Premium Reversi Platinum Edition

As some of you may know I am a computer programmer by trade and I also enjoy programming in my spare time. Yesterday I discovered this game, a version of Othello, on my hard drive that I made 10 years ago. So just for fun I have upgraded it to work on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. I have also added some new features that were not in the original version.

The game is multiplayer enabled so two people can play against each other over the Internet or on the same computer and the game also has integrated chat support.

You can also play against the computer and there are 9 levels of difficulty. From level 5 it gets tough so let me know how you get on.

Reversi is very addictive so be warned... I don't really want to start!

Here is the link to the free download:


ZombieTron's picture

and I nearly beat you on that last game we played!

Unfortunately, I can only beat the AI on level 1!! I think I need more practice!

Good Job Xandu!

mrmean12's picture


nice but thre is a free version with ubuntu and other games like this too

Taken down!