Hitler + BF1943

This is the best one of these I've seen in a while.


Hitler vents about Battlefield 1943



SUFFUR's picture

I approve this message as a way of using negative visuals to try and tell DICE to get it sorted.

Battlefield 1943 needs new maps and some tweeking please is the message, and i think it works, as I know they are going to forget to put the Lefty controls in the next one, so I won't buy it and still play a game that really has only 3 maps and a great squad to have gaming fun. Though 8 man squads would be really nice add too, to go with the party numbers on eggsbox live.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

SOme good work with the radar map and connection issuse, and a good pile of swearing from us English people???


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

yes jammy!


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?