Additional Content, Burnout Paradise

Like me, who else thinks that these additional packs are a bit expensive? I calculated that if i was to buy all the packs it would cost nearly £40!!!!
(thats more than the game cost itself). Thats before Big Surf Island becomes available for purchase. If the cops and robbers pack costs £7.99 than how much will a whole island cost?? 


Xandu's picture

I think that the DLC for Burnout Paradise is way too expensive. Almost £8 for the C&R seems like a proper rip off! A price tag around £2-3 for this kind of content would be much more appropriate. Also the car packs seems very pricey. Im wondering what the Island will cost. My best guess is  £19.99.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

Linkster's picture

all DLC is overpiced IMO.


I thinks your maths may be a bit out though.  I typed MS Points into amazondotcodotuk and the top response was 2100MSP for £16.99.  Using that as a quide Cops and Robbers costs £6.47.  The Boost Specials £5.18, Toy Cars £7.76, Party Pack £6.47 and I forget how much the Legendary Cars were so I'll put them in at 800MSP another £6.47.  That makes £32.35.  Factor in the price of the Island (which I think will be 1200MSP) and yeah your right it's more than the price of the game. 


I won't class the Time Savers or various picture packs as they don't bring anything to the game at all.


I don't blame Criterion though as most games that have been out for a while and have a fair bit of DLC are in the same situation.  Imagine how much it would cost you to download all the the Rock Band DLC


ZombieTron's picture

If you buy your points direct from the Marketplace 800 MS points cost £6.80, although you have to buy more than that ofcourse so it will cost you more... then you get some points in change to spend on the next big thing. On PS3 the cops and robbers pack is £7.99 in the UK.

MS prices vary depending on what country you are in, in Norway 800 MS points is more like £11.00 at current exchange rates.

Either way you look at it, the DLC is overpriced for what you get. Even with the content available on Big Surf Island, I doubt the price tag will be good value. 8 or 9 cars, 15 events, 10 freeburn challenges and a new area with more discoverables (mega jumps, billboards etc)... how much is that worth? The original game and free content supplied us with 80 cars, 420 Freeburn Challenges, 120 Events, 120 Billboards, 400 Smashes, 50 Superjumps.. all of which you can pick up now for £15-£20. Or as we did pre-release for £29.99. In my calculations the DLC is less then a quarter of the original game, so how can CG justify charging more for it? They certainly haven't been working on it for longer then they worked on the original game, and TBH some of the content still feels rushed and unfinished.

I really hope the Island isn't charged at a price that makes me think twice about buying it.. 800 points is just about the limit for me.

I also hope that it completes Paradise and doesn't leave us with questions like the previous DLC has, like... Where is the racing for Bikes? Why aren't there more various spawn points for Cops and Robbers? etc....

If the Island is PERFECT, then it should be worth the price tag... but paying 1200 MS points or more for an add on which leaves us wanting will be a great dissapointment for all of us.

masher22's picture

Thanks to Linkster's reply, but i got the prices from Playstation Network. On here it says that the Cops and Robbers pack is £7.99, Boost Specials £6.29, Toy Cars £9.99, Legendary Cars £6.29 and Party Pack £7.99. This totals to £38.55. Thank you but my maths are not out, you may be able to find it cheaper but i have gone by the network i am using and the network i would buy from.

masher22's picture

Thank you ZombieTron for your reply, that explains the difference in cost, congradulations on the forthcoming of your baby by the way!

Nero Angelo's picture

I was reading the posts here and the xbox forums and it seems to me that you guys are placing way more emphasis on this "Island"... as like the DLC that will save paradise... You guys talk so much about how you cant wait for it, and that it will be good.....

But what if it isnt good at all? What if what you guys get just ripped and get crappy material instead... What then, will you think of Paradise?




"Lisa Shot the Sheriff!" (Burnout Revenge Online, 4/ 2009)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

SUFFUR's picture

The island is going to be free burners Paradise, with jumps and spins and barrel rolls, I think the racing has gone out the window, and sorry but Revenge is only fun with mates now, noobs are crap and the pros (not that they get paid) seem to care about laps and first's, but since the TD phys is shyte on Revenge too, can't do that either, I may think of going back to Burnout 3 but need time to finish the game again since another hard drive on the xbox again, so new game save time, boo.

