Am setting up a new forum

Hi guys,

I am in the process of setting up a new forum

Not much there at the moment am afraid.
Looking about i see different fan based forums for different games.
Now that BP is moving on and so are most of the racers if like myself your looking back to previous games to play as a tied me over till something better comes along.

I wanted to set up a forum that brings all these games together.
It would be great if you guys come over and register and help to get some life in the place and some life back into some of your old games. Then we can look to start setting up little tournaments with some of our classic games.

i am open to any comments suggestions.


SUFFUR's picture

There are loads of race forums out there, just baddly run, well most, not saying you will run a bad one or anything, but why waste time building another, just open up a forum topic here or on any other car racing site, if you get huge interest then maybe open up one, then again you could set up a forum in your sleep these dayz, its that easy with the tools out there.

And what is it with debt collection agents and their companies, if you paid it why do they still hunt you down for more, even when the original was paid anyway.

Oh and Paradise Sux, always did, always will, I just liked playing with my mates, nothing wrong with the build, the work, but flat spinnning all day and doing Road rules, stunt runs and showtime, are not enough for game play in an open world game, and since the racing all ways suxed, it was just people believed that criterion would fix it so it would work, as you can see, due to the deadness of forums, race cups canceled (I think, no one sent me a message to say it has but it's been 3 weeks or more)etc, Paradise has died and so has it's support, it would be nice to see another update to fix buggies for those diehards still playing and those races for the Island, but for some of us since the day they first talked about it, and followed it through to the bitter end, it's yawn now.

I await their next creation...BurnoutNFS

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Paul-Ferrie's picture


Because i can and it only cost me my personal time. If it takes off then good but if not then no great loss.

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

Paul-Ferrie's picture

Then again it dosn't help that the only two game forums i am a member of have no topic reply email notification working.

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

zerojay's picture

"Paradise has died" you say... but there's more people playing it now than there were at launch. Hard to call that "dead".

Paul-Ferrie's picture

And your getting those figures from where?

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

SUFFUR's picture

Looks good, but you have Kev as a MOD. WTF!

That is all I should have written but I will flame on!

For one he is one of the biggest trouble makers in the world (he was the part of the criterion shut down of 2009 and 2008 too!), suffers from tourettes, does not own a PS3 so not played any of the games for that system. And since the only racing games he has played is Burnout (3, Revenge XBox, and 360) and Forza 2, maybe some Forza, but the others he has not touched full stop! So he says? Ask him about Novadrome? Check his gamers score, no Pure, no Midnight Club, no Fuel, no NFS's, not even Mad Tracks? This list could be longer but I run out of matches. But I found some propane...

So if someone goes off on one about some game he does not know, how is supposed to reply, since he knows kcuf all about them!

And for a racing site are you only covering road/car racing, what about water racing (Carve, Wave Racer) kid racing games like Diddy Kong racing, Mario Kart etc and the best of the rest Viva Pinata Party Animals! Or Snow racing games like Shawn White or Skate Boarding Tony Hawks stylie?

Oh, no Test Drive Unlimited or it's new Africa editon, or other bike games other than MotoGP, or Wipe-out HD?

Racing type games cover so much, and so far the site covers a pin head of games. Hell Halo 3, 2 even 1 had some fun racing with Hogs and then again there is some fun to be had on BattleField 1943 with the jeeps, Boats/planes and Tanks.

And Paradise gave racing a bad name, tbh, lol.

And yes there are alot of "NEW" players to Paradise, and 3 years after it was first posted here, I was expecting more, a long time ago, but hard core not really, left when it turned out to be a dick about game test, rather than following it's past adrenaline creations.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?But Kev a F'ing Mod! The world has ended by the power of Dr. Manhattens Blue kcoc, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Paul-Ferrie's picture

Crikey you do like to rant on....

As for Kev the guy has never said a wrong word to me in my time playing online with him. tourettes?

never herd him swear once.

he was the part of the criterion shut down of 2009 and 2008 too

What's that now?

tbh i found him one of the guys on the forums that seemed to have a decent head on his shoulders. Never seem him give anyone grief unless it was due.

AS for him being a moder on the forum. You dont need to know about 'X' to makes sure people behave.

As for other driving games (kiddies)well i dont no what age you are but i am going for a more mature players.

The games currently listed on the forum are the more popular games of the moment.  Can't say i know many Bp players or Forza players that also like a bit of snowboarding.

Your obviuosly a very knowledgable person and it would be a shame if you didnt register, even if it was just to wind Kev up

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

ZombieTron's picture


I occassionally get other players shocked when they first hear me swear over Xbox Live, but my response is always the same "If you haven't heard me swear, we clearly haven't played together much!".

If you have never heard Kev swear, I doubt you have ever played any games on Xbox Live with him!  Either that or you catch him on an off day!

Kev has caused his fair share of bovver on this site too! I may have forgiven you Kev, but I'm not gonna forget about it.

Best of luck with the site tho dude, we wish you well, and will ad a linky to our links page for ya.

kevlar0's picture

Thanks for that suff, at least now I know what you really think of me, you stuck up southern tosspot, what gives you the right to judge me? you have no idea how many racing games I have played in the past or what knowledge of the current games I have. And as for making me look like an uneducated idiot who hasn't a clue, I really thought you were better than that.

SUFFUR's picture

And I was talking the piss but if you feel hurt, I hug you later, but as a mod you got to have tough skin my friend, and we all get judged, and if you could not see the tongue, maybe you should learn to read between the lines, love ya and smell ya laters you Northen barsteward. And buy a PS3 lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Paul-Ferrie's picture


If you have never heard Kev swear, I doubt you have ever played any games on Xbox Live with him!  Either that or you catch him on an off day!


