"But how many people have 50meg down and 1.6 up to play Paradise?" - I do by the way and i couldnt live without it!!
As for the poll, bored of open world now. In the end the playing area just becomes over saturated with glitchers looking to do nothing more than find places you shouldnt be able to get to. Yeah it was fun for a while but got old quick. Bring back a traditional racer with more tracks, a more diverse range of cars and focus on the one ingredient that created Burnout - getting from point A to point B at insane speeds without crashing.
paradise360.proboards.com - The Community Forum For Burnout Paradise fans on the xbox360
paradise360.proboards.com - The Community Forum For Burnout Paradise fans on the xbox360
I really want a return to closed tracks, and am glad the current racing games (Forza, NFS Shift) have made closed tracks the current way to go, and the games coming next year (Split/Second, blur) also have closed tracks, so maybe the trend has changed for good and Open World racers were a flash in the pan?
The main thing I disliked about Open World Burnout (other than not knowing where to go most of the time) was all the milling around... I just want to RACE! (or Road Rage, or play something, in Paradise mostly stunt run or challenges) The amount of time just spent waiting for something to happen cos other people enjoyed just driving around was really, really, really boring for me. Just driving around holds no appeal at all... and doing Road Rules, or jumping to see how high a flat spin/barrel roll you can get holds limited appeal, so I really, really, really hope CG go back to closed tracks for their future racing releases!
I was going to add that if CG do stick to the Open World format, that they add something fun for me to do while I wait... but I think the main reason I enjoy playing online is the competitiveness or co-operation of doing the same thing as everyone else in the room. I think Paradise also suffered (for me) as an online game, because everyone in the room with you could be doing something different, or be in different parts of the map... which (for me) makes a very disjointed gaming session. So, It's a NO to Open Worlds for me!
"But how many people have 50meg down and 1.6 up to play Paradise?" I do. I actually have a lot more then that. I pay for 100 down and 10 up (but when I tested my connection earlier this year it was actually around 300 down and 50 up).
Back on topic.... kind of a big lead for Open World. Looks like it was popular with a lot of players. The open world have it's pros and cons. It's great for Challenges (apart from having to wait for people to show up... but you often had to wait for someone who was at the location when the Challenge started as well so...) and Stunt run. Not so great for Racing, Marked Man and Road Rage.
My suggestion would be to make an open world where you can do Challenges, Stunt Runs or just mess around, but make it a fenced in track within the open world when it's time for a Race, Marked Man or Road Rage. Just block of the streets like in the demo to make a track. Shouldn't be that hard to do.
I have never played the game with a connection that is slower, so I can't really compare. All I can tell you is that with my connection there is no difference when playing online or offline... but other people with really bad connections can still make the game lag of course (usually around themselves). But obviously you don't really need as high speed as this to get a good flow in the game.
I'm not sure how widely available a connection like this would be in other countries, but in Sweden where I'm it's quiet common. And the speed will also vary depending on how many in the immediate area are using it at the moment. Just took the test again, but this time I only got 244 down and 48 up.
Obviously, but after a while, even though closed tracks are fun. "Shortest route to point A to B" leaves a lot of room for flexibility. Its more stimulation and awareness, less predicatable. Skill is not the only thing put to the test.
And your assumming that closed tracks.... are less predictable and have less room for flexibility?
Flexibilty is defined as what to you? Finding routes? Finding another way to go from point A to B? Is that how youre defining it? I guess Im not understanding it...
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
I like having the option to make major mistakes, even though in closed tracks major mistakes can happen, you still know where you are going without a compass (so to speak). In paradise open world, I like because it reminds me of real life metaphorically, sometimes if you have to worry about more than just a closed situation. Read one of my past articles on how the next Burnout should be, as I stated before. I'm sure I forgot most of what I wanted to say.
With me, the fun for closed tracks in Burnout ended after Burnout 3 takedown and Revenge on the Xbox and PS2, once it got to the next gen systems, it died. Simulation games are the only closed tracks that seem like a challenge and logical to play on a closed track.
You like Paradise because one mistake you make could pretty much cause you a loss, because you went the wrong way?
Sounds almost like...
Revenge where on you make one crash or miss one turn properly and you lose even at a 50ft distance...
I think the option for unrecoverable mistakes is great in both games at a very competitive level.. Neither games can you afford to make mistakes.. A Win is a Win, and A Loss is a Loss..
