

If my back was to you, would you know not to scare me?!


Want to think about The Written Word/Symbols and Cowboys? Where is The Written Word going? Everybody uses it @ work yes but why, and will we need it if our minds were to become technologically advanced? Is the next level ever going to come. SmilEy

I'm bearing in mind that symbols were arguably the first form of written communication: Sumerian Cuneiform the earliest “written expression”.

Symbols are everywhere and they are well interesting mate:

Shapes are believed to have power and I hope you know this; if you look at street layouts of say Paris or Washington and Rome you may begin to see Symbols and shapes, should ask yourself why. Triangles, of streets. And I’ll do the Cowboy bit now lol


Been playing Red Dead Redemption by Rockstar and it’s a great game. Bikers have long been coined “modern day cowboys”, and you know I ride all the time but it doesn’t necessarily mean I’d make a good wholesome Cowboy lol It’s nice to wander around open world games at your own pace if ya got the time to, that’s why I liked Farcry and why I like this game.

Night time is particularly appealing, the notion of a save point being a camp next to your horse and a fire, under the stars wherever you choose to is cute but I’m thinking about it all. I’m wondering what a Cowboy in that age knew about what the Ancient Civilizations thought and knew of the Stars. Do I, Cowpoke, know of the 72 year, 1 degree precession? Do I know those 3 stars over there are Orion’s Belt and The Pyramids Of Giza relation? What Do I know? Did the Cowboy Era really exist, do faded photographs prove my time existed??

This is relevant for the end. Have a fear of heights, probably mentioned it some time ago but not in depth on how it works here. Y’all think I hit every branch on the Insanity Tree anyway so why not go further eh? One’s mind and body are very pliable, yes sir they are, indoctrinations, schools, food, water, the air we breathe and everything around you affect your mind, your chemistry and If you believe in fate then you are with me I’m sure.

Some time ago I became “sensitive” towards tall things, and the size of things, like a shirker away from what I saw/felt. The tangible one being buildings, tall feckers. Still find it difficult to stand close to a building over 3 or 4 storeys but I’m coming to terms with the size of it all and the weird one is that I can only use cash points on buildings that are one storey tops. Cant get close otherwise. Told ya. Nuts.

Why are Astronauts so rigorously trained about Pressure? Could you honestly say you could stand on the Surface of the Moon? Have a good think about it. D’ya think those boys who are supposed to have walked the surface of the moon really saw other worldly ships and were told in no uncertain terms by who knows what not to return? Any truth in the supposed fact of that transmission in Binary from Space that really replied to us “We weren’t talking to you”,? Yeah I know, funny feckin questions lol

The height sensitivity managed to manifest itself into a reversal and combination of Horizontal and Vertical in my mind at one point, just sat on a bike @ a 4 way junction in the middle of nowhere almost like a desert, so flat and I had an episode of something; may have said it before but the greatest height, biggest FALL possible, suddenly seemed like both the Vertical and the Horizontal from Me, where I was on Earth just then. Both? A 90 degree angle from that spot. If gravity was a Man, I would have kissed his feet just then. This is why this Cowboy can no longer comfortably gaze @ the stars!

I don’t know if anyone will understand any or all of the above, simply, pondering helps put things into perspective and I’m looking for one. I do like Ancient History, I don’t say Love I say like because I’m not studious enough to dig really deep so I scratch surfaces.


2nd line?!

I was hoping to talk about Conspiracy Theories for my last “alphabetical” blog. It is risky, on levels.

Before I go on please note I do not wear a tinfoil hat nor do I stockpile food, water or seeds and I don't have a bunker somewhere to hide and live until the TSHTF has passed! I do believe something is going to happen in 2012, we might get to that, and also I believe the Government of our country or of this world is not what you think it is, or is run by who you think it is. The curriculum in our education system is a smoke screen, the powers that be are VERY clever and VERY devious, though gotta be thankful for what I got out of it. Alcohol is a dangerous thing, far far worse than Cannabis (I'm not saying I partake of either but look back anyways), if this isn't true why do we have so many corner stores and discount booze stores where the incentive is, buy more, costs less? Why do they want you to buy more booze? That's an easy one lol Glass of their water anyone?