It must have been a good day :)

I think we all do our fair share of cursing at one point or another whilst playing online. I've probably missed Kev cursing because i have been cursing at him lol

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer 


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

PsychedelicBabe's picture

omg please you guys wtf is going on here ive never heard somuch bs in my life ........ firstly this post ......if you know enough good racers from paradise to start a forum in the first place then why post in here? hmmmm and in my opinion if i was into paradise id merely post about it in here .... because here is where all the best burners are....... secondly kev not swear thats the biggest load of bs ever ...... you dont even need to get him on a good day cos he swears no matter what the day ...... he cant help himsef.......  and thirdly this mod business i mean fair play to you kev but i just hope you kno exactly what being a mod entails.....i just became a super mod and man its tough ..... you need to be able to help people and other things too ,..... you also encounter a few enemies along the way too :( and last but not least why the kcuf are you 2 arguing ???????? thats the worst thing ever you guys are bezzies?????? i can handle everything but not that its bulltihs and you know it ....... and prsonally if this was my site i would have removed your thread as spam :) i just dont understand why you woul want to promote your tihs in someone elses respected site.... in fact it angers me because it looks o me like your poacjing ,,,,,,,, zombie and xandu have worked hard for all there loyal members and you think you can just come in here and poach paadisers.......:( hmmmmm

PsychedelicBabe's picture

oh and i visited your FORUM hmmmmmm no burnout revenge i see ....... says it all to me ......... im presuming youve never play it then ?????? that defintely says it all ........ :)

Nero Angelo's picture

- Reply Removed By Nero...



"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

Paul-Ferrie's picture

PsychedelicBabe i did not post a link to poach user's from here. There is no one lol

My forum is not intened to be a Burnout forum.

If you want to see Burnout Revenge added to the game list then i can add it but ranting about it not being there is not helping anyone. Register and post a request and i will add it. I do have the game and played it once and couldn't get into it.  BP was the first one to pull me in.

I am sorry you feel i am just spamming. That was not my intention. As stated in my first post:

Now that BP is moving on and so are most of the racers if like myself your looking back to previous games to play as a tied me over till something better comes along.


burnoutaholics is a great place and is the very first of any game forum/community that i have taken the time to register and get invovled in.  As for moderating being hard well not sure what kind of numbers your moderating over or what your task's are but i have never found any problem moderating. I moderate on 4 busy flash developer forums. If i can answer a question i anwser, if i see spam i delete it. Cant do much more than that.


i just dont understand why you woul want to promote your tihs in someone elses respected site.... in fact it angers me because it looks o me like your poacjing

Did i take you down 1 too many times or something? Why have i pissed you off so much?

Your the first to majorly grip about my link. It's something done to promte everyone's sites cross linking etc.. and has been done since the web began, have you never herd of this? I have linked back to burnoutaholics on my forum.

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

Executioner_UK's picture

too much about negativity Glasgow. Must be PsychedelicBabes totm. I think people are fooling themselves if they think Burnout will last forever. Even OB has closed its doors as two of the admin there moved on to set up a multi-game forum, albeit heavily PS3 biased. Im surprised to be honest that Paradise360 still gets as much traffic as it does but im putting that down to the leaderboards only. Only gripe i have towards any of your comments is with regards to "email notification". Out of 12 forums i use, only one has the feature enabled ( avforums ) but i dont rely on it as i prefer to actually make time to visit forums ive signed up to, even if i just lurk and read. Thats the reason ive not looked into why its not working on our site.

That aside though, and back to your OP, ive had a look at your new forum and think its a great idea. Have been waiting for you to pm me and ask for a banner on our front page ( happy to do that if you like  )

Theres a huge amount of AAA racing titles coming out in the next few months so i see it as a good thing having a forum to keep your friends together in one place to hook up for games etc! As for Burnout Revenge - yes it would be good to include it but as for the comments in the previous reply, i think even the most die hard fans have to admit the game is close to drawing its pension now and by the time splt second is released it will be relegated to the back of the game shelf.

I'll join up to your forum Glasgow ( mod hint ) lol i'll pm you later on paradise360 r.e the banner etc.

Have a good one!



admin - - The Community Forum For Burnout Paradise fans on the xbox360 - The Community Forum For Burnout Paradise fans on the xbox360

Paul-Ferrie's picture

Thanks for the kind words Ex :) i was a bit taken back by Babes rant.

The forum is still in early days and if i am honest i do need all you guys to come join.

Me and Kev are just global mods at the moment but if anyone wants to or thinks they can bring something to a particular section then sure i would be up for that.

A: Because your all a good bunch of guy's and raced with most of you on BP (dont know babe!)

B: I have the means and resource but lack gaming community experince. I am good but a lot of you guys(mostly) are pro's

Ex, i thought you had your hands full since you didnt look into the email notification ;) my forum has email notification Na na nana na lol

Am up for diggin the BR out and have some rounds if you guys are up for it. Total Newbie though. 

I bought Race pro last week since a fellow gammer told me it was "pretty good". What a let down. :(


Yeah Ex please do shout me later.

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

Nero Angelo's picture

I think people are fooling themselves if they think Burnout will last forever.


- 100% Accurate... No Qualms there...




"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

Paul-Ferrie's picture

The market is there for future titles to come. BP was a big success and there will be even more eye's on them now to see what the next release will be. 


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer