Why so many Why's

Why me god, why does everyone have a go at me, why am I so damn inportant, and why does no one pick on ichi, and why do I lack the interest to join a tourney and pass up the chance to publicly humiliate ichi and prove once and for that I am the better racer, and why on gods earth do I park up in a ranked room and send messages to hot chicks (I should be around 10,000 tonight) I need a new game that I can get my teath into, hang on I have one but never play it anymore damn it, it has something to do with the lack of online games. and why am I such a babe magnet, just many of the random why's poluting my mind, and why does everyone refer to dogg as a guy when I raced her it was a chick yes people dogg is a chick she sounded like a chick, hey ichi back me up dude you were there when we got smoked by a chick called dogg, and why have I only got 7000 achivement points when i have 45 games in my possesion and the big one that really bugs me Why do I play a game that bores me, that I have little intrest in, that I have 3 copy's of that I can see on my shelf, that I hate most of the tracks, hate the cars and hate the cowards that wont race ranked with me on their proper tags dont worry guys I park up whats to be afraid of its not as if I would play and concentrait on the game so this is to Ezo, ichi and Dano quit making 1 month accounts and play on your proper tags Im calling you out loosers 1 month accounts ruin online games they ruin leaderboards and they ruin the enjoyment of the game, shure its fun to create a new  and witty name but guys it sucks when you play ranked, many other people do it and supposedly most of the top 100 are second tags heck top 1000 but it dosent mean that you have to jump on the band wagon, I have even been in a room with a guy on a second tag who kicks someone out because they are a second tag, its stupid, I dont mind loosing to a better racer and will admit I loose a lot (to much stella) but it does get my goat that cowards out there that are supposed to be good actually suck at revenge and are afraid to loose a number next to their name that means nothing, squat, zilch, I have to admit that I have raced many people (and parked up) and the best in my eyes are 1000-3000, top thousand suck they havent played rank on their tags since they got lucky and everyone quit, so come on people on 1 month accounts stop worrying about your poxy number, now this complaint does not go out to the people who dont race on 1 month accounts only to the cowards that do, damn I think I flamed the whole web site dang it, laters got to go, oh and yes I am so god damn sexy loosers..



Xedec's picture

i would have to agree on that man lol i have 3 account and another im trying to get back from microsoft!! but this tag is my real name only reason why i have 4 tags is because xbox forced me to make this tag and its my main tag 2. one account is for my dad 3. my other account is for my cuzen and when i get my hyperion118 ACCOUNT BACK ILL HAVE 2 MAIN TAGS WOOT!!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

oO EezO Oo's picture

Ah, now that isn't very fair Boot.  If you didn't have more than one tag I could take that seriosly.  I have to let you know that both of them are fully paid for one year and both of them bounce around all over the place.  Only difference between the two is I sign onto the Dizzy tag when I'm way outside my head.  I've never been against racing in ranked rooms with you on either tag.  last time we raced you ran into me in a player room under your boot tag so I'm not sure where this is all coming from.   I mean all of this light heartedly by the way, I just wanted to clear the tags up so you didn't have the wrong idea.  Cheers mate.

" Ooh ooh ooh......VERTICAL.......sweeeeeeeeeeet! "

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


SUFFUR's picture

I have made the point in 'what is a good room' and some of my blogs, have said something about second tags, but if you do pull up to the side which really slows a room down, true you could be making a call, to some goat chicks or even human ones, but i'd rather get it over with and leave or kick them out if i was ever hosting. But that is what is happening to Revenge these days, some second tags are for fooling around but when it goes beyond that having  3 or more, (unless you made up one for the girl friend and a second chick,or goat, too really fool around with), those people would be better of using the effort to get a real ranking number(yes, a number), rather than clog up the rankin' charts. I only raced ranked most of the time just so my lap time holds, or beat my dots, to get a time!?!Not for rank. Those who jump in and are in the top 100 hundred,  i will always try to beat, as does most of the room, rank is a guide, to show some-one has played a lot of races or other stuff, like rigged road rage?!?, and has beaten some other racers, now they should be willing to lose it, to people better than them and take it like a racer, not a ranker. I think one of the reasons Paradise is changing, is to stop people bitchin' about rank, and play the game for pleasure, with little goals to cloud the mind, and keep showboating between friends, that know where you live, i can get to Wales in 3 hours, but would rather play another race /game than, waste an afternoon, or weeks, having a flame war.  Boot, Sorry to hear you had a bad night, know that you have 3 copies because the 360 has issuses, and some people have bad connections, and a new disk needs only be bought for scratchs, which can be fixed, or duff copies, to which point you exchange said copy, or complain till you do get one, and also because you do like this game or you would not get so upset.  Have a break, have a KitKAt, but do a 205 race and chill and enjoy the scenery, or even try to beat 2:20 on white mountain in a 160 car, take another route on Angel Valley on each lap, do the big jump on Cenral Route Long Reverse, thought the second lap one will kill ya, if your off by a gas molecule, play it in regular resolution, just so the HD looks better, but for Ales Ward's sake, get a grip, its only a game. Now this is where i get my membership revoked, and the spell check master, knows he's got a sence of humour or my Burnout days are numbered, time to get a second tag.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Xedec's picture

just wondering are you talking about goats and gorillas?? if so i havent raced her sence old xbox she was pretty good then wonder how good she is now lol


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

SUFFUR's picture

 .. if so i did not know and i misread something, sorry Goat, prefer a Yak or a Turkey, nothing looks as bad or smell worse, so from there the only way is up and goats are a long way up the line.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

thephilofwar's picture

I've got 10 in the Top 100 on PS2, including number 20 with 16,218 Elo, another on PS2 that is close to the Top 100, and another on PS2 with a bunch of hot laptimes including the EBULR record (1:03.74 on PS2). 

Then on 360, I have 4 tags that have all gone to silver, 3 of which are ranked ~110 with 17,000 Elo each (they used to be ranked ~70-80), and another that is ranked ~200.  Then I have my main tag that I use, this one, which is currently in the Top 100 (~76 last time I checked), with 19,000 Elo.

I don't see a problem with having multiple accounts since I'm far from the only one. I used to, but that was before I made all these other tags.... and GT has twice as many as I do  lol


This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!


Made you look

Xedec's picture

.....O.o (speachless)



The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)