
Xbox died last night and I can have the last laugh you see haha, a bunch of my pals come around every weds, it's Gay weds when the boys get together and go blind on the Plasma TV they are not used to, get shot more often or kill more often on Call Of Duty 2 and 4... the ratio is random.  It's only Gay because we are all blokes who have known each other since childhood, schooldays - like 20 odd year (Im ancient), mark 1 escorts, insane landrover weekends - instant lunatic just add mud, shared girlfriends, ew, midnight drives, sharing the same Manchester city scarf to wipe ourselves off whilst listening to Wet Wet Wet, wishing I was lucky hehe. Yeah whatever. And one of em, head honcho, can message with his controller quicker than Obama fooled the friggin lot of us. And he's a popular tawt.  Annoying man.

Staring at a dead xbox sat next to the beating heart of a PS3 is no fun, so I swapped it and felt no regrets which was unexpected.  Anyway new xboxs have this language choicy thing were you can pick English default Qwerty and this will screw up Mr Messangers skills so badly, it was such an easy choice to make me being a pen pusher person familiar with a key board... hahaha I'm sorry but you really have to see this guys/wed gay speed messaging on norm default to understand my glee at this point! Im not aresd that I can still play games, just that I dekcuf him over by qwerty! His name is Tasty btw, he'll never come in here, I'm gonna buy his Burnout Revenge copy as he never uses it,  and it's also revenge for the private shipment matches with him peeling my face off totally, jackass Anyways, i'm just readying myself to start blogging myself again and I'm so tempted at this point to ask Kev and Suf to help me around Paradise, something Kev said recently pulled my heart strings bless ya






zombo09's picture

Hah nice post, we share some similarities. (both old farts).roulette online poker casino blackjack online video poker online movie downloads horse race betting iphone wallpapers play slot machines online

kevlar0's picture

I'm a bit worried about the rubbing each other down with a scarf comment, i'm close to my old friends but we never really rubbed one another with anything lol, The popular thing in my day was shaving/haircutting/face drawing whilst people were asleep/unconcious, i was the easiest target as i drank the fastest/most, going into work with no eyebrows on monday morning was the norm, lots of head shaking and sniggering ensued, i was such an easy target lol. (no change there then SUFF) :).

I'm in the mark1 Escort crew also, mine was two tone brown with purple wings, i thought I was the dogs doodles.

Paradise is a huge jump from Revenge, maybe even a lofty side step, what you need to understand is that it's not trying to emulate Revenge (not that it ever could) its a whole different set of challenges with different goals and personal achievments. The community over there is growing stronger and closer, I think its a Burnout thing with the communities, people seem to share the same mentality, whatever the version of online Burnout you choose to play. So dude if you fancy getting lost a lot, crashing a lot, getting very frustrated a lot, come join me n STUFFY,  and that goes for any of you Revenge players who fancy a change, my rooms are always open and I welcome anyone, regardless of what has been said before. Peace out you sdnelleb. :)


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

SUFFUR's picture

"My XBox Box Died Last Night", like a DJ saved my life, but he's dead right, but you get me! And Ichi theres Male Bonding and then Male bondage, either way, your getting to tied down, so take a tihs on the cat, it will while away the hours.

And did anyone see Insiders yesterday, the Community Cat, has got strong contention to replace Acey B, funny but I would like to see it get a decent gamer score, and earn money for Cat Nip. And unless it's a Marsh Cat it has no thumbz!

And you want to play Paradise, if your name was Will, I would say Danger, Will Bobinson, Danger, as Rofer will try and write another plagerised, comment about how good Revenge is, by placing in on your pen is and spinning it, it will make you have sex faster and better than any other disk in the Burnout series! Of course only his fits the hole right?

And will Kev find another way to say my name, will he once again find a way to drink himself to near death, will he beat me in the Paradise cup, probably they way the scoring keeps changing, how does 3 racers score 30 points each, to a total score of 90 points when 105 points are up for grabs? I will ask again but since I'm having so much fun dealing with Lag, crap TD's physics, syncing,(and unsynced fog) and basically realising that I have spent so much money and time on a game that had the potential to own every racing game in the world, arcade style, and realise that its a white elephant, and it's going to cost me and others loads-a-money, I miss Harry Enfield, and his mate.

Will cheese be a national past'urised time? Did you know since i've been back from Asia my Flat mate has done the washing up 10 times? I did the other 231 times. And that how my life is, keeping score with a guy who does not really care.

If you really want to play Paradise, finish the single player, so at least you know where to go and what to do, but compared to the rest of the players on Paradise, excluding the mad e'leats, you are head of the game most don't even know that the green A button is for boosting, and that there are at least 75 other cars to use other than the Cavelry, carvery, kniefy spoony car, whatever, the first car in the game?

See I think, the history of Burnout gaming is going out the window, true we have this site to keep together, but do we play each other enough to be Burnoutaholics, we were shuned by the Creator of the games, for dissing his game, which we have a right to because, you dropped the mold Alex, and went some where to capture a mass audience, and left behind what was great with the other games, yes Revenge was the Bastard child, and seemed to be aimed to a mass market, but Paradise went so far away from the Game Play quality of BO3 and others, even Revenge, because people still play it. You like to have the new and improved, and never look back we are genies escaped from the bottle, etc and reinventing etc, well you wished for the wrong stuff and made a driving game, that does not even compare to Test Drive unlimited, which at least has racing that works!