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
I assume that you did not read the article. Its cool if you didn't feel like it before you responded. There is a differnce between what sounds like, what could be and what is...
Unfortunately, I did read the article and i dont mind that you like Paradise.. Nothing wrong with it.. I was just merely wondering what you meant, as I really dont understand what you meant when you said that "closed tracks equal less skill..."
No assumptions; just clarification..
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
As much as I love the previous games, I don't want to ever return to those closed circuit tracks ever again. After a day or two, you've already seen and done all there is to see and do on the track... and after a week or two, well... the game's already done and there's nothing really left to do anymore. Going back to Revenge or Takedown feels like a huge step backwards now, like they were betas for what they really wanted to do all along in Paradise.
Yeah, it's fun playing people online, but again, there's really not all that much to do once everyone follows the same racing line, uses the same tricks, etc...
The only real way that I think that style of game would work again is if they *completely* changed the gameplay and added a ton more elements to it (which wouldn't be a surprise since it's Criterion we're talking about here)... but honestly, after the massive success of Paradise compared to the previous games, I don't think it will happen anyways.
This vote is overwhelmingly in favor of Open World, but I still think there is plenty of life left in track based arcade racers. Especially when they have something unique about them like Burnout does.
TBH I don't think the Open World suited Burnout at all, the whole point of Burnout games was to drive dangerously to earn boost to help you to win the race... this aspect of the game kinda got lost in the Open World exploration and discovery of Paradise.
But, people seem to like it, and I seem to be in the minority... I do hope tho that Split/Second and blur inject more life into closed track arcade racing, and that it opens up the genre again to more new ideas.
I have never been interested in just racing around a track sim style, there always has to be some extra element to make it exciting. Burnout 1 through to 4 have extra elements that still keep me coming back to play them, even tho I know the tracks inside out!
Track design is a huge factor too, the tracks in Burnout games are BRILLIANT! Very well designed and so much fun to drive around millions of times!!
I think the votes are not representative of the true population:
1. This is strictly an opinion poll, one which who feel strongly enough about the game will most likely voice their opinions.. the other 90% are unaccounted for..
2. Too bad a random sample wasnt really taken here.. Pick 30 random Revenge players and pick 30 random Paradise players and you'll have better results.. However picking one now would result in pretty bad statistics too cause everyone that still stays in either games REALLY LIKE the game.. So a good poll should have been done a while ago when the game was about 3 months old, and a random sample was taken....
Ok Let the comments, criticisms, sarcasms, and one sided arguments begin...
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
I would rather play open world because then there is more to explore. I love stunt running and my top score is 606,396,220. Yeah it's true that if you went back to closed road racing you could have map packs or map areas for stunt running, but that isn't even close to enough for me it's better to have the whole city so you have more options on what stunts you will do and be able to have your own stunt run plan. I do like the road rage on the old burnout games like burnout 3 because it's more fun to take down other cars, but you can do the same on one big map where you just have a path closed off during a road rage or have a option to do that or open world road raging. Also online marked man and online road rage would suck if there was closed road racing. I have talked to a lot of people on xbox live and I have not found a single person that wants the next burnout to go back to the old way. When Criterion Games released Burnout Paradise a lot more people bought it than on the old burnout games because open world racing is what made it a lot better. I love playing Burnout Paradise and if they go back to the old way a lot of people that have Burnout Paradise won't buy the next burnout. Somebody said that if they go back to closed road racing nobody will buy it except for maybe one person. I strongly believe that Criterion games will make a lot more money if they keep open world racing because I mean what company doesn't want to make a lot of money, so I suggest making the next burnout open world. I talked to a lot of people on xbox live and there's changes to the next game you guys could make. For example, disable the thing that allows noobs to take you down in a stunt run. I hate it, a lot of people hate it, it has to go, it takes all the fun out of a stunt run, and I don't know about on Playstation Network but on Xbox Live it's considered rude to take down somebody because think about it it's not that uncommon to get 50 million or above on a stunt run. I do it and see it everyday. Lets say someone got 300 million on a online stunt run and a little noob comes along and takes that person down, so they get combo killed. Noobs only do that because they are jealous that they can't get a high score themselves and anybody would be pissed off if that happened to them. You have to work your a** off to get a high score like that and when someone takes you down it takes all the fun out of it and all that time was wasted for nothing. A lot of good stunt runners, including me, having got together on xbox live and play together every night doing stunt runs and marked mans. We all agree that everybody deserves an equal chance on stunt run. When somebody takes me or anybody else down in a stunt run and since I host most of my games I kick them from the game right away. I know a lot of people that do that and some even give them bad rep. The new feature should be that when someone takes you down you can keep your combo and keep going. Other things that should be changed are making the map several times as big even though it's already big, make more types of areas on the map ,for example desert, forest, etc. Also add buses, tractor trailers, snow mobiles, atvs, and more, and even bigger variety of cars and trucks. Improve the game connection. Make cars more customizable. Add bikes with boost. One last thing on Burnout Paradise a lot of people are getting bored with it so add a Mountain DLC so you can go higher up in the mountains and make ski parks and huge jumps because there have been rumors going around that it was supposed to come out on dec. 2, 2009 and it didn't. Make toy cars for the extreme hot rod, dust storm super turbo, and all cars and burning route cars. I can give more posts later on about ideas for those. Criterion games, if you guys do everything I posted here people will like playing the game a lot better even though it's already good and you guys will make a lot more money. Everyone wants these changes. I'm going to post the same thing on criteriongames.com later.
Thanks for your comment, glad to see another member who has a lot to say!
I agree with you in some part, for stunt runs you need an open world - the bigger the better!
But, for Burnout style racing and road rage, you really need closed tracks!
Online Racing in Burnout Paradise never really worked IMO and neither did Road Rage. The only things in BP that I enjoyed online were the challenges (timed especially) and stunt run. Both of these game modes are new to the Burnout series and they only work in an Open World. So, if you want these things, open world is the way to go.
But, for racing and road rage to be FUN and competitive, you really need to have closed tracks, rubber banding, boost starts and drift jumping too!
IOO, lol, rotfflmfao, hey paradise was a good game it just was not the same as the others, but racing needs tracks, road rage needed guidence, like tracks, and the yellow wall cheverons were burnout, don't get me wrong breaking throu them is cool but still needed if it was not a solid wall.
and mid-town for the win!
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
so i can only lay an opinion if ive played it ? well i have actually played it and i am airing my opinion....... and id prefer it if it wasnt open world ...... thats one of the reasons why i didnt continue to play it ....... i really dont like open world ..... i want to race on a track like racers do.... you know you dont exactly see Jenson Button driving round England looking for Lewis Hamilton tjust to get a race do you ?????? exactly it shouldnt be open world imo ....... and as or your IOO ...... im too polite to say what i abbreviated it as ...... :)
...none was intended, its just from your posts on this site you have constantly derided the game whilst stating that you will not play it (even when offered a review copy or when you had to trade Revenge for it).
Mon, 10/12/2009 - 12:49
wow no other options
I don't mind an open lobby system, but need a racing, rage, crash lobby, that makes sure it don't get laggy takedowns etc when playing.
Paradise played alot better with my new connection, but the crash boxes are still off.
"But how many people have 50meg down and 1.6 up to play Paradise?"
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Sun, 11/08/2009 - 22:16
Its a no for me
"But how many people have 50meg down and 1.6 up to play Paradise?" - I do by the way
and i couldnt live without it!!
As for the poll, bored of open world now. In the end the playing area just becomes over saturated with glitchers looking to do nothing more than find places you shouldnt be able to get to. Yeah it was fun for a while but got old quick. Bring back a traditional racer with more tracks, a more diverse range of cars and focus on the one ingredient that created Burnout - getting from point A to point B at insane speeds without crashing.
paradise360.proboards.com - The Community Forum For Burnout Paradise fans on the xbox360
paradise360.proboards.com - The Community Forum For Burnout Paradise fans on the xbox360
Mon, 11/09/2009 - 09:28
Well Said!
I really want a return to closed tracks, and am glad the current racing games (Forza, NFS Shift) have made closed tracks the current way to go, and the games coming next year (Split/Second, blur) also have closed tracks, so maybe the trend has changed for good and Open World racers were a flash in the pan?
The main thing I disliked about Open World Burnout (other than not knowing where to go most of the time) was all the milling around... I just want to RACE! (or Road Rage, or play something, in Paradise mostly stunt run or challenges) The amount of time just spent waiting for something to happen cos other people enjoyed just driving around was really, really, really boring for me. Just driving around holds no appeal at all... and doing Road Rules, or jumping to see how high a flat spin/barrel roll you can get holds limited appeal, so I really, really, really hope CG go back to closed tracks for their future racing releases!
I was going to add that if CG do stick to the Open World format, that they add something fun for me to do while I wait... but I think the main reason I enjoy playing online is the competitiveness or co-operation of doing the same thing as everyone else in the room. I think Paradise also suffered (for me) as an online game, because everyone in the room with you could be doing something different, or be in different parts of the map... which (for me) makes a very disjointed gaming session. So, It's a NO to Open Worlds for me!
Nero Angelo
Tue, 11/10/2009 - 05:26
A sudden Change of Mind?
..... Feels like Vindication for a Lot of Revengers..... Like somehow, they were right after all....
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
Tue, 11/10/2009 - 11:21
"But how many people have
"But how many people have 50meg down and 1.6 up to play Paradise?" I do. I actually have a lot more then that. I pay for 100 down and 10 up (but when I tested my connection earlier this year it was actually around 300 down and 50 up).
Back on topic.... kind of a big lead for Open World. Looks like it was popular with a lot of players. The open world have it's pros and cons. It's great for Challenges (apart from having to wait for people to show up... but you often had to wait for someone who was at the location when the Challenge started as well so...) and Stunt run. Not so great for Racing, Marked Man and Road Rage.
My suggestion would be to make an open world where you can do Challenges, Stunt Runs or just mess around, but make it a fenced in track within the open world when it's time for a Race, Marked Man or Road Rage. Just block of the streets like in the demo to make a track. Shouldn't be that hard to do.
Tue, 11/10/2009 - 11:41
so what people are saying is the same
and who are you with, with 300 meg down 50 meg up? and how mucho? and did the game play better or not with a better connection?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Wed, 11/11/2009 - 09:44
I have never played the game
I have never played the game with a connection that is slower, so I can't really compare. All I can tell you is that with my connection there is no difference when playing online or offline... but other people with really bad connections can still make the game lag of course (usually around themselves). But obviously you don't really need as high speed as this to get a good flow in the game.
I'm not sure how widely available a connection like this would be in other countries, but in Sweden where I'm it's quiet common. And the speed will also vary depending on how many in the immediate area are using it at the moment. Just took the test again, but this time I only got 244 down and 48 up.
Wed, 11/11/2009 - 09:46
Good subject
Haha... That became a good subject for my previous post.
I guess that's what happens if you don't pick one yourself.
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 16:09
Closed Tracks Equals Less Skill and less to worry about
I would liek a hybrid. I love Burnout 3 Takedown and Paradise. Read my past articles on the future of Burnout. That is how I believe it should be.
"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya
"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya
Nero Angelo
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 22:45
is not defined by closed and open tracks..
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
Sat, 11/28/2009 - 04:18
but it is tested...
Obviously, but after a while, even though closed tracks are fun. "Shortest route to point A to B" leaves a lot of room for flexibility. Its more stimulation and awareness, less predicatable. Skill is not the only thing put to the test.
"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya
"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya
Nero Angelo
Sat, 11/28/2009 - 04:54
At a Loss...
And your assumming that closed tracks.... are less predictable and have less room for flexibility?
Flexibilty is defined as what to you? Finding routes? Finding another way to go from point A to B? Is that how youre defining it? I guess Im not understanding it...
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
Sat, 11/28/2009 - 05:04
The option to make more unrecoverable mistakes are greater.
I like having the option to make major mistakes, even though in closed tracks major mistakes can happen, you still know where you are going without a compass (so to speak). In paradise open world, I like because it reminds me of real life metaphorically, sometimes if you have to worry about more than just a closed situation. Read one of my past articles on how the next Burnout should be, as I stated before. I'm sure I forgot most of what I wanted to say.
With me, the fun for closed tracks in Burnout ended after Burnout 3 takedown and Revenge on the Xbox and PS2, once it got to the next gen systems, it died. Simulation games are the only closed tracks that seem like a challenge and logical to play on a closed track.
"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya
"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya
Nero Angelo
Sat, 11/28/2009 - 05:14
You like Paradise because one mistake you make could pretty much cause you a loss, because you went the wrong way?
Sounds almost like...
Revenge where on you make one crash or miss one turn properly and you lose even at a 50ft distance...
I think the option for unrecoverable mistakes is great in both games at a very competitive level.. Neither games can you afford to make mistakes.. A Win is a Win, and A Loss is a Loss..
