another boring blogg

5:30am what the shugar ray lenord is that about (Trying not to swear) dude I never made it to bed last nigh as I was watching this new fangled  contraption the Television and woke up this morning on my setee with a stiff neck and for some reason I want to buy the six second ab machine (Tv still on this morning) and why do I have the urge to exercise, I dont do exercise,  exercise is for people who are workshy and dont work 12+ hours a day, how am I supposd to exercise when I am so tired I sometimes fall asleep at work in my private office upstairs in a differant building to the boss (life can be sweet sometimes) ..

I dont host rooms, but when i did, I was probably the worst host in the World (carlsberg) having a short attention span can have its ups and its downs, it can seem that I am intrested in someone's conversation but am thinking of something else (Spider pig, spider pig.....) this is what happens when I used to host rooms, I kick people for no reason, I kick people if I cant understand them (ichi is my translator) I kick Yanks (no offence Ezo) when I say hello to them and they say What, I kick chicks that dont bounce with me  and friends request to the ones that do (followed by email, telephone number and a county court  judgment stoping me going within a 1000 miles of them) I kick friends, I kick anyone really I would probly kick the Creator so I could have his chickalita to myself (sorry dude) I always vet a room and that is just make shure everyone talks (you get kicked if you dont) I make shure averyone is over 18 (nothing worse than saying the sickest joke ever and having a 9 year old pipe up) I kick english people (hate the english sorry everyone) so yes its hard finding someone to race with, and when I did get a full room I would do say 6 laps on the mountain in 190 cars, so yes I dont host anymore so I dont get to choose what to play and ended up doing 160 cars last night with a few people (remember ichie I played this on xbox) yes I won it was to easy, I dont think I ever take the same route around tracks anymore and sometime do them backwards (why is the nixon faster than the revenge in reverse) I have Cagney and Lacey on the tv at the moment, I used to watch it as a kid and think they were so old (its the other way round now) dang attention span thingy.. right I really cant be botherd to type anymore and urm yeah oh I have just realised I havent mentioned suffur again sorry dude I forgot, Spider suffur, Spider suffur does what ever a spider suffur does, can he swing froma web, no cant he is a suffur, lookout hears comes spider suffur.. damn this acting is so wooden, right im off I cant be botherd  and befor I do go God damn it Bootleg your so damn fine boy..


oO EezO Oo's picture

Its not so bad getting kicked by boot,  we all just keep hopping back into his room until he gets sick of us and lets us race.

" Ooh ooh ooh......VERTICAL.......sweeeeeeeeeeet! "

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!