Time to reflect?

Astrologically it is New Moon Time, the time to reflect,  two weeks before Full Moon, where Full Moon is.... I forget.... Time to plan? Really been so long since I was involved in Birth Charts as everything is available online these days, who needs pen and paper and a Brain?

Just as I left my teens I became very introspective and breathed by night, daytime was a dream only there for signing on the dole, living on a shoestring and one meal a day. My time spent in Esoteric matters (so I thought) - searching for books about Sumerian Culture but without a solid backdrop in my mind, a solid place for reference, knowing there was something there I needed to understand but being too stoned, too vain in my college surroundings to want to learn what I needed and too stoned basically to grasp it and DESPAIR then!!! Yeah so I quit and withdrew into myself and lived by night alone, watching Moons rise and fall from a one bedroom flat wondering about what had happened to me, in a state of disrepair - that I should be here in this place.

Over the mantle in my little flea ridden flat (took me 3 months to get rid of the infestation, previous owner was a dirty bastard, old school friend that eventually murdered his wife, very sad) hung a famous picture of Kurt Cobain and early doors one day I was very very depressed, don't mind admitting it at all, and Im just sat there looking at this wall with Kurt on it and it all went black! Like a tunnel pulling me in. I think it was the Abyss - I kNOW it was the Abyss; the opitome of depression - I was so scared to have reached that far deep into whatever it was that was happening to me that I woke up!! lol I woke up completely and I'm grateful now because things turned around from that moment and even when I feel low - which isnt often at all anymore - I know that I can never reach that deep again, and I dont want to. Enough about depression, it shouldnt even be a word.


So at like 19, before things cleared up for me, I'm pretty impressionable and I'm loving books about Phrophecies, Nostrodamus and I Ching and I study this stuff but I'm all wrong, I know I'm all wrong, because I'm wandering around in an induced haze so I calm that stuff down and try to teach myself Astrology - You know the in-depth stuff which isnt just about you being a Virgo or whatever?  It goes deeper and I forget a lot now, its been ten years but I could refamiliarise myself in a couple hours with a blank chart and someones birthdate and time of birth and an Ephemeris - a birth chart LOOKS awesome in my eyes; intricate patterns of where (the supposed only existing) 9 planets were at the time of your birth and the precise angles they were to one another BUT deciphering all the pretty angles of the planets to one another is another story, one that takes trust in various authors readings and intuitions/knowledge, so I did my own chart of course and sent for a professional reading for comparison to see if I was on the right page with what I had learned....

The planet most difficult to pin down to a particular position to the time of your birth with your longitude and latitudes is the moon, the fastest moving recognized planet in our solar system; that was the only thing I got slightly out of kilter and how great was that coz my reading came back Moon positioned above Horizon in 12th house which means I'm basically a potential Lunatic - everything comparable to a professional reading was exact in my own chart, I was happy but didnt like the actual reading itself because it contained text that said I should wear a Motorcycle helmet on a particular date in January.  Despite boring y'all to death with that - just wanted to write for a bit, sorry it's been awhile - I'm now going to say that I don't practise Astrology anymore as it seems to be such a precise science that our most ancient cultures practised.... how the hell are you supposed to follow in their footsteps and set a new precedent? You just can't.  What is the point?  I so admire the people that watched the stars over centuries to even understand the 72 degree precession thing. The Mayans, Sumerians, Incas.... now I have backdrop to learn more about their ways I'm actually frightened to go further lol

Now I want a huge telescope to get into Astronomy coz according to various sources disclosure on ET's is close; crop circles are becoming more intricate, sightings are widespread etc we can all believe what we want.

Havnt played Burnout Revenge for a week, seems like, been really busy at work preparing for our Grand Re-opening weekend - this weekend Kev if you wanna beer with us and a laugh at test riders falling off 17 grand demo bikes lol The showrooms look awesome, been working late nights to prepare and will take my camcorder with me tomorrow to get the band in there at least playing a cool tune.... Phil can play Guitar and keyboard at the same time and sing, talented fooker - no pole dancers as the big owners/bosses are around for this one but I'm very pleased to be back there and to have put the effort in this week to make the place what is - link to follow and If I dont see you on the Burnout track send me the date and time of your birth and I will send you a pretty picture of your chart but I can't tell you what it means - so there









Nero Angelo's picture

How come blogs are harder to read here than other sites?



"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

ichienkai's picture

Maybe it's just me Nero, or me and Suffur? Make that me, Suf and Kev?! lol I only write randomly when I'm bored dude, ya don't have to read it

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

Nero Angelo's picture

I know I dont have to... but that kinda defeats the purpose of why it is put up there in the first place doesnt it? After all, didnt you put it up there for people to read?..



"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

ichienkai's picture

I do enjoy writing, it exercises your mind a little - what I put on here is selfish I admit that.  Why does it have to make sense to you? Does there have to be rhyme or reason to someones thoughts coz that's all these are mate

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ZombieTron's picture

I will let you know the date and time of our little 'un ichi, it would be cool to have a chart for them.

oh, and I found the blog easy to read, I can't say I believe in astrology, but it is always interesting to look into beliefs that have been around for so long.

I love Astronomy, or star gazing anyway! Not that you can see much in Norway at this time of year, it still doesn't really get dark enough to see the stars properly, and then there are all the clouds and rain that get in the way, so we didn't see anything of the meteor storm last week! I really want to make a trip up north here to see the Aurora Borealis.

My favourite star gazing experience was in the Southern Hemisphere. I was at a blues festival at Lithgow in the blue mountains near Sydney, Australia and the whole sky was just filled with stars, and no constellations that I recognize... absolutely beautiful.

SUFFUR's picture

or whatever, yeas sum blogs are hard to read my early ones were a barsteward until paragraphing early, was told to me by zom, sorry The Waddler, and I could write more but my audience bores me now, they don't fight back, truth be told they can't even stuggle a good breath, and nor do they brush thier teeth much either and use cheap paper, and liquid soap till in runs like water, and  and.....

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?or write a'boat. And Games are slow, Revenge is old, battlefield only has 3 maps, and Fuel is a game to play on your own, as they have no real lobbies, and I'm tired need to find ...

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

Wasnt being nasty to Mr Nero, he's a friend and I likes him....you Mr Nero, BUT I have to accept that you plain don't get little old me sometimes and thats just as fine as american pie, you are not alone   And Suf I have no desire to fight you with words as I would lose as writing can be just as misinterpreted as a text message sometimes and fall out with thee I will not in trivial matters but I understand why you say your audience doesnt bite back lol I do understand but have to trust the majority are clean!  Yes Revenge is older than Goat cheese and I love and crave it less but still laugh and cant get a stupid little 103.00 on Lone Peak Forward, refusing to go one on one and may retire when I finally do get it lol


And Zombie it would be a delight to do your first borns birth chart, sit with pencil and paper and six pack (obligatory where I am concerned but works) would I and carve a wonderful tapestry of prediction for you and Mr Du hehe - then I'll compare an online version to see if the skills are still there after 10 years and post them up here for you.  Sigils are pretty - did you know the fish Symbol associated with Christainity really symbolizes the age of Aquarius? Anyways, the shit has just literally hit the fan so I'm gonna have to go but speak to you all later, ps the re-opening thing didnt turn out so well, another story and no camcorder link bfn

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ichienkai's picture

Seems no one knows who really started the cheese thing, Pliny The Elder had an idea about something but what....?  Must see District 9.  Sorry, bloody miles away lol

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

Nero Angelo's picture

I have no Qualms with you whatsoever Ichi...



"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)