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
Sat, 11/28/2009 - 05:28
I assume that you did not read the article. Its cool if you didn't feel like it before you responded. There is a differnce between what sounds like, what could be and what is...
Later , all
"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya
"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya
Nero Angelo
Sat, 11/28/2009 - 18:57
Unfortunately, I did read the article and i dont mind that you like Paradise.. Nothing wrong with it.. I was just merely wondering what you meant, as I really dont understand what you meant when you said that "closed tracks equal less skill..."
No assumptions; just clarification..
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
Mon, 11/30/2009 - 15:42
NO! and thats a Spanish NOH!
(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)
Tue, 12/01/2009 - 19:16
As much as I love the previous games, I don't want to ever return to those closed circuit tracks ever again. After a day or two, you've already seen and done all there is to see and do on the track... and after a week or two, well... the game's already done and there's nothing really left to do anymore. Going back to Revenge or Takedown feels like a huge step backwards now, like they were betas for what they really wanted to do all along in Paradise.
Yeah, it's fun playing people online, but again, there's really not all that much to do once everyone follows the same racing line, uses the same tricks, etc...
The only real way that I think that style of game would work again is if they *completely* changed the gameplay and added a ton more elements to it (which wouldn't be a surprise since it's Criterion we're talking about here)... but honestly, after the massive success of Paradise compared to the previous games, I don't think it will happen anyways.
Tue, 12/01/2009 - 19:46
Tracks v Open World
This vote is overwhelmingly in favor of Open World, but I still think there is plenty of life left in track based arcade racers. Especially when they have something unique about them like Burnout does.
TBH I don't think the Open World suited Burnout at all, the whole point of Burnout games was to drive dangerously to earn boost to help you to win the race... this aspect of the game kinda got lost in the Open World exploration and discovery of Paradise.
But, people seem to like it, and I seem to be in the minority... I do hope tho that Split/Second and blur inject more life into closed track arcade racing, and that it opens up the genre again to more new ideas.
I have never been interested in just racing around a track sim style, there always has to be some extra element to make it exciting. Burnout 1 through to 4 have extra elements that still keep me coming back to play them, even tho I know the tracks inside out!
Track design is a huge factor too, the tracks in Burnout games are BRILLIANT! Very well designed and so much fun to drive around millions of times!!
Nero Angelo
Fri, 12/04/2009 - 15:39
I think the votes are not representative of the true population:
1. This is strictly an opinion poll, one which who feel strongly enough about the game will most likely voice their opinions.. the other 90% are unaccounted for..
2. Too bad a random sample wasnt really taken here.. Pick 30 random Revenge players and pick 30 random Paradise players and you'll have better results.. However picking one now would result in pretty bad statistics too cause everyone that still stays in either games REALLY LIKE the game.. So a good poll should have been done a while ago when the game was about 3 months old, and a random sample was taken....
Ok Let the comments, criticisms, sarcasms, and one sided arguments begin...
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
Sat, 12/05/2009 - 03:03
I would rather play open world because then there is more to explore. I love stunt running and my top score is 606,396,220. Yeah it's true that if you went back to closed road racing you could have map packs or map areas for stunt running, but that isn't even close to enough for me it's better to have the whole city so you have more options on what stunts you will do and be able to have your own stunt run plan. I do like the road rage on the old burnout games like burnout 3 because it's more fun to take down other cars, but you can do the same on one big map where you just have a path closed off during a road rage or have a option to do that or open world road raging. Also online marked man and online road rage would suck if there was closed road racing. I have talked to a lot of people on xbox live and I have not found a single person that wants the next burnout to go back to the old way. When Criterion Games released Burnout Paradise a lot more people bought it than on the old burnout games because open world racing is what made it a lot better. I love playing Burnout Paradise and if they go back to the old way a lot of people that have Burnout Paradise won't buy the next burnout. Somebody said that if they go back to closed road racing nobody will buy it except for maybe one person. I strongly believe that Criterion games will make a lot more money if they keep open world racing because I mean what company doesn't want to make a lot of money, so I suggest making the next burnout open world. I talked to a lot of people on xbox live and there's changes to the next game you