But I got used to Paradise, and some good people on there, and they do stuff that Revengers don't care for, like looking for fun spots to park and glitch hunting, which seems wrong for a driving game, just parking, lol.

And the Island will make or break the game I think, and I don't think it will be crap, just different to expectations, and it will be chilled with a side order of frustration, I still need to blog that title i put up on twitter, lol

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

masher22's picture

in reply to Nero Angelo's comment, i would'nt be surprised if the new island turns out to be a big disappointment and most of all A BIG RIP OFF. The thing with EA is that they give it a lot of hype and at the end of the day the product turns out to be not what we expected, (remember Need for Speed Undercover). Im waiting to see how much this so say amazing wonderful island is going to be.

Paul-Ferrie's picture

I really think this island is going to make a or break them.

With Fuel coming out on the 2nd June i think a lot of already disgrunteled BP players will do the switch over(if it is a good). i dont know about you guys but i have been only holding off for the island and felt pretty let down with the dlc released so far. I got all of 30mins out of cops n robbers and the one thing we all wanted on the bikes (Racing) we didnt get.  I hope to see events that will use both the new island and paradise.  Given that the size of the island is going to be ruffely the size of downtown there is not much room for much goings on.

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

Nero Angelo's picture

"And sorry but Revenge is only fun with mates now, noobs are crap and the pros (not that they get paid) seem to care about laps and first's"


What gave you that impression? Most of the people I race with dont care about rank or winning or laps at all... Winning is fun, but its not like those guys win all the time cause they dont.. nor do they get lap times all the time either, because laps get ruined 99% of the time.. and most of the time, the only thing theyre doing is racing and making fun of each other... which is cool and definitely makes the room more enjoyable.. at least for me...


"And the Island will make or break the game I think, and I don't think it will be crap, just different to expectations"


But what if it is crap? Will you just put that on the side or try to comform to it or tell yourself its actually good...



Like I said, theres a lot of hopeful Paradise fans out there... Nothing wrong with that... just a high expectations on a DL which may or may not be up to standards... Just a thought..



"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

SUFFUR's picture

Then again all my comments and blog posts are, lol. Because i can play the games and have stuck with each one well past it's sell by date, and do like Criterions work, from many different angles, and since I do that, I gain a personal knowedge of what these games are about, if ya get me, and paradise was worht sticking with for an experience, good and bad?

"What gave you that impression? Most of the people I race with dont care about rank or winning or laps at all... Winning is fun, but its not like those guys win all the time cause they dont.. nor do they get lap times all the time either, because laps get ruined 99% of the time.. and most of the time, the only thing theyre doing is racing and making fun of each other... which is cool and definitely makes the room more enjoyable.. at least for me..."

That is the point good racer or should i say above "pro" (LOL) have to put up with everyone else mucking up, hence your enjoyment is lowered because people get in the way of that "perfect lap time", thank good i did not mention rank, it is only a guide as most of have said including every racer since the game died (reached it's sell by date), lol, except the guy at number one, he's getting laid because of it, lol.

And though I can't say for sure a good portion of your friends list are Revenge players, probably the best portion of the best on the game, well if not that tag at least spread over a number of them, lol. But you count that number and even multiply it by ten, you've got 1000 decent racers to play with, but in truth, they are probably 100 decent players not given up the fun and still play Revenge today, less rooms I see open, it almost as bad as Paradise on a bad day, lol.

Paradise is a social lobby/open world, and not a decent racer hence got slotted into the driving game sector, while Revenege still is an instant race experience, if enough people are online, also with just 6 to a room/lobby, you can only race 5 others, and not the rest of your friends list if you get me, the game is so restricted as is Paradise, but people drop alot on that game, so someone new jumps in to fill the gap, lol.

I could race randoms on Revenge and 3 and feel ok and not fearful of my racing style, and be happy to win or lose as long as there was an experience.

In Paradise having had to race who ever gets in the room quick enough (Ranked because it's a guide you would think for skill per say and hence other racers you go against with similar skill would mean a decent experience = fun) if it's busy, but when the racing is not hampered or excelled by good skill, but really yttihs TD physics and lag issues and steaming issuse, flying traffic and it breaks down the experience to being gnikcuf lucky, which in truth I have been in the Paradise cup, except the early races with easy or comfortable cars (stuff i use often), then it was down to getting out front in the open, which is the same of Revenge, if you get a takedown early on and carry that boost to the finish, by being first.

