
My local cinema which is a 15 minute walk from my front door and right on the sea front is closing down to make way for a 10 screen multiplex which will be a 15 minute bus ride away.

They are currently showing 1408 and Death Sentence both of which I want to see as I like Stephen King, John Cusack and Kevin Bacon.

Next week I think they will be showing Run fat boy run! which I want to see too as I am a HUGE Spaced fan.

But another new movie I will not be going to see is Disturbia - the trailer had me in stitches when it was shown before Transformers and I don't think that was the effect they were after.  Might be a laugh to see in on TV in a few years tho!

What movies are you looking forward to?


ZombieTron's picture

other movies I'm looking forward to are Shoot'em Up which looks like a blast! and 310 to Yuma posters have got me intrigued, probably just cos Christian Bale is in it tho!

BootlegGiant's picture

I think the only movie I want to see at the moment is Run Fat Boy Run, but I dont like going to the cinema so Im going to get the download instead (not that I download illegle copies)

The Drugs dont work!! ----English is my second language, feal free to flame me----

Xedec's picture

i saw shoot em up with my pops and it is the best movie i have ever seen omg if you like gun fights youll love this movie!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

SUFFUR's picture

I am looking forward to putting my stuff onto dvd, to show about. I've seen most of the Blockbusters, just have to catch up on my independent stuff. The new Kevin Costner one is cool, not my normal genre, murder mystery, phyco thriller, but i watched it and liked it. Also watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force, now thats mad, but i got into it , since i have never seen, thier other stuff, just heard about it. There is some other stuff i want to watch but have not remembered what?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

brokendisk's picture

I've watched a lot of low-budget horrow flicks lately but most of them have been really good. I watched the messengers, dead silence, the abandoned, the eye2, and i watched Dune in 1080i the other day which was awesome. fell asleep last night to silent hill again, cool movie. and ive watched a lot of animated movies lately as well for some reason; open season was hilarious, cars was sweet, happy feet had me cracking up, valiant was cool, and ive watched them all in 1080i as well and they look incredibly real, very cool. think im gonna watch zodiac tonite. love david fincher. take care people

SUFFUR's picture

Drunk and I, chilled out and watched an episode from the Planet Earth series on HD DVD, Mountains ep.2 d.1, and it looked like what you would see, if you were there, everything was in focus, so everything was a beatiful distration to the eyes. I would recogmend it as a first purchase, if you do own an HD player, i had the XBox 360 HD player from day one, and luckly, it is multi-region, as i bought my HD's from Singapore. Still waiting for Fifth Element to come out, and I did try to pick up the Matrix Ultimate HD box set, while away, but when I came to buy, in several stores, they were sold out.

We also watch a program called Weeds and I stay up all nite, to finish the first disk, what an amazing show, looking at the under belly of the 'burbs'. And finished it off yesterday, and can't wait to see the second season!

Looking forward, to the second season, of The Unit, the first season, left it with a serious tacticle, personal situation, and i am looking forward how that is delt with. And watching the rest of the the Planet Earth HD box set.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

Went to see Shoot 'Em Up last night! What a great Movie!! One of the funniest movies I have seen in a Loooong time!

Highly recommend it to all gamers, especially FPS gamers. The body piles reminded me of Rainbow 6 Vegas!!

A couple of trailers before the movie looked interesting. Beowulf looks CG - completely gorgeous and The Invasion looks cool too, kinda like The Others with Aliens.

I went to see Run, Fat Boy, Run the other week too with my Parents when they came to stay with me for the weekend. It was OK, definatly a safe movie to take my Mum too (she tends to talk to the movie when its on, if there is too much sex, violence or swearing the movie gets a lecture! kinda embarrassing ) But it wasn't really my thing, not as good as Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz.

ZombieTron's picture

My local cinema is no more! We went to see Stardust there in the week before it closed, Stardust was a lot of fun! Really good movie, non stop entertainment, and nice to see Adam Buxton on the big screen too!!

Today the 10 screen Vue has opened in the out of town shopping centre near me, we are planning on checking it out this weekend as they are doing half price tickets as an opening promotion.

We will probably go see Beowulf as it's either that or American Gangster or Lions for Lambs which both seem a bit heavy really.

I kinda want to see all of them tho.  Anyone got any other movie recommendations?

--- The Original and the Best ---

SUFFUR's picture

Frost/Nixon, Milk, Star Trek, Role Models, The Wrestler, Boston Legal S5, which was short by half. Anyhew, worth a watch for informing, educating and entertaining, so more than others...

What you guys been watching?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Linkster's picture

I very rarely get the chance to go to the cinema.  Last film I watched there was probably the last Harry Potter flick with the missus.  This year though I have vowed to go and watch Star Trek, Transformers 2 and Terminator Salvation.  I most likely won't go and see any though especially as the aforementioned missus doesn't like any of the types of film :(

SUFFUR's picture

at home, lol. Going to the Cinema alone does not mean you have to hold someones hand, unless its a scary one, lol. Hug a stranger instead, it'll be fun, if they are clean?lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

And I would recommend it, as well as Left Turn, another of Sean Ellis's short films. Brill'yent British films, lol.

 Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

haven't been to the movies for ages... I started watching Alexander last night as it was on TV on one of the few channels we have at the mo.. but I gave up on it as it really is as rubbish as everyone says!

Have to check the kino (that's cinema in norwegian) to see if Star Trek and Wolverine are still on, or going to be on soon, as I would hate to have missed them on the big screen!

gravy666's picture

Star Trek was fantastic.  I will legitimately feel sorry for you if you don't get to see it in theaters.

ZombieTron's picture

It is still showing here in Bergen, so we will definitely go... hopefully this week.

We went to see X-men Origins: Wolverine last week which was a blast, although I, having read the X-men comic book avidly from the mid 80's through to the early 90's was struggling with the changing time line, although it makes a lot more sense with the X-men movies to have the events happen as they happened in the movie. I hope that sentence makes sense!

Loved the film still, even tho Xandu wasn't convinced due to my slightly confused expression.

Next film for me will be Star Trek, followed by Terminator Salvation, and not just because of the yummy Christian Bale!

Linkster's picture

got to watch Star Trek and WOW!  It was amazing.  The cast the dialouge, the effects everything was just amazing.


Whenever Spock showed even a little bit of emotionI was expecting him to cut people heads open with a flick of his hand

ZombieTron's picture

I enjoyed it.. not that it has instantly jumped into my top 10 or anything, but it was good fun, and not the mega dissapointment that I was worried it could be!

So much better than the last ST:TNG movie! and a real hope towards the future of the franchise.. I assume they are going to make more, or maybe even a new TV series?

Spoiler alert - I loved how they explained the differences between what they are doing and the original series too... awesome! Ok that didn't really spoil anything, but anyway..

ZombieTron's picture

After we got out cable TV hooked up, we were given the movie channels for the first few weeks which meant I got to catch up on some movies I wanted to see but missed out on the first time around.

The Bucket List, Juno, Next, Jumper, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry and Perfect Stranger were some of the highlights.

sadly our movie channels have now been taken away from us, unless we start paying for them! In fact today our cable is out all together!!!

Looks like I probably wont be going to see Terminator Salvation, unless I go in the next week or possibly 2... anyone got any opinions on it cos I have heard some bad reviews but still want to believe that it is good?