Big Surf Island - All the footage from Inside Xbox


Thanks to hn6 for posting this up on YouTube, now all of you can enjoy the footage even if you aren't on Xbox Live.


Inside Xbox: Burnout Paradise Video

While you are there, check out Jammy Chap's Dukes of Hazzard video too!  

Dukes of Hazzard in Paradise City

Thanks to Longy for the correction!


SUFFUR's picture

I can see you 'burners' had a lot of fun!

And nice to see Inside Xbox doing some Paradise footage, about time, lol. Though a funny bit of editing making the Dune Buggy look as though it is the Extreme Hot Rod?

But the Island is looking interesting, still can't tell how big it is? but looks like a good months worth of finding a spot to look cool from, lol. And I can see most records being smashed in the Barrel roll, Jump distance and Flat spin front, in about an hours worth of game play, until a week later someone does a non-jijo 20br video, then a jijo 36br appears the next day, lol!

{Please note acctual time and br's are an estimation, stuff looks closer when looking in them fancy wing mirrors, at flashing lights and a bottle of tequila in hand, so there still time for another swig until duty calls}

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Dodger455's picture

I agree the Dukes video was really fun to watch, and there was some goods shots of cars jumping, and just getting stupid.The Island looks to have all kinds of places to break records, and generally cause mayhem, I hope that it will take longer than a month before I am looking forward to the next DLC,if there is one.Will there be a new finish line destination, along with the Country club,Wildcats stadium,etc...?Will we race from the Island to the Observatory, or vice versa?How many roads are on the Island to rule?How many challenges?Races?Stunt Runs?Smashes?These are things I would like to know, and Cops, and Robbers ain't filling the void.Give us a date at least!


Nero Angelo's picture

 - - - Paradise still doesnt interest me - - -



"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)


"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

Longy AUS's picture

 I was just along for the ride, was a blast getting all the footage for the video. I don't envy the job he had of editing a couple of hours of clips into the film. Jammy got a dazzle capture card, seems to work nicely.

zombo09's picture

Don't have access to xbox live, thanks for sharing.blackjack forex software craps roulette bingo