But in Revenge because of the handicap, if first crashes the pack closes up especially in a lapped race, being a mile behind is not a bad thing in Revenge as anything can happen and does, lol, but in Paradise the guy in first is rarely seen again, even if he crashes. Though while playing more of the racing in the last couple of months on Paradise Ranked or friendly, the racing is becoming tighter, but still not a joyful experience and it is not because were good, just lucky.

Don't get me wrong there is skill there, knowing the traffic problems help and "clean racing" (i really hate that term but so understand why it was born), time played ='s that experience/skill.

 I had a finish with Kev, and it was one of the tighest I had ever seen on Paradise, and we both felt good about it, him more so because he won, but for me because it was like the other Burnout games for once, lol.

Racing is too short and small in Paradise, this may change with the Island if they link up some big races but until it's out we don't know what! Criterion have done, it could all be about the freeburn, which means lobby lerking, like numpties blog but my comment yonks ago.

We don't know and that is part of the Paradise Experience, this is all just an experiment, we don't know what is going to happen, but as a Paradise community we talk about it and have our hopes and fingers crossed.

To me the mold was broken after BO3 for TD's, and I read some where the guy behind that passed, I read it somewhere on these pages but not found out where as yet, someone will give us the link or info I'm sure.

Look I have to go but I will come back to this, but Nero, you and your friends and mine, as this is not a real dig, are in another class above most casual gamers, who take their gaming to the best they can, from lap times, to flat spins, to road rules to show time to crashing to takedowns, to burning boost chains to taking the piss because they have played with you long enough to know we just want to have fun together.

When a Racing FPS Beat'em up comes out that has 100 people online and in a space the size of fuel, I will be there and so will you!?! Paradise it just the begining as is Crackdown, Fuel, Cod MW2 and so much more. I just did not walk away from Paradise, I gave it a go to the fullest, and i hate lots about it, but I do have fun in Paradise, because I stuck with it, and all this writting about it is part of it too, shoot curry burning must go, will try and cont one day cya

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

masher22's picture

All this is very interesting but is it not going a bit far away from my original point?

oh well keep adding comments, one conversation leads to another......

Im quite new to this whole blog thing by the way, i suppose you could call me a noob lol.

SUFFUR's picture

Your point was valid, sorry original blog post, lol, and the DLC/GCC is expensive where ever it is bought for; PC, XBox and PS3.

And yeah, alot of stuff cross references itself with other posts, forums, sites, games and dinner tables, like a train of thought, that crashes onto other people's blogs and comments. Oh, even lives.

Which in truth means someone is reading your posts, so be affraid, very affraid, you got noticed, lol.

And someone will bad mouth you and you'll bytch back then someone will take your side then another will join your opposite side, then a flame war happens, and everyone has a go at everyone, then some will be moderated, then kids will see swear words, someone could get 'banned', one day and then a new game will come out, like Burnout Black, then it's wash rise and repeat.

Welcome to the burnout community, we're world wide you know, and your also a Burnoutaholic! So suck it up, and keep up, like the rest of us dicks, dicking around on some burnout game or another.

Sorry watching Season 4 of the Unit, and loving it!


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Tick, Tick, Boom. Bill Smith. From down the Pub, somewhere? Suf.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Linkster's picture

That last comment of yours made me chuckle so much SUFFUR.

jwillisjr's picture

Coming from a game designer's point of view, yes they could change the price, but we are paying for something that took atleast 3 million dollars or more to make.  Then its add ons which were not cheap to make either.  This content is for ppl hard core into Paradise, so they will be the ones paying for this mostly.  I'm happy to pay the price for this.  As a fan, Yeah, the prices sort of worries me. good thing we have jobs to afford it lol.

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA

jwillisjr's picture

Let them switch I say, who needs them. Burnout Burners are loyal to the game, not everyone that plays Burnout sees it for its greatness as a series. It's just some game that they got because it has cars in it or for some odd reason.  I'm not worried about fuel or these other games, either. I'll get them and test them out, but all the time in games you hear people making the comments you do. "Make or break", "Players will switch".  Criterion won't be hurt as much as people think.  When they come out with something new, then people will flock back and say that they have been loyal since the first game. 

For us Burners, don't forget to test out other games too, so we won't be like those fan boys that only play one game/console and talk trash about anything different.


"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA