New Burnout Revenge Touny hosted by me sign up now

well its about that time again i am hosting a burnout revenge tourney  all of the details needed are in the following link all are welcome please dont hesitate to join or ask questions if you need to ask anything msg me thank you for your time have a great day

ZombieTron's picture

Looks like you have already had loads of people sign up! should be a good one.

Due to being due to have a baby on the 4th of September, I wont be signing up to this tourney, but I wish you all the best of luck!

ichienkai's picture

Damn sexy pic of you there chinox!!

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

chinox666's picture

<(^^,)> thanks ichi and here i thought all this time you hated me  lol, so you wanna join


chinox666's picture

awe that awesome congrats on the baby, hope all goes well, see you in the next tourny

ichienkai's picture

Chino I have never hated you and I only call you Chinox because it winds you up, muppet lol Sorry I had to ask you to leave my Thunderpants room last night but it seems you have upset my bezzziee mates somehow, somewhere and no, as I like to fuck aboot these days, I wouldnt like to join a Tourney but thank you for the ask.  Race you sometime kiddo!

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

chinox666's picture

so that was you, i thought you just vanished from burnout, and i really never raced you, hmm yeah maybe we will race someday =)