Petition - Island for PC

 There is still no word on when the Island is going to be released for the PC version, so someone (no not me) has started up a petition to send to Criterion, it doesn't matter if you have the version or not, help out a fellow burner.

Thanks addicts


ZombieTron's picture

I haven't signed the petition, as I don't think it will make a difference... but I did send an email to asking if/when the Island update will be released for PC. If I get any kind of personal response I will let you all know... otherwise I hope it will lead to them making an announcement on their webpage.

It does kinda feel like PC Paradise has been forgotten about??? I don't see why there doesn't seem to be plans to release the update for PC??

Hopefully all versions of Burnout Paradise will be the same soon!

TheGaroMan's picture

WOW!!! Finally, someone who mentions pc!!! I do agree with u that PC seems to have been forgotten... I mean, where is cops and robbers and Big Surf Island on PC!!! I also sent them an email... But its been a long time since the last time they made an episode of crash tv...