Sorry, I still am so dessip, how bad the racing is in Paradise, open world or not, it sux! Don't get me wrong, lots of people still try to race, me and friends, try every day, but it seems designed to be unfair to all except the guy in front, yesterday, we had a really low rank guy in the game and his score never moved and most in the room owned him, except me, though i did have a 4th finish, beating this guy/person, he never said a word see, but his rank never changed, until he won and it went down , but never went up when he lost, why? Not that rank is important, more a guide, then again I can race in ranked win a couple and get it down to a point where I started getting messages to race or invites etc, well I did, but people know that that is not important to me, but gameplay is, and with good game play comes enjoyment, and i still can't understand why I let myself be abused by Paradise, and it's broken ways, did criterion bite of more than it can chew?

Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of hard work put in the game, it's not easy for them to attain the goals, of open world etc, and no loading, which is in the game, and a lot longer than any of the other games, and a lot more of it since the update, and I can live with it, if it gives a better game experience, but it hasn't! And I want Criterion to keep trying, and I still want them to have fun making fun Podcasts/videos etc, as they seem to be a great team, but to what end, the Island is late, true it's been scratched 3 times now, and we are still waiting and going to be paying for it, but if all went well to start with we should have had 3 Islands by now, maybe, with 3 types of new game play experiences, maybe...

And thats it, the Maybe's, and what ifs, is the engine that is Paradise, that stiff or whatever the word it maybe so hard build and create in that trying to get the essence of game play from the older games into Paradise, that hoping for a decent RR mode that at least works like BO3 or even Revenge, that you chase racers from point A to point B, and kill them before they get there, rather than, RR Paradise, where is everyone and where are they going too, and what side am I on, and sorry I took you down, but I never saw you there, supposedly next to me, and where did the rest of what I was going to say go, see Paradise is a Carrot and we are Rabbits, but we got Mixy along the way, and now all it needs the spade from the sky to put us out of our misery, or something that works, expcept barrel rolling and flat spining all day.

The only game mode that works is Stunt run, and thats alot of hard work and cash for one game mode that truly works, then Road Rules, which is funnish, till you realise some of those times are either less than a couple of seconds or go to the long distance of a few minutes but with spawning traffic appearing in front of your car, or in the special case of last night of not having any traffic, which is bliss but wrong, and the single player works per say, well I have never seen AI any more agressive outside a First person shooter.

And I have run out of steam, rant subsided. I Like Paradise, but why should I have to play it for as long as I have to still write so negativly about it, I maybe not mad e'leat but i'm far from crap at the game and I do wish I could race like i did, with earning boost from dangerous driving, near misses etc, but if you do that in Paradise your dead, crashed out, bounced out of the road and causing mess for the guy behind. Maybe it does work better on the PS3 due to bandwidth, but then again I got large hands that don't fit a tiny controler, and Blu Ray is dead, to soon be replace with BR2, so all I'm going to be buying is a dust collector, plus I don't think I'm much of a gamer as I once was, to own another console.

Ichi come play Paradise, it will be something to do, other than racing in circles in first all the time, join the losers, like me and Kev, lol. We, and when I say we, I mean Kev, will show you the ways of paradise, the open lobby where talk is all ya got to do, and try not to crash, the hardest thing of all, when Criterion decided to keep score of all we do, crashing was on the top of that record keeping list, odd that, as I though perfect races/routes would be a better more postive way to keep score in a racing, sorry driving game!

And doesn't the gold look like Bananas of Mario Kart? Shame you can't fire them at others, which I though was going to happen, when I first heard about Paradise... so long ago, in another galaxy or star system, anyhew peace to all, whereever your god maybe if you have one, and if you don't have one, follow me, and bring some money it's your round at the pub.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Nero Angelo's picture

"And you want to play Paradise, if your name was Will, I would say Danger, Will Bobinson, Danger, as Rofer will try and write another plagerised, comment about how good Revenge is, by placing in on your pen is and spinning it, it will make you have sex faster and better than any other disk in the Burnout series! Of course only his fits the hole right?"


Ouch, a little harsh there dont you think? I still agree with Rofer and you... Paradise just isnt that good IMO..... And it just seems that no matter how much I think Im gonna try to get into Paradise again.... My hands seem to pick up Revenge and put it in the Xbox to play...

Nice post BTW Suffer, I read it all.....


Did anybody notice? That Suffur really likes to use commas on every paragraph... LOL....




"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

Dodger455's picture

Nice rant, or should I say rampage.I know what you mean, I am in sort of a Paradise Limbo, not really knowing what I'm going to do each time I fire up the Xbox, and head into Paradise.It's like driving around with no particular place to go.Most of my friends are not playing, so you head into the unknown with other players, half of which have no idea what is going on.So what is the point?While we wait for the Island, and hope somehow that this will reignite those Burnout fires that kept us playing this long.I was looking forward to having a Summer full of Island bliss, A vacation without actually leaving the house, and now it looks like it will be August or who knows when.Cops, and Robbers was fun for like an hour.Can't CG give us something to cheer about?, instead of giving us something to bitch about?Why is it that gamers have better ideas than the creators?And what is after the Island?, more Lame DLC, that is not free?C & R was worth maybe 200 MS points, not 800.I will gladly pay for good DLC, and the Island looks great, but it's hard to tell, because I can only see it from a parking garage across the bay!Come on CG rescue me from Paradise limbo!
