Anyone have any good news today?

I thought this would be a good topic, especially nowadays in this oh so interesting world we all try to live in together. Soooo.....on that note, I preordered halo3 last week and bought bioshock even thought i dont get my 360 back until tomorrow (I just stare at the disc now, toss it around,etc.) Hmmmm......good news....? Um, I posted a topic about good news....instead of bad news..? thats good news, right?

ZombieTron's picture

I tried the demo of Bioshock, I don't think I will get the full game as the motion made me feel a little queasy. But the premise is pretty cool and I think you will like it a lot. I guess I will probably get Halo 3, its kinda a must have isn't it? silly question!

Hope you get you 360 back ok tomorrow!

SUFFUR's picture

 Well going by my blogs, i have been away (home) to the Far East, and think i have managed to get some focus to where i'm going to go, I'm going to be a Media Consultant, and make diffirent types of media. It's going to be a steep learning curve, but its what i want to do, so i'll keep you all updated how it goes.

On the game front, trying to get the Legendary Editon of Halo 3 and its hard to get that type of 'Box' set, due to the amount available, and people pre-ordering them, but i do love the co-op option, as it would be great to share the world of Halo antics, with 3 other people. I loved the look of Bioshock, but sadly its another type of game, that does not have the control setup i can use, but drunk brought his copy around and he got me some achievements again, he did the same for Guitar Hero, what a good friend. But what i did see, was a great game, and i would recogmend it to all who plays the default control set up. And take some sea sickness pills, if you do suffer from that afflection. The same could be said for MOH, i loved the game, but another controller set up incompatablity, but the idea for the game and the drop anywhere is so cool. I played the Blazing Angels 2 demo, and liked that, bit hard to really slow down to straff, but i think i need more practice. Though i still love the opening for Armored Core, it was so Japanese Animation, i would love to see a film to continue the storey.

Do you know this is not so good news, sorry, i'm talking about great games, that i can't play. But i'm a gamer that does still appretiate, a good game, even if he can't play. So it not good news, just a good frame of mind, that will lead to good news.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

brokendisk's picture

Now I'm not getting my 360 until tomorrow. Its actually in new orleans right now on its way here. I just hope its above water....can 360's swim?....anyways, the good news is I really don't mind. oh the fun of playing with patience. how I've learned from you all.

BootlegGiant's picture

I'm just a happy bunny, doing what happy bunny's do

SUFFUR's picture making and pooping pellets, lol. Jealousy will get me no where?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

BootlegGiant's picture

you know it....