guys could make. For example, disable the thing that allows noobs to take you down in a stunt run. I hate it, a lot of people hate it, it has to go, it takes all the fun out of a stunt run, and I don't know about on Playstation Network but on Xbox Live it's considered rude to take down somebody because think about it it's not that uncommon to get 50 million or above on a stunt run. I do it and see it everyday. Lets say someone got 300 million on a online stunt run and a little noob comes along and takes that person down, so they get combo killed. Noobs only do that because they are jealous that they can't get a high score themselves and anybody would be pissed off if that happened to them. You have to work your a** off to get a high score like that and when someone takes you down it takes all the fun out of it and all that time was wasted for nothing. A lot of good stunt runners, including me, having got together on xbox live and play together every night doing stunt runs and marked mans. We all agree that everybody deserves an equal chance on stunt run. When somebody takes me or anybody else down in a stunt run and since I host most of my games I kick them from the game right away. I know a lot of people that do that and some even give them bad rep. The new feature should be that when someone takes you down you can keep your combo and keep going. Other things that should be changed are making the map several times as big even though it's already big, make more types of areas on the map ,for example desert, forest, etc. Also add buses, tractor trailers, snow mobiles, atvs, and more, and even bigger variety of cars and trucks. Improve the game connection. Make cars more customizable. Add bikes with boost. One last thing on Burnout Paradise a lot of people are getting bored with it so add a Mountain DLC so you can go higher up in the mountains and make ski parks and huge jumps because there have been rumors going around that it was supposed to come out on dec. 2, 2009 and it didn't. Make toy cars for the extreme hot rod, dust storm super turbo, and all cars and burning route cars. I can give more posts later on about ideas for those. Criterion games, if you guys do everything I posted here people will like playing the game a lot better even though it's already good and you guys will make a lot more money. Everyone wants these changes. I'm going to post the same thing on criteriongames.com later.
Sat, 12/05/2009 - 11:35
definitely maybe...
Thanks for your comment, glad to see another member who has a lot to say!
I agree with you in some part, for stunt runs you need an open world - the bigger the better!
But, for Burnout style racing and road rage, you really need closed tracks!
Online Racing in Burnout Paradise never really worked IMO and neither did Road Rage. The only things in BP that I enjoyed online were the challenges (timed especially) and stunt run. Both of these game modes are new to the Burnout series and they only work in an Open World. So, if you want these things, open world is the way to go.
But, for racing and road rage to be FUN and competitive, you really need to have closed tracks, rubber banding, boost starts and drift jumping too!
Nero Angelo
Sat, 12/05/2009 - 20:14
( Comment Deleted )
- LOL - I had second thoughts about posting that comment.. LOL
"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)
Sat, 12/12/2009 - 13:24
Like midtown madness?
Midtown madness has a open-world system, but for some races it "fences" the roads... Could the be a solution?
Sat, 12/12/2009 - 17:08
i think you know
what im going to say ??????? open world killed burnout imo ....... and im hoping that the new burnout wont be open world ........
Sat, 12/12/2009 - 20:34
You can only have an opinion on it if you've played it, maybe you should use IOO(in others opinion).
Sun, 12/13/2009 - 14:25
now thats some funny tihs right there
IOO, lol, rotfflmfao, hey paradise was a good game it just was not the same as the others, but racing needs tracks, road rage needed guidence, like tracks, and the yellow wall cheverons were burnout, don't get me wrong breaking throu them is cool but still needed if it was not a solid wall.
and mid-town for the win!
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Fri, 12/18/2009 - 12:18
ha your funny
so i can only lay an opinion if ive played it ? well i have actually played it and i am airing my opinion....... and id prefer it if it wasnt open world ...... thats one of the reasons why i didnt continue to play it ....... i really dont like open world ..... i want to race on a track like racers do.... you know you dont exactly see Jenson Button driving round England looking for Lewis Hamilton tjust to get a race do you ?????? exactly it shouldnt be open world imo ....... and as or your IOO ...... im too polite to say what i abbreviated it as ...... :)
Sun, 12/20/2009 - 17:44
Apologies for any offence...
...none was intended, its just from your posts on this site you have constantly derided the game whilst stating that you will not play it (even when offered a review copy or when you had to trade Revenge for it).
I'm intrigued by what your too polite to say...
...Inbred Obstinate Oik?
...Illiterate Opinionated Onanist?
...Idiotic Offensive Oddity?
Please, do tell.
Tue, 12/22/2009 - 14:08
see you really can make all
see you really can make all kinds of words out of IOO ..... lmao