So a Conspiracy Theorist is gonna know a little about 911 yes? Course they are and to be honest, that's what got me into theories and asking questions. My brief history would be; yes, I do believe in Astrology, Aliens and UFO's though I've never seen either of these, I am not religious, I won't even grace the word with a capital letter it's that much of a crock, so No God for me although as said before I do believe there is Satanic Symbolism and overtones in most of everything we see and touch or taste so if that is the case, surely there is a God, Ying Yang? It would make sense to me But I don't know. I like impossible, incredible structures (from afar) that have deep esoteric symbolism about astrology and secretive ancient history, our history and the possibility we are ascendant of a race from a fabled planet; Nibiru. Well cool :) And Darwinism: bullcrap, you can suck my dogs sprouts for that one. If I had a dog, and that ones a belief.

A while ago I was fascinated by www.serpo.org – cant do a linky. I read it all and I think the jist (bad memory) is that we had an exchange program between Greys and 12 Humans which ultimately was a result of the Roswell New Mexico incident in the late 40's? A fun read, and met EBE, loved the bit where Ronald Reagan at the screening of Close Encounters Of The Third kind turned to Spielberg and said regarding the finale exchange; “ya don't know how close ya got to the truth”. Haha It's all been “debunked” as truth seekers say. But I still have a gamertag Serpo, oops

Was gonna say, please remember I lead a normal life with a good job, I've never been sectioned, am not paranoid, depressive or schizophrenic nor have I ever been involved in any heinous crimes and I don't go out of my way to be nasty or hurt people, I'm normal and whatever I relay to you next, if you can be arsed reading, are all other peoples ideas and groupings of information, a LOT of it is mad, a lot of it you might be aware of and I may appear to be condescending or patronising and I apologise if that is the case. I know about as much as the next man where these things are concerned.

David Icke.

When I was a kid I probably knew David Icke was a Sports commentator as I watched TV back then, yet all I remember now is the news headline “Icke thinks he's God” or something along those lines; could be son of God but doesnt warrant a search right now. Nowadays people think he's crazy because deep down his Theories lead to the Reptilian path. He believes that the Royal Family, amongst others, are Reptilians in Human form, Shapeshifters who eat children and drink their blood, we can take a look behind that. Again ffs I'm just saying what I've seen or read, my beliefs are my own.

The above would be enough to put David Icke in the fantastically deranged category yes? Defo but hang on....

David Icke was supposedly on a trip somewhere I think on a coach abroad maybe 15-20 years ago when his revelation occurred, he felt a pull to a spot in the open countryside, think it was a mound of some sort and he got out of whatever vehicle he was travelling in and walked over to it and was transfixed on this spot, couldnt move, something akin to a Highlander who had just killed another immortal brother lol

So we had a new revitalised David, if you want to believe what he says. A man who coined the phrase; problem, reaction, solution. Apply it to what you will in Government action, the news. Very nice. He does know about Compartmentalization. Wouldn't hurt to check his website, just don't buy anything, be like blinkered?

I have respect for this guy, for fighting for what he believes to be true, recently he has surmised that the Moon is some sort of space station or something but I don't keep up with it all anymore for now? The reptilian thing is very interesting, looking past the ritualistic murder of children thing there David and going to Bloodlines. There are theories that this human/our populace are descendant of a race called the Annunaki, another gamertag I used, this is for fighting, this is for fun! Anu and Enki (brothers)? are our supposed founding fathers. The Annunaki honed in on Earth to mine I know not what? And required slaves so manipulated the DNA from the then Human with their own and birthed a new breed of being, a soulless and mindless slave to excavate and build away for them. One of the brothers grew fond of their creation, felt sorry for our mindless existence and introduced emotion into our DNA. Seems this was a mistake but look around you, right now.


They are from the Planet X, Niburu which is the supposed 10th planet in our solar sytem which enters the region of Mars? from it's eliptical course every (think it's 2600 years or maybe 3600 years).

