dumb broad

Hey Bloggy I bet you feal special today what with 2 entry's..

I Took a treak into the City today, Wtf!!! why do local councils muck about with road layouts I nearly had a takedown on a little Ford Ka at the brand new traffic lights, the old guy shat himself, ok back to my mane reason for posting, if anyone ever visit's my closest City of Bangor in North Wales what ever you do, Do Not enter a shop called Summit Games as they are a Joke and should be laughed at, shure they do give the best price on tradeins but whats the point if they cant offer any thing in exchange I have more 360 games than they do and I only have 45 (your a noob ichi) and the chick behind the counter what can I say oh ye try saying something differant, every time I go in there with old games that I cant stand she always says ''are they good'' yes love thats why I am getting rid of them duhh, chicks like her shouldent be allowed to speak to real people, thean again it could be me I could be hard to approach (and suffur dosent play with dolls) , so I got Medal of Honour because like a fool I listen to ichi, twice he has said a game is good and its turned out total waste of money, and I also got Hour of Victory which is dumb with a capital D , I mean I am standing infront of the enamy and he is shooting me point blank and I dont die Wtf!!! but hey it is easy and the achivements will rack up as anyone can see if they look at my profile I am lacking  a load of them (short attention span) anyway I think thats about it, oh and i think suffur would like the shop as it does stock a scary amount of dolls..  

right got switch PC now so I can get back online laters


SUFFUR's picture

...Pokemon Dolls and those sexy Japanese female animation ones, that have jiggly boobs, no knickers, pop socks on, wide blue eyes, that could make Freddy Groger, get all three-dimesional, and have a price tag, that would be more expensive than taking a real girl out, with a decent wine and warm rolls that the butter melts in, on a date? Because if they do, could you get a link to thier web site?

 ...And Abam said to Eve, 'Stand back, I don't know how long its going to get?' Eve kept her mouth shut, as it was full, Eve then threw the apple core over her shoulder and killed the snake...

...9 months later, Adam went to the back yard, after watching one of Gods creatures drink from its mother, here is when man first domesticated the cow, by getting on his hands and knees and receiving the gift of life for his first born,  and maybe reason why the cow is also seen as sacred in some places...

...mean while Eve has gone off Apples and is thinking what would go well with her snake skinned belt, and what was she going to do to keep the thing that had come out of her, that looked like a smaller version of Adam, smelled just as bad and owed her big time, this is where the idea of child labour was born...

I'm done, my mind has wondered else where?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?