Burnout: Resurrection... teaser

Here are some quick images I had to work on and sent in to a contest.  Hopefully Criterion will bring back modes from Burnout Takedown and add some new things to the game. The pictures below tease on the idea of World Tour mode via cargo plane to get from country to country.  The second pic is the idea of being able to use another alternative shortcut such as smashing through windows during a race.





SUFFUR's picture

Er... what are you doing, suggesting or hoping to insinuate (sp)? I don't get it, but some good photo shop but that plane is off scale, i know it's huge and for gaming purposes exagerated but just a smiggin' too much, or maybe bigger cars or what comp?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

jwillisjr's picture

Even though the plane is purposefully off scale, I couldn't get a better shot for the plane, it needs to be smaller.  The message should be pretty clear though. Get in the cargo plane to go to other countries and race. Thanks for the PS comments, this was a rush job bc I found out the due date of some competition like 2 days before it was due. Ofcourse I had to write an essay and these pics along with others only added to it. (Burnout should return to world races and another cool aspect is to have a new shortcut option to burst through some windows of some buildings.)


"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA

SUFFUR's picture

For you seem like a prophet, your words are wise, and can fortell the future... mean while I really need a new racing game, er nowish - Battlefield is fun, racing in the jeeps, but need some more maps, with a bit of a curcuit going on, so I say to Dice, whom used Criterions Renderware, but you all knew that right, see still like Criterion, but Paradise bad for me, and a few others, but still a beautiful game, lots of hard work, loved...etc... need some thing new, please, cheers, release the press already...?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? I'm still cool, thanks for asking, back to work, cya.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

jwillisjr's picture

lol thanks. If Criterion ever asked me for even a day to sit down to come assist them and a group of other people to come up with a new Burnout game or just to new racing game, I would. I play all sorts of games and still for some reason, I still see alot of potential in Burnout in the racing genre. I need to play dice though and that Disney racing game Split Second. I get my games really early, and then test them and then move on to games that I really want to get good at and I have a life lol. So at home I have tons of titles, still new that are just sitting there. The only thing that gets in the enemy of me sitting down and enjoying a weekends worth of video game playing time is actually creating protoypes. I'm more of an artist that forces himself to program his graphics/content to life.


"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA

UISProphet's picture

Hey now.... you guys leave me out of this

Love, Prophet www.rogueburners.com

Love, Prophet

mrmean12's picture

maybe a burnout version of red faction guerilla
So that you can run thru glass and other objects that are destructible like real life

Taken down!