Interactive locations map

here's a burnout paradise, Interactive locations map.

lots of info a great way to find what you need, Find locations for Smashes, Billboards, Jumps, Shortcuts, and more.

hope this helps all you noobs,or you oldies. you know who you are




Paul-Ferrie's picture

i thought that map was common knowledge. it's been around for some time. Still good to refresh a good bit of work on one mans obsession with BP and Flash


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

Dodger455's picture

Yeah,that map has been around a long time, but it is nicely done, and very accurate.

theelliyworkshop's picture

yes i found that link now,  but it is nicely done.

iam still very new at this myself, only been playing for about 5 months now.


Xedec's picture

been a while sence i been to that site


(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)