I just "downgraded" from vista to xp, im launching burnoutparadise.exe from my external where its installed, i enter my id and pass, but its like its a fresh game. 1 car, 2 bikes.. Anyone knows where are the save files located? I wouldnt like to redo all the races.. I was close to 100%. Thanks.
Mon, 03/09/2009 - 16:15
XP: C:\Documents And Settings\<User>\Local( Settings)\AppData\Criterion Games
There are hidden folders which need to be unhided.
Vista: C:\Users\<User>\Local\AppData\Criterion Games
Also hidden folders.
Those may differ since my WinXP is German.
BP PC gamer. IGN: PhotonKitsune
BP PC gamer. IGN: PhotonKitsune
Dr. Pariolo
Mon, 03/09/2009 - 17:24
same folder structure under
same folder structure under vista english version. Thanks.