On the 21st December 2012 (you've seen the movie) people believe that this huge planet will cause its most deadly disturbance upon our gravity, some say gravity will stop for around 3 days as it passes our planetary neighbours, it's presence that powerful, Katrina x 100. There are claims that on previous “flybys” Nibiru the planet caused Noah's flood and Atlantis to sink, smilEy lol What will the Giant Annunaki Gods have in store for this time around eh?! lol

Unsurprisingly there are two prophetic systems that end on the above date in 2012, The Mayan Calender and the Chinese I-Ching system (I haven't researched either of them, being honest). Now why did I say Unsurprisingly?

Let us take a break and talk about something really light-hearted.... not ha!

I don't think there are that many people in the highest compartment of the business that we call The Media.

That thing you watch in the corner of your living room, those songs you hear on the more popular radio stations, those shiny discs we put into our DVD players and the pieces of paper you buy from the newsagent. Ever wonder why a select few own the companies that bring you this media?! Pretty sure there is an “Elitism” that most folk are not aware of. Someone has got to be pulling the strings, there can be no doubt. I like Ghost stories, like Horror stories too but the real Horror Story is the one you are involved in right this second, right now, no second thoughts. How can you seriously believe that this place, our World, OUR EARTH, is in a place where it's supposed to be?! Look at the place man.

Our species Murders, Steals, Cheats Abuses and Lies. For what; Greed. It's all it can be really, greedy little uncaring few! Lol

Reet I'm back from a working Sunday in the bike shop and it was dead man, proper quiet, GP is on and I don't follow it but would seem millions do. I must apologise for not laying these sections above out in a proper manner, you do know I don't plan shit proper, I just do stuff and suffer the consequences later!

So I'll try to finish the David Icke mention; he makes a good living from his books and lectures so you have to question him and what he believes in. How can people believe only half of a mans convictions, that would be my question. Alright he is a very good speaker, his theories on the Triangles Of Power, almost like the 33 degrees of Freemasonry are very clever. We at the bottom of any triangle in any scenario do not know what the select few at the top are doing, what they are really capable of, simple as. Yet why would you believe what he says about that if you do not believe his stance on the Reptilian Agenda, as it was? Because you are not going to believe in Reptilian Shapeshifters are you? So putting your trust in a man who holds these “facts” to be true is really daft! You cannot say yes I'm with you on the Power structures but for my own piece of mind I'll brush the Reptilian bit to one side and ignore it.

I hope someone at least saw how I called myself a hypocrite just now lol

Right I'm bored and need a laugh.... hahahaha K, 2012 I suppose?

Pretty sure you've seen the number thrown around for a while, more and more as we head towards that date and I'm also damned sure “we” don't know what it means and what is going to happen. Really wish I could blatantly swear right now. The Mayan calender ends on 21/12/2012 and people believe the reason for that is that we will be moving into a New Age, almost a new dimension of spirituality? and I'll go with that one on the surface, thanks lol Others believe it's Nibiru's gravitational pull that will disturb our planets balance and cause massive ecological damage, Earthquakes, Floods and huge “natural” disasters which will put an end to the world as we know it. Some people believe that the powers that be have a depopulation plan from whatever billion (9)? down to 500 million and they will do this by harnessing the power of the H.A.A.R.P facility in Alaska because the earth cannot sustain the growing population level. Or there could be World War 3 because Russia farted after a rank kebab and China gets a whiff and Nukes the feckin Kebab shop?!

Then If you look at TV and Movies and the news, back to the media and look at the big word DISCLOSURE what do you think? Well I do not wanna be a 9-5er sir (hypocrateee) so I'm gonna have a little fun with the wee time that remains and take a look around and see just how far I can screw myself up and survive with a modicum of sanity, I wanna know why the camera just focused on 6 crates of 7-up in that movie – I didn't see that, Jay Weidner did lol

Yeah dude... Movies. My dad once said when I was kid something about spotting something ordinary in scenes in movies, “remember that pen you just saw son, got significance” and goddamn he was right. What I do not think he realised is that that way of thinking can potentially apply to everything you see.

I am not a media person, Suffur is our Guru bless 'im lol I know nothing about the internals of media, my stance would be big picture and I could well well well be wrong and put me in my place ffs if you will, anyone, I'm JUST typing here, that's all. I came across a sight belonging to a Mr Jay Weidner and two very interesting blogs about Stanley Kubrik the MAN man lol The first one I read was the best explanation of the Movie 2001 A Space Odyssey I have read so far. You really should have a go with that one then watch the final section with the Pink Floyd album Meddle? As a soundtrack – ultra wicked I thought at the time. It's a movie that my mind never cared to indulge in totally and no I aint no space cadet yet but when I did watch it late last year in detail I was blown away. The effects in that film for it's time is incredible and the basics of Mr Weidner's theory are this: Stanley Kubrik filmed the Apollo 11 landing in a studio at the same time he made the movie. He justifies his theory (apart from the photographic evidence and technicalities of his blog) with the question “where did the money come from to support the movie”? If I remember correctly. I might go read it again later SmilEy lol

The other blog was about the Shining movie that SK directed. The best evidence for me are the words – A11 work and no play make Jack a dull boy – read that blog too dude lol He makes it look convincing, really does. And believe what you will.

Right, I think I'm done, this is not gonna pan out like I thought, basically If I went the whole hog you would get bored and I really hope I didn't patronise anyone because simply put I do not know what people think about! I won't talk in depth about 911 or Freemasonry or Stargates or the Kabba or Leylines or Ground Zero or anything else unless asked to, if I've been flagged by the Government then last few phrases should just about put a cap in it hahahafuckinghahaha! Sorry!

Thoughts are endless and are the greatest thing and they have got us where we are right now. Some disastrous event could possibly be just around the corner. Saw something recently about a very strong alignment of Mars and Saturn in the first week of August was it this year? Yeah think so and If you hold as much value in Astrology as stock brokers now and Nostrodamus then did/do, its kiss your ass goodbye time very shortly lol Had fun anyway so thanks for sticking around, bet you took a break?! Peace and ignore everything you just read ok?! See you on NFS!


SUFFUR's picture

It's so long and big, the greatest lie a woman ever told! I will neither confirm or deny, anything, but the spout of tihsllub we all come up with to deal with life being tihs, and that there must be something more, well there is go do it or don't as the case maybe, welcome to XBox live the media circle controlled by a media circle the was a triangle, but all they wanted was a warmer fire and a'nother type of cheese to go with the foul tasting water we get these days, since they bottled up all the good stuff, or use it up in liquid cleaner's. And we fight for it all, and some people still have love for a better future.

Crackdown 2 first dude...and maybe some Need A Speedo! Snap there it is...


And that's it... if the world ends I will die a gamer, and hopefully have sex again before it all does nothing but give us a few very high tides and cramps to raise the murder rate by women higher, lol and some HD picture phone video of Snake Man, standing next to his mate Spoon Man, filmed by a illigitimate child of a famous film director, that has been locked up, for his fake JFK footage dancing on the set of 2001, singing 'they missed the good side, even with half a brain i can run this country, and in 2008 my son will!' Now that's controlling change...

It so easy to make stuff up, that even the truth has been twisted and rewritten because of the human condition, to tell stories to get a shag. Hence my stories are so true they must be fake hence crap, hence no sex, Ergo or what ever that guy said that messed up the matrix by spending money on him instead of cool pretty and very distraction SSSFx, oops key board is against me, so i must away with the though that my mouse friend up there has been in contact with his mind and imagination to long and should master bate more or maybe less, and realise we are all alone in a planet full of people and this sentence is way to long don't ya think.


so now i think it is ok to be alive for as long as anyone wants, and i plan on being here beyond 2012 or its sequel 'mars fall down', staring Mike Douglas him self as a pensioner extreme space trucker, since we lost Hopper... but god (see i'm serious with my dilousion {yeah still can't spill srekcuf}) I do want to find my baseball bat, i have some balls to hit! 

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

was intentional, stutterer of many words and I KNEW we had The Maitreya in here lol If you were thrown an idea would you think about it for us madscape coz that's what I want, your reply in a 10 time size blog, be well, hang to the left SmilEy

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--