online playing

 hello burnoutaholics , I've been addicted to the burnout series for a couple of years or so. ( seriously...It's about the ONLY game i play ) but I've never raced online before ( I play W.O.W. online but nothin' else ) I finally got Paradise,but it's for my pc. the graphics are mindblowing , It just took my whole Burnout experience to a whole new level. Can some one please walk me through the procedures of online burning to me...Are you alone?,Do you need to be mic'd up?,is it gonna be different from Xbox to pc? How would I find any of you?(if possible) And i don't get the stunt runs that much either, I just like drive really fast and really good(lucky lol) O.K. , I don't talk much and I won't ramble,so...can anyone offer me a little of online starting advice? ...It would be much appreciated,       MrGoodBurn


masher22's picture

My advise if your starting in the big online playground of Paradise is, at first, get yourself familiar with Paradise City. Drive around for a while sussing out the shortcuts and the landmarks (this is crucial if youre wanting to race online). I dont know how different the PC version is to Xbox 360 or PS3 but im guessing its quite similar, and if you get stuck just ask a fellow burner for help as most (from my experience) tend to be quite friendly.

For me, i don't find the online racing very interesting. I like to freeburn online, doing challenges and competing in online stunt run. It can get slightly frustrating when some online players don't have a clue what to do (or just choose to ignore the online events).

Whilst playing online, any events or challenges have clear instructions and within an hour or so you should be happily roaming around in an onine paradise. I say just join an online game whether it be a ranked event or online freeburn and you should be at home in no time.

Im very impressed with Big Surf Island by the way, £9.99 isn't as steep as i thought it might be, its well worth the money - it will keep me amused for hours to come.

Only from the mash