Boost Update?

So I'm torn whether I should get the new boost pack. I have heard only a few different opinions on the cars from people who already have them. Unfortunately most of these people's opinions generally end up saying that the pack is not worth the six hundred and some points that were spent.  I would rather not waste my points on something I won't be using but I would like to hear other peoples opinion before I buy them. If you have any opinion on the new boost pack please let me know. Thanks :) 


Gooner Rhyle's picture

...that this is one of the rare occassions where the DLC is worth it.

Previous DLC has been hit and miss for me - Legendary cars are overpriced but (as far as I'm concerned) a must have just for the sheer thrill of smashing people off of the road in Ecto 1 and the little touches of brilliance on the DeLorean (flame trail) and KITT (sound effect and boost light) are just too cool!

On the other hand the Toy pack was an overpriced mess of a novelty that soon wore off. Just add nothing to gameplay and they're really nothing other than an aesthetic choice - I personally can't stand the fact that they're so hard to wreck as it renders a lot of the offline gameplay meaningless.

With the two cars on offer in the Boost Specials you get a completely new experience - especially with the Extreme Hot Rod which is my new car of choice! The feeling of finally busting a barrell roll of 5 was awesome last night and being unable to take the boost off leads to some...interesting...moments on some of the sharper turns in Paradise City. I can understand some of the complaints I've heard from a couple of people on my friends list who've said that the XHR has meant that their achievement of 4 / 5 / 6 barrell rolls is diminished because of the ease with which the XHR pull them off but my argument would be that they should imagine the rolls they could pull of in it! I've not played much with the Hawker Mech but prior to picking up the boost specials the Solo was the car for me. It's a great looking car, capable of everthing the Solo is with some firmer handling. I've yet to figure out the mechanics and advantages of being able to switch the different boosts but I imagine the implication is that it means you won't have to visit Junk Yard for different events - kind of a one-size-fits-all-mobile.

Anyway...I should get on with some work...hope this is useful to helping you make up your mind...

Mad Wookiee11's picture

Seriously, that car is the epitimy of what Burnout should be.  It can pull of crazy stunts, sick air, and is wicked fast.  What more could you want?  I didn't get the Hawker mech, though.  I've never really liked the Hawker that much, and it didn't look all that impressive to me.  But the Hot rod is definately worth it.  I beat half of my records in it in the first half hour.   It's so hilarious to go off the Quarry jump and get clotheslined by the mine shaft. 

Latinam est, fatue!