Boost Specials. Some thoughts:
88 Special: Looks awesome, flame effects are cool and it just looks so slick while driving in hover mode.
Spirit: It looks cool. That's about it, unfortunately. It looks funny while barrel rolling.
Nighthawk: Fast and tough. The light comes on while boosting.
Bootlegger: I can see the horn getting annoying, but it's a cool car. Plus you get a lot of boost for jumping with the horn.
Toy Cars: They look so cute and their small size makes them great for avoiding traffic. I especially love the Toy Cavalry.
Hawker Mech: The Hawker was cool anyway, the lights on this make it even cooler. Plus it can switch boost types. So if you need easy boost you can switch to speed and get oncoming.
Extreme Hot Rod: It really is extreme. Very fast, it seems better than the normal Hot Rod for cornering and it's amazing at barrel rolls (I finally got an x6 thanks to this car). Plus you can't turn the boost off without crashing or e-breaking (like the normal hot rod, it takes a while to get going again).
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 11:53
Totting up the DLC costs
I am on the marketplace now, and there is a Toy Collection available for a whopping 1000 MS points, presumably that is both packs and the Bike.
Legendary Cars are 640 Ms points.
so far 1640 and counting...
Boost specials 400 = total of 2040 Ms Points just for all the cars, this is just over £17.00 (2000 points costs £17.00)
Add to that the Party Pack at 800 points = 2840 and the Island which is bound to be at least 1200 you are looking at over 4040 points for the lot... oh no one sec, I forgot about Cops and Robbers, hmmm wonder how much that will be?
If it comes to 1000 which it could, you are looking at 5000 MS points, the price for which is £42.50.
I think DLC that in total costs more then the original game is a wee bit pricey! Time to start saving up!!
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 13:57
So.. What are the Cars like? Are they worth it??
If you are lucky enough to not be working or at school and are on 360 and are rich enough to have bought all the car packs and had time to try them out... please let me/us know... What are the Cars like? and are they worth getting?
I am especially curious about the Toy cars and the Boost specials as we haven't seen or heard much about these.
Come on people, spill the beans! I'm working til 8pm today so wont get much of a chance to play with the new cars!!
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 14:20
Big suprise
Due to microsoft making an arse of things, 360 users are allowed to download and use ALL the car packs, the hotrod boost special is awesome, and well worth the money IMO, don't know how long they are going to available for download on the dashboard, the general lee is a hoot also.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 14:53
I bought them but they dont appear in the game?
Is anyone else having this problem? I must be doing something wrong.
"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya
"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 15:27
Bought what I could get...
Love the Extreme Hotrod, it super fast and not easy to control, the toy cars are awesome, and something, i did wish for, roll on a Mini 'me' Roadster! The Legendary car are ok, 88 special drives nice, good effect of floating at ??mph, the other are ok, but spent most of my time doing game modes in the air field, with the toy cars, its such a giggle. But doing road rules and big air in the Extreme Rod of rodness, and it barrel rolls like it's possesed!
Do I think they are worth the money, to some yes, to me it's very pricey, and i would have liked to see an 'all in' car pack (and if it happens I'd like to get a small refund if I may), as these car open up extended multi-player fun, that may not last to the Island's release in April some time, but they will do, for now.
I did get some sound delays with some crashes with the toy cars, and a couple of other little niggles, voip is up the creek again, and it could be our friends across the pond again? I also started noticeing a new van in Paradise, that was red with flashing lights, something I had not noticed before, as part of the traffic.
As for the Hawker Mech, it could be fun, but found that the button on the stick button does effect over thumb use, but a trained racer could use it well to win some stuff, shame its a bit slow, compared to others.
The Night Hawk was ok, nothing special though it does not crash well, like it's not trying too sort of thing, it's strong, and can take knocks and boosts fast, but not awesome enough for the price, too me.
Spirit has not been test by me at this time as I writting this for a heads up. But it supposed to barrel roll well?
And the 88 is special, is it worth it's individual price to me no, but as the pack, yes, it worth the points then.
Anyway, I like them, over priced, but fun have if you put your fingers up to the bank manager.
PS the bike is very cute, did not see a female rider, but pocket bike racer comes to mind, and it cool, but you can't use it in a car room.
Well I back to driving about, but i think toy car races are going to be great. Maybe more later.
Criterion great work on the cars they look great, sound wise, I wished the toy cars had each a distinctive engine noise, but they handle really well, not keen on the van as it looks like a yellow special bus in drag, and drives funny, but the 4 wheel streering on the 4x4 is cool to look at.
I'm having fun, so you weight your cost of fun...?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 16:31
Apparently I missed the toy
Apparently I missed the toy cars and boost specials by about 20 minutes.
Oh well, I am enjoying the legendary cars....I'm one of those guys who will have to buy everything for this game just to have it, so I think the price is worth it just to have all the cars.
I am currently seeing a LOT of people driving the 88 special online though.
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 19:04
They were still there at
They were still there at 17:00 CET when I turned off my console.
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 19:29
 Bur it you viewed the
Bur it you viewed the details or went to buy them then it'll just give you an error.
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 20:22
Same said
Same said something to the effect of "Information cannot be obtained - try again later."
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 20:46
Really sorry
Silent Hill Origins..... PSP..... Fookin awesome, soundtrack, graphics, feel. Had to change the subject lol
--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--
--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--
Mad Wookiee11
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 21:30
Uhhh. . . What happened?
Why were the other packs availible, and why are they gone now? Does anyone know if they will be back? I'm still downloading 1.7, and I have to wait until after its done to get the Legendary cars.
Latinam est, fatue!
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 22:47
Here is what happened
The Toy Cars and Boost Specials were not meant to be out today, so they have been taken off the list until they are due to be released.
Yes they will be back! But, Criterion Games haven't given the full release dates for everything yet.
1.7 is taking forever to download, so I wont be going back to Paradise until tomorrow.
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 23:19
Carson Extreme Hot Rod
Infinite Boost -
Road Ruling Mo-Fo -

278 yard jumps -

850 degree (Traditional) Flatspin -

7x barrel roll -

Fri, 02/20/2009 - 03:19
Boost Specials READ THIS!!!
I woke up this morning 6:50(Central) and checked for the new legendary car pack in the xbox live market place. I was really suprised to see that they had realeased the toy cars and the boost specials with the legendary cars. I wasn't for shure if the packs were actually realeased or accidentally so i bought both the legendary cars and the boost specials because they both were sold at reasonable prices unlike the toy car packs. Since i was downloading the encredibly slow update i just left to go to school and decided i would leave my xbox on to download the packs and play the packs after school. When i got home i checked if the packs were still there and they weren't but my history told me i downloaded the packs. I turned on Burnout Paridise and checked the in game store and they were not there. Then i entered paridise city and the boost specials and legendary car packs were right under online cars pack. I selected the boost specials and to my suprise there were 2 new cars there: Carson Extreme Hot Rod and the Hawker Mech. I took out the "Hot Rod" and it could pull a huge wheely, it had infitine boost, locked on boost, could do 4-7 barrel rolls easily, 600-850 flat spin easily off big jumps, could hit the other side of the correy and was by far the fastest car in the game(My Favorite).Also u can stop its boosting by E-Braking your car into reverse.The other car the "Mech" was tits. This car is not a fast as the other hawkers, it has a 8/10 boost but easily makes it up with the coolest exterior design of all the cars. It looks the a futuristic mechanical design with glowing neon all over, even the rims glow extremely with a pinkish purplish neon(Best at night).The car can switch through speed,stunt and aggresion boost at any time, even while boosting u can switch the boost to the type u desire using the L3 botton (click in Left stick). Also changing the boost type changes the cars neon to match the boost colors(except rims). The Hawker Mech is exactly the same handling as the other Hawkers no difference. Yep so when the boost specials realease again they sould defentaly be bought by every one. P.S i don't no if they'll take the dlc away because it wasn't suppost to be realeased but i bought it so i don't think they will.