the new 1.08 update works well now with new 32 bit integer


i had a problem with old system,when i was scoring over 2 billion i would often end up with a zero or wrong score.

now that has been fixed in the 1.08 update i no longer have this problem

new stuntrun score of 44 Billion   (44,303,234,395)

thank you CG for fixing this problem.

i'am off now to try for some showtime record as the island still not here.


Dodger455's picture

Dude that is an insane stunt score, can I assume that there were some boost chains involved?How long did that take you?I can tell you that a Showtime score anywhere near that will take hours, but at least you can pause, and take a break!Nicely done.


theelliyworkshop's picture

yes i think it was about 3 to 4 hours wasn't realy looking at time, time flys when your having fun.

i did this run in the  Kitano hydros custom i had a X130 Mutiplyer then jumped on to the 188 for x356 Burnouts,

then jumped off to get more mutiplers, which took me up to X214 mutipler then got back on to 188 for some more burnouts x189 and got me up to about 201, million points up by my mutipler, got back off 188 to get more jumps only got another x6 before crashing out,T-boned by a bus while in mid drift.

which got me to x220 mutiplyer,also done lots of drift and reversing,to stop pie chart from filling up.

i don't think this size score would be possable without burnouts.  

ps. thanks for pause tip in showtime, i thought by pausing you would lose your boost,like in a stuntrun. 

Dodger455's picture

What impresses me is the fact that it took you that long to crash, but sometimes you get on that stunt run that seems to go on, and on, and the luck never runs.Using a speed car is especially hard because of having to fill the boost bar in order to use it.Your right;drifting, and reversing will save you.Maybe the Hawker mech would be a good way to go, since you can switch between boost types, and use stunt boost for stunts, and speed boost for Burnouts!I think I will try that myself, and see what kind of insane stunt run I can get!The most I have is 1 billion and change, with 599 Burnouts.I like to do Burnouts on I-88 at night because there is almost no traffic, but that blind spot at the beginning of the tunnel near Wildcats Stadium is a killer when you are going that fast.Which brings up an interesting question;Can you pause in the middle of a stunt run, and change the time of day?I have never attempted a Stunt Run at night.So many questions, so little time."May you live long, and prosperously Burnout"


theelliyworkshop's picture

i have tryed some stunt runs in the Hawker mech and its not to bad on getting your mutiplyers but when you hit that 1-88 and putting it in speed boost mode, Well it just to dam fast gets out of control trying to doge traffic,i get to about 20 burnouts and crash big time.

As for the time of day setting, i have mine set on constant sunset i find there is less traffic and its still light to see where you  are going for on the jumps.Because being in the dark up at the quarry is madness its just to dark.

I only have a liitle problem with that dam fog you  get sometimes.I find the best way to do the burnouts on the 1-88 is to do it in oncoming traffic going clockwise i find it to be so much easyer than going anti-clockwise.

Also don't pause stunt run while doing your burnout chain because when you return to your game you will lose a big chunk of your boost and burnout, drifting to build your boost back up at that speed is insane

Dodger455's picture

I hear you on going clockwise, it is safer also.When I did my 599 burnouts, I did them in Wildcats Stadium, because when the game was first released you could do burnouts in open areas, such as the Airfield, or the Quarry, just by drifting in circles until you hit something, or your battery ran out on your controller.You can also boost around the top road of the quarry, and get a ton of burnouts, but you can wreck when you jump over the broken bridge, it takes some good drifting skills, and concentration to pull off a bunch of them.CG fixed the burnouts a while back so no more burnouts in open areas, and no more glitch burnouts, but I never glitched a burnout, I just drifted in open areas.As for the fog they really need a fog on/off switch, cause the fog sucks!I need a plug an play for my controller, so it won't switch off, and I will be ready to try an "insane stunt run".
