Cop's & Robbers!

The Cop's & Robbers pack release date has just bieng comfirmed as April 30th!   So, as this is the first Blog I have ever posted here I just wanna ask you guys & gals what cars out of the 33 your going to be driving? You can name as many as you want if you like and if your unsure just pop over to and watch the video   My favourites have to be the Cop Inferno van, the Cop Krieger Pioneer, Cop Hot Rod and the Cop Burnout Roadster!


Theres a video of the new cars here:


Dodger455's picture

It all depends on what part of the city your in for me, the Hotrod will look cool in the downtown, while the Takedown 4x4 will look right at home on the beach, or in the mountains, the euro cars will also look awesome driving in the mountains.As for favorites I like the 4X4,the Tempesta, and the Hawker.I'm sure we will all have our favorites, but it will be just trying them all!Will there be Legendary cop cars as well?


ZombieTron's picture

As all of the Legendary cars are based on cars from the original game, they will all have cop car equivalents, but without the Legendary Car special features!! 

However, there will not be Cop Liveries for the NEW DLC cars as far as I know. The Cop liveries will just be for the Original cars in the game.

I normally drive the Gamestop Sport, so I guess the Cop Touge might be my car of choice.

Dodger455's picture

I would like to see all of the toys with cop liveries, because I enjoy messing around with them, but it sounds like there will be enough different ones to chose from out of the original cars.

ZombieTron's picture

would be cool too! But, this looks as tho it is a mode for cars only.

I want a C.H.I.P.S bike!

Captain Cakewalk's picture

I was thinking exactly the same thing just the other day! I even sent an E-mail to Criterion about it ^^ You may be in luck as people have told me they have seen pictures with the cars and bikes on at the same time, so you never know, it might just happen


Revenge is a dish best served at 200mph!

Revenge is a dish best served at 200mph!

Dodger455's picture

Sweet!Give me the sidecar option too,with an extra rider!

Captain Cakewalk's picture

Going around the corner with the side-car in the air LOL They could make it into an achievement/Trophie lol That would be awesome!


Revenge is a dish best served at 200mph!

Revenge is a dish best